Do wrinkle starch masks work at home? Homemade Starch Masks Recipes


How do you want to look young when you are already over 40, because in your soul there are no more than 25. A mask made of starch cooked at home will smooth out fine wrinkles, and make deep ones less noticeable.

How to cook, apply correctly and what else you need to know about this miracle remedy?

Who is shown wrinkle starch masks?

Smoothing masks are advised to be applied when facial wrinkles appear, as well as at the first signs of skin aging.

Already at the age of 30-35 years, the so-called "crow's feet" become noticeable around the eyes. After 40 years in the epidermis, the amount of collagen and elastin proteins responsible for the tone and elasticity of the skin decreases. The skin becomes lethargic, dull, nasolabial and frontal wrinkles appear.

Improper nutrition, smoking and excessive exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) negatively affects the condition of the skin. Withering of the skin occurs faster, wrinkles appear at a younger age.

Pros of home cooked masks

In the twenty-first century, cosmetology has stepped far forward. There is a huge selection of professional tools and treatments for aging skin. However, the interest of the beautiful half of humanity in homemade anti-aging masks is growing along with the desire to prolong youth.

A worthy place among such products is masks made of starch from wrinkles. Women applying them notice a noticeable tightening and smoothing effect. Of course, the result will not be as pronounced as from injections of botulism toxin or fillers, but not everyone is ready for such radical procedures.

Home masks have several advantages over salon masks:

• significant savings in money;

• 100% natural ingredients;

• starch has no contraindications; all other components can be selected taking into account individual intolerance;

• saving time that goes to the salon.

Cons of home masks

The disadvantages include:

• you need to make an effort for cooking;

• the likelihood of damage to clothing.

How to apply a wrinkle starch mask

After weighing all the pros and cons, each woman has the right to decide which option is best for her. Girls whose choice is made in favor of home care for themselves, need to follow a few simple recommendations. Then the result of the application will live up to expectations - the skin will become firmer, more elastic, the complexion will improve.

1. Before the application process, the skin should be cleaned of dead cells that impede the penetration of biologically active substances into the epidermis. For this purpose, you first need to wash, then use a scrub or wipe your face with a slice of lemon. Citric acid will dissolve the stratum corneum and the remaining fat is no worse than salon chemical peeling.

2. It is recommended to apply a wrinkle mask gently with a brush, without stretching the skin. All movements go from the bottom up - from the chin to the forehead. If desired, apply the product on the neck and décolleté area.

3. Leave the composition on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

4. During the procedure, try to relax, do not strain the muscles of the face, think about something pleasant.

5. Wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream suitable for the type of skin.

6. To achieve the greatest effect, anti-aging procedures are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week in courses of 10-15 times.

7. A mask prepared at home cannot be stored. Each time you should cook fresh.

8. You can not make a mask if the integrity of the skin is impaired, there are wounds, herpes in the active phase.

9. If strong allergens are included in the composition (honey, strawberries, citrus fruits, cocoa), then an allergy test must be performed before application. Anoint the skin on the wrist or elbow with this product. If redness occurs, select a mask that does not contain a hazardous ingredient.

How to make a wrinkle starch mask

The main ingredient is potato or corn starch. This snow-white powder is found at home in most women. To obtain masks, starch is added to other ingredients in dry form or as a paste. If the product is too liquid,

Preparation of paste:

1. Mix a small amount of starch with cold water.

2. Pour this mixture in a thin stream into boiling water, stirring constantly.

3. Remove from the stove, cool.

Water can be replaced with milk.

Wrinkle Starch Mask Recipes

For normal skin

Prepare a paste from 200 ml of water and 0.5 tablespoon of starch. Add 0.5 tablespoons of thick sour cream and 2.5 tablespoons of carrot juice. To get carrot juice, the vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater, then squeezed through cheesecloth.

The same mask can be made thicker if you change the proportions of water (50 ml) and starch (1 large spoon), then mix carrot juice and sour cream 1 tablespoon each. The tool of this consistency is easier to apply and does not drain. The action is similar to a liquid mask. Choose the one you like best.

Tones up, nourishes, activates the production of collagen, eliminates small ones, smoothes deep wrinkles, heals microcracks, improves color.

For dry skin

Cook a paste of 100 ml of milk and 1 teaspoon of starch. Mix with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of carrot juice.

Prevents dryness, provides cell nutrition, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin well, makes it smooth, supple, gives a healthy color.

For oily skin

In a cooled paste made from 400 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of starch, put beaten egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

It tightens the oval of the face, removes toxins, cleanses, reduces the number of wrinkles, whitens.


Mix egg white with a tablespoon of starch.

This mask is applied in several layers as it dries.

It fights lethargy due to the presence of collagen in the protein.


Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of starch and the same amount of tomato juice.

Cannot be put on forever.

This simple remedy moisturizes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pigmentation, protects from sunlight, tightens.

Perform an allergy test.


Mix 4 tablespoons of starch and thick sour cream. Pour 1 teaspoon of cocoa. Mix well and heat over low heat until thickened.

Can be applied to the skin around the eyes.

Relieves dryness, inflammation, saturates the epidermis with oxygen, gives a healthy color, smoothes. Cocoa contains essential oils whose aroma improves mood.

There is a risk of allergies.

With honey

In a paste (1 tablespoon of starch and 100 ml of water) add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 large spoon of sour cream (or yogurt).

With very dry skin, you can put a little melted butter.

Suitable for the area around the eyes.

It nourishes and smoothes the skin well, heals small wounds, and helps cells to breathe.

Allergic reactions are possible.


Pour 1 small spoonful of starch and small salt into a bowl, pour the same amount of liquid honey, mix well. You can take purified sea salt, previously crushed it. Leave on for 25 minutes.

With a dry type of epidermis, it is recommended to add a little cream.

If there is a burning sensation, remove the product, wipe the skin with a decoction of chamomile.

Do not use around the eyes.

Moisturizes, smoothes, smoothes, nourishes, cleanses, whitens.

Allergic reactions are likely.

With regular use of a mask of starch from wrinkles, the skin will become elastic, toned, will delight with a beautiful even color. A wide selection of starch masks will allow you to find your favorite and get positive emotions along with rejuvenation.


Watch the video: Cornstarch Face Mask With Botox Effect - The Results Are Fabulous! (July 2024).