What you need to do for a puppy before he appears in the house. Starter kit for a puppy: what you need to buy a baby for the first year of life


Finally, the dream came true. You have already agreed with the breeder and determined the day when your family will replenish with a new four-legged member. But are you well prepared to meet the baby?

For the first time starting a puppy’s house, many owners do not know what to buy for a pet and how to arrange housing for his arrival. Our list of necessary preparations and purchases will help novice dog breeders.

Preparing the house for the arrival of the puppy: what needs to be done for the safety of the new tenant

Preparation for moving a four-legged friend should begin with a thorough revision of the house. Place a tab on all open cables and electrical wires: hide them in special boxes or secure them at a height that is out of reach for the baby. If the floor is covered with slippery parquet or laminate - lay rugs, mats or linoleum for a while. Remove the carpets.

The entrance to the balcony is equipped with protective nets. Check if the wallpaper is lagging - little pranksters love to chew on their edges. Look through the furniture - all doors must be tight and securely closed. Eliminate the narrow spaces between the cabinets and the walls - a curious crumb can climb into the gap, which is very difficult to get out of.

The second thing to do for the puppy is to carry out a general cleaning the day before his arrival. Wash floors with a disinfectant. Carefully inspect all hidden nooks and crannies - for pencils, pens, paper clips, small parts of children's toys and buttons. Put shoes, books, floor vases, household chemicals, medicines, easy-to-beat objects and small accessories in a secluded place.

We take the puppy home: what you need to buy to transport a new family member

Try to pick up the baby in the morning. Before going to the breeder, get a suitable container or carrying bag. Use it, even if you are driving a puppy in a private car: a frightened animal will kick, break out of his hands and interfere with the driver. Cover the bottom of the temporary house with soft bedding and a disposable diaper-waterproof. If you have a long road, stock up on a bowl and drinking water.

When choosing transportation, pay attention to the design and material. A high-quality product is made of durable plastic, it has convenient handles, low weight and numerous ventilation holes. Bags should be sewn from a practical, dense material and complemented with reliable hardware.

Place for a pet: what you need for the convenience of a puppy

For a dog's place, choose bright rooms located near your bedroom. An ideal nook away from batteries and windows. There should be no drafts in the puppy room. Do not put the baby in the corridor, next to the front door or balcony - extraneous sounds will make the baby crumble. A soft basket or an oval pillow with sides, equipped with a removable cover, is suitable as a couch. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly be with the baby, get a spacious cage or pen-playpen.

Since pre-vaccination and within two weeks after it is not allowed for the animal to walk, the dog will go to the toilet in the apartment. To avoid countless puddles, piles and preserve the floor, purchase several packs of absorbent diapers in advance. If you opted for a tray, then opt for stable containers with low sides. Do not look towards cheap plastic - it perfectly absorbs odors. Cynologists recommend using disposable diapers as a filler.

What you need to get for a puppy

Each newly made dog breeder before the appearance of the pet goes to the pet store and falls into a stupor from a huge selection of goods. Don’t worry, you don’t have to buy up half of the assortment - not so much is needed for the puppy. Focus on quality, not amount of puppy dowry.

Food and bowls

Before making a decision about food for the puppy, ask the breeder what the baby was eating. At first, stick to the same diet. Next, choose what is more acceptable for you: natural or dry food. Do not forget that the transition to the new menu is carried out gradually.

For a four-legged household, two bowls will be needed - for water and food. The dishes should be stable, the recommended material is ceramics. Make sure the plates are heavy enough, otherwise the puppy will easily turn them over. For animals with drooping ears, choose small items with high sides.

First aid kit and care products

At the slightest suspicion of a puppy's health problems, a caring owner turns to the veterinarian. But to provide the necessary first aid in the house there should be a dog pharmacy containing:

• bandages, cotton;

• pipette;

• eye drops;

• furatsilin;

• absorbents;

• hydrogen peroxide, iodine;

• 5 percent glucose solution;

• claretil;

• cremgen;

• smect;

• panthenol;

• antispasmodics.

Up to four months of age, washing and bathing pets is not recommended. If the baby is very dirty, mix water and citric acid in a 1: 1 ratio, moisten the gauze with a solution and wipe the puppy with it. Water procedures using detergents should not be carried out more often 3-5 times a year. Buy shampoo for crumbs only at the pet store, in the same place get a nail clipper, brush for six and lotions for treating eyes and ears.

Leash, collar, harness

The most important criterion when choosing a collar is its size. Measure the product before purchase: the distance between it and the neck of the animal should be two fingers. Give preference to light ammunition made of durable soft leather. Accessories (fasteners, rings, rivets) of high-quality collars are made of steel. Avoid cheaper materials - they often cause allergies and irritation. Also, do not be tempted by products with luminous or ringing elements - they can scare the baby.

For representatives of small breeds, it is preferable to buy a harness that is perfect for the pet in size. As for the leash, the best solution for daily walks is a leather cord 1.8-2.5 meters long. For long walks and training, you can purchase a five-meter canvas leash or tape measure.

Toys and chewing bones

When starting a puppy’s house, remember that you must buy toys - they will not only save your furniture and shoes, but also help your baby not to be bored alone. Base your choice on safety considerations: the toy must be made of high quality durable rubber or rubber. Otherwise, the ward can easily crack it and swallow small parts. For small four-legged dog handlers, they recommend balls, aport sticks and Frisbee flying saucers.

Among the purchases should be a bobbin rope - playing with it imitates the fight against prey and develops grip, and the fibrous structure serves as a means of cleaning teeth. To meet the chewing needs of puppies, good made from pressed leather and veins imitation bones that can be nibbled and buried in a secluded place. However, do not get carried away with such objects: frequent use causes flatulence.

And finally, we will advise what you cannot buy, but must always have at hand: the address of a good veterinarian practicing in your area.


Watch the video: Everything you Need to be Prepared for your New Puppy! (June 2024).