Affordable delicacy, delicious panacea ... What did you not know about the benefits and harms of beef tongue


Beef tongue has long been known in diet food. Dishes from this offal are strongly advised for gastrointestinal pathologies, obesity. Although it can not be wholly attributed to low-calorie (compared to other offal), the language is present in the diet for weight loss. Let us consider in more detail what is the use of beef tongue and are there any contraindications for its use.

Familiar and unknown

Oddly enough, this small part of beef carcass is ... muscle, although it refers to offal. The weight of the unprocessed product, covered with an unattractive-looking rough film, reaches 2 kilograms in large animals (in young individuals, calves - from 200 grams).

Beef (veal) language has deservedly won a leading position among offal and in its qualities refers to delicacies. With proper preparation, it has a surprisingly delicate (as for offal) consistency. Use in dishes such as aspic, various snacks, salads. A good language and just boiled with greens is a great alternative to heavy meat dishes for losing weight. The practical use of beef tongue: a rather small amount of it quickly satisfies hunger, speeds up metabolism, thus fighting overweight.

What you need to know about the composition and calories

The content of a whole group of substances important for health testifies to the benefits of beef tongue and compares it favorably with other offal.

The composition contains in sufficient quantities:

• proteins (up to 16%),

• vitamins A, PP, E,

• most of all - vitamins from group B (in particular, folic acid).

In addition, there is 12% fat and only 2.2% carbohydrates.

Enough 70 grams of cooked tongue to fully satisfy the need for vitamin B12. This is especially important for maintaining fat and carbohydrate balance. One hundred grams of raw product has 170 kcal (if boiled, a little more - 230).

An important indicator for monitoring the state of blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular pathologies is the cholesterol content. It is small - only 150 mg. For example, compared with boiled pork tongue, the indicators are most acceptable for diet food.

The benefits of beef tongue

This quite affordable delicacy contains trace elements, without which we will feel malfunctioning. In particular - potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc and several others.

It is zinc, an important trace element for immunity, that there is a significant amount. It is also useful for vision, the reproductive system and, finally, beauty (renewal of skin cells, appearance of nails, hair). One hundred grams of the prepared product satisfies almost half of the adult's daily requirement for zinc.

Enough and vitamin PP - a third of the daily norm in 100 grams. The active forms of this vitamin - nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, play an important role in the redox processes of the whole body.

You need to know that vitamin PP:

- participates in the regulation of the higher nervous system,

- able to dilate blood vessels,

- used in the prevention of blood clots and hypertension;

- positively affects digestion,

- Participates in the detoxification of the body.

It is noted that this vitamin also has an invaluable property in overcoming insomnia, exhausting migraines.

The rich chemical composition, including the necessary substances, indicates the significant benefits of beef tongue. This by-product in dietary nutrition is recommended to replace high-calorie meat dishes.

Beef tongue in the treatment and prevention of diseases

It is recommended for those suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies (even with an ulcer!). It is easy to digest, since it has almost no connective tissue. Having boiled the tongue for the right amount of time (usually at least 2-3 hours), removing a rough film from it, you will get an excellent diet dish. Without fear, it can be used 2-3 times a week (with the exception of a few contraindications).

In the prevention and treatment of such an insidious disease as diabetes, a high content of zinc in beef offal can do a good job. Zinc, as you know, stimulates the body in the process of producing its own insulin. In addition, this element is necessary for wound healing, is involved in the regeneration of the skin.

It is worth saying about such an important element as iron. Its level must be controlled by those who are prone to anemia, low blood pressure, and migraine. In the process of blood formation, iron plays a key role. Therefore, beef tongue, which is included in various dishes, doctors strongly advise pregnant women, children and adolescents, who are actively growing and have a great need for nutrients.

One of the recommendations that medical scientists give for the prevention of colorectal cancer comes down to the advice to reduce the use of high-calorie red meat dishes, possibly replacing them with boiled beef tongue.

Beef tongue and diet

Many medical diets and menus for weight loss (in particular, Ducan’s technique, the first section of “Attack”) recommend beef tongue.

In diets to combat overweight, it is advisable to supplement it with herbs, vegetables. Servings of dishes from the tongue are reduced, thereby reducing the total daily caloric content of food. Using beef tongue with such a diet, you can not be afraid that a deficiency of nutrients will adversely affect the appearance. Quite the contrary: in the language there are enough “beauty vitamins” and important elements that give a healthy look to our skin, shine and liveliness of hair, make our nails strong and shiny.

The harm of beef tongue: the devil is not so terrible ...

It would be a mistake to assume that our wonderful product, on the benefits of which we have provided convincing data, has no downside. And that it can be eaten in unlimited quantities to anyone. Of course, this is not so. No wonder they say that any medicine turns into poison if consumed in excess of prescribed doses.

The same goes for food. Even very useful in exorbitant volumes can hardly become a panacea. The harm of beef tongue is determined by the following factors:

- fat content (12%),

- frequent use (more than 3-4 times a week),

- large portions.

The result is an increased load on the liver.

This also applies to those prone to gastrointestinal pathologies. The benefit of beef tongue for this category of patients ends where the abuse of the product begins. The same applies to almost any person, and especially to the elderly and children.

Do not overdo it with dishes from this offal and pregnant women: despite the many vitamins and minerals useful for a future mother, harm to beef tongue is still possible. Individual intolerance or banal overeating is possible.

We will not recall that a full-fledged product must be fresh and have a certificate (certificate) of the veterinary service about safety. The animal, the meat from which came for sale, must certainly be healthy! The product should not have high doses of antibiotics and other substances hazardous to humans.

It is unacceptable to buy meat (and especially offal!) In dubious places, in particular, in spontaneous markets. Be careful and demanding on the quality of purchased products. Follow a culture of consumption. And then in most cases, our food will benefit us, not harm.


Watch the video: How to Cook and Peel Beef Tongue Correctly - Best Beef Tongue (June 2024).