Experienced summer residents choose the best varieties of potatoes. Advantages of the best varieties of potatoes: white and red


Choosing the best variety of potatoes a summer resident, first of all, pays attention not only to its price, but also to:

1) high productivity;

2) resistance to disease;

3) fast growing;

4) taste;

5) presentation.

There are a lot of good varieties, so this article will help to understand the choice of a particular variety.

1. About early ripening best potato varieties

Any gardener knows that the ripening period of early ripe varieties of this crop, from seedlings to harvest, lasts about two and a half months.

Proper care of such a garden crop requires a lot of work, but the result will justify all the money spent.

Of the most popular best varieties of early ripening potatoes, experienced gardeners distinguish:

· Red Scarlet. Harvest of this Dutch variety depends on the climatic zone where this potato grows. Usually it is grown in the south of the country, but sometimes it comes across in other regions. Has direct tubers with purple flowers. The weight of one fruit is approximately 110 g. The vegetable also has a smooth peel.

Among the advantages of this variety can be distinguished:

1) heat resistance;

2) has an excellent presentation;

3) calmly transfers transportation.

The disadvantages of this variety are few, and only low tolerance to various diseases can be distinguished.

· Gala. This German variety has large leaves and light flowers. The shape of the tubers is straight. One root crop weighs 100 g. It differs from other varieties in a large amount of starch. They grow Gala in the Central and North-West region of the country.

The following varieties are distinguished as advantages:

1) greater resistance to disease;

2) convenience for transportation;

3) grows in any climatic conditions.

Of the minuses, low tolerance of late blight is distinguished.

· Impala. This potato was recognized as very early, the vegetation period of which lasts 50 days after planting. Most often they grow it in the southern regions of the country, but it can also grow even in the most adverse regions, due to its endurance in different climatic conditions. Such a variety has light flowers, a yellowish tuber peel and an oval-rounded shape. The pulp of the vegetable is yellowish with a low amount of starch. The weight of the fruit is about 120 g. For example, gardeners who grow this variety in the south of the country harvest 2 times a year.

The advantages of this variety are:

1) high productivity;

2) the rapid formation of tubers;

3) good yield;

4) resistance to scab and other viral diseases.

The disadvantages are the same as in the Gala variety.

Also to early ripening varieties can be added such as: Rosara, Bellarosa, Zhukovsky and Luck.

2. About medium early best potato varieties

The group of the best varieties of potatoes with an average ripening period of about three months includes such varieties as Adretta, Nevsky and Condor. There are other varieties that can be found in detail on the Internet. They grow such a garden culture in the central region of the country, but it is also found in other regions.

Adretta. This variety is medium in size with light flowers. Oval shape with yellowish skin and small eyes. The tubers contain a lot of starch. The average weight of the fruit is 120g.

The advantages of this variety include:

1) resistance to disease;

2) good presentation;

3) rapid tuber formation;

4) almost unpretentious variety, with the exception of a large use of moisture.

Of the shortcomings, poor resistance to rhizoctonia.

Nevsky. It has a large number of leaves and white flowers, which gives the plant splendor. The skin is yellowish with purple eyes, oval, light flesh. The weight of one root crop is about 120 g. It can germinate due to low temperatures. Potatoes do not boil during cooking. Among the advantages can be identified:

1) high presentation;

2) resistance to drought;

3) tolerates late blight, black leg and rhizoctonia.

Of the minuses: the average tolerance of other diseases of potato, poorly tolerates frosts and sprouts quickly.

Condor. This Dutch variety ripens within 90 days. The characteristic consists of:

a) direct tall bushes;

b) purple flowers;

c) an oval-shaped vegetable;

d) a reddish skin with medium-sized eyes;

e) flesh of a yellowish tint;

e) weight of about 140 g.

The fruit also has a low starch content and is suitable for both cooking and selling.

The benefits include:

- resistance to late blight, scab, cancer;

- excellent presentation;

- does not require frequent watering;

- does not boil during cooking.

To avoid disease, the land where this potato grows will constantly have to be loosened.

3. About the latest best potato varieties

Unlike early and mid-season potato varieties, the later ones bring more harvest.

Such varieties contain a large amount of protein, starch and solids.

However, later varieties are more demanding on land and moisture. Late varieties are grown in the Central region, in the Moscow region and in the Far East. Belarusian varieties Zhuravinka and Zarnitsa are very successful.

· Picasso. This variety ripens in 120 days.

The following can be included as characteristics:

1) High yield;

2) Tubers of a pinkish-yellow hue;

3) Oval shape;

4) Yellow peel;

5) The weight of one fetus is an average of 120 g;

6) The flesh is yellow;

7) Excellent storage;

8) It tolerates heat and cold;

9) Prone to late blight.

Often people do not peel such potatoes, but simply wash and boil. All thanks to its thin peel. It tastes great, but it boils very badly when cooked. As a minus, poor cold tolerance can be distinguished, which makes the tubers blacken and rot.

Asterix Such Dutch potatoes are more grown in the Central or Far Eastern region. Bushes grow up to 80 cm, sprawling. The inflorescences are red-violet, the shape of the vegetable is oval. Most of all, this potato is suitable for frying and cooking french fries and chips. Among the advantages, it can be attributed resistance to various diseases, including late blight and excellent presentation.

Crane. Such Belarusian potatoes have taken root widely in the central part of Russia. Matures within 110 days. The flowers are red-violet, tubers are rounded, the peel is red. With good care, the yield of this variety will be high.

The benefits include:

1) good weather resistance;

2) has protection against cancer, scab and blackleg;

3) widely used for sale.

Of the minuses: such potatoes do not tolerate late blight.

· Zarnitsa. This Belarusian variety has taken root well in the center and in the south of the country. The growing season is approximately 140 days, so first you should think about whether this variety is suitable for another region. The bush is low, the flowers are red-violet, the peel is reddish.

The weight of the fetus is an average of 120 g.

Of the advantages distinguish: unpretentiousness to the soil and high resistance to drought. The minuses included instability to late blight and various fungal diseases.


Watch the video: Potatoes. Iowa Ingredient (July 2024).