Oatmeal masks for the face: recipes for different types of skin and problems with it. How facial oatmeal masks help remove wrinkles


The composition of oats contains many useful substances that can be extracted for our body not only inside for breakfast. Oatmeal is an affordable product for everyone, and at the same time, it carries great benefits for our skin. When used externally as part of masks and scrubs, it is able to improve the condition of the skin. A mask of oatmeal for your face, you give your skin a radiant look and forget about going to the beautician. Modern cosmetics can envy such a set of natural and beneficial ingredients.

What are the benefits of oatmeal:

- Vitamin E moisturizes the skin, serves as UV protection. Slowing down the aging process.

- B vitamins nourish the skin. Tone the upper layer of the skin and deeply penetrate to maintain elasticity.

- amino acids help the production of collagen and elastin, which allows you to look younger than your age. The skin breathes precisely thanks to amino acids.

- trace elements, minerals (phosphorus and iron, iodine) saturate the skin and make it velvety.

Indications for the use of oats masks

- fading facial skin;

- pronounced facial wrinkles;

- black dots;

- enlarged pores;

- dull skin color;

- increased oily skin;

- peeling;

- pigmentation and freckles.

What to choose: flour or oatmeal?

What is better for using large flakes or ground in flour? Keep in mind that flour acts more gently and intensely. This is a mild ingredient that has a healing property and is practically harmless. The oatmeal mask is suitable for owners of delicate and sensitive skin, while large oatmeal is used as a scrub for more intensive cleaning.

Oatmeal and terms of use

1. For the use of oatmeal for cosmetic purposes, whole grain cereals should be selected. They can easily be turned into flour with a coffee grinder or blender. Herculean instant flakes are not suitable for this purpose.

2. Oatmeal is considered to be a deep cleanser, therefore, in the pure form it is not applied to the area around the eyes and lips. Additional components are needed to prevent dryness.

3. For a deeper effect of oats, it is recommended to steam the skin. Dead cells will be easily removed and the skin will take in more nutrients. The most comfortable application of the mask and oatmeal for the face will be while taking a bath.

4. If there are inflammations, rashes, allergic reactions on the skin, then such a mask cannot be made. Vasodilation is also a diagnosis in which such drugs are prohibited.

Share recipes for oatmeal face masks

Oatmeal masks are able to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and moderately affect existing wrinkles. The recipes are all proven and really effective. The easiest way to get in shape after a sleepless night is to make a simple oatmeal. Pour 3 tablespoons of flour with not very hot water. The product is ready in 5 minutes. It remains to apply on the face, massage and rinse with cool water. There is no contraindication for such a morning procedure.

1. Honey mask with oatmeal. Nourishes dry and normal skin. Pour oatmeal with boiling water. Stir until thickened. We mix a little honey and a few drops of almond or olive oil.

2. Oatmeal and avocado. Avocado transforms the skin and makes it velvety. Mash one quarter of the peeled avocado in mashed potatoes and add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. You can add your favorite oil to this mixture: peach or olive.

3. Banana mask with oats. Mash a half-sized banana to a puree consistency and combine with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Add 5-6 drops of vitamin E.

4. Whitening mask. Mix 4 tablespoons of kefir with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. If the mixture is liquid, add a little more flour. In 20 minutes of such a mask, your skin will smooth out and become snow-white.

5. Strawberry mask. Knead 2-3 large berries and add a little flour. Apply for 15 minutes. If you feel a nipping or burning sensation, it is best to rinse off immediately. Strawberries have the property of whitening skin well.

6. Mask of deep cleansing. Mix a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal with milk. Add 3 drops of vitamin A and apply to the face. For exposure to the mask, 15 minutes is enough, then wash off with warm water.

7. Against enlarged pores. Mix a spoonful of oatmeal with water and leave for 10 minutes. Add blue or pink clay (1 teaspoon) and apply to the face until completely dry.

8. A mask that smoothes wrinkles. Take the oatmeal and pour boiling water to get a mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream. Add some linseed oil. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and wash off only with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with your favorite oil or cream. Flaxseed oil tightens the skin.

9. Skin whitening and pore narrowing. Mix everything in equal amounts: oatmeal, honey, milk and lemon juice. Add protein from 1 egg and apply on face and neck. Wash off after 20 minutes.

10. Relieve fatigue. With a mixture of oatmeal and pumpkin, you relieve fatigue and can refresh your skin. Grind the pumpkin and add flour. Hold for a few minutes and rinse. The effect will be visible immediately.

11. The mask of Cleopatra. Mix cosmetic clay, oatmeal, milk and liquid honey. Leave on the skin for half an hour. The skin will shine with youth and health. Dead cells are perfectly removed, and with the help of valuable substances the skin receives the necessary minerals.

12. Remove greasy shine. Sour milk or kefir with a fat content of 2.5% is great. Let kefir with oatmeal infuse. Squeeze the juice from an orange or grapefruit - 2 teaspoons. Stir well and apply on face. After you wash off the mask, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer.

13. From acne and scarring on the face. Such a composition will need to hold only 10 minutes on the face and rinse thoroughly with water. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal is mixed with hydrogen peroxide. This mask cleanses the skin well and eliminates inflammation.

14. Coffee mood. The mask raises the mood, gives vigor, so you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening. Combine ground coffee, whole grain oatmeal flour and a few drops of cream. Facial skin is not only cleansed, but also takes on a healthy look.

15. A gentle mask. This composition is suitable for the skin around the eyes and lips. Here the skin is thinner, so it requires special care. The mask should be applied only for 7-10 minutes. Mix chicken yolk with a teaspoon of oatmeal. Add half a teaspoon of cream.

Recommendations for using oatmeal face masks

Oatmeal does not cause allergic reactions, so it suits everyone. However, if you have hypersensitivity to honey or exotic fruits, then you just need to exclude these ingredients or replace with others. Face care with this natural composition can be carried out regularly. The most optimal is a mask 2 times a week and peeling 1-2 times. It is desirable to do 10-12 procedures in order to feel the effectiveness of the masks.

Apply the face mask along the massage lines, and distribute the amount evenly. And before applying any face mask, thoroughly cleanse cosmetics and dirt, wash well with foam or cleansing milk.

Oatmeal face masks are used to maintain a healthy complexion and as a preventative measure. Try different masks and feel the effect on your face, the skin will be saturated with the necessary substances. Such simple beauty recipes can solve various problems: peeling, pimples, greasy shine, black dots. The skin is smoothed and transformed.

Benefits of Oatmeal Masks

1. Available ingredients.

2. Useful for health and youthful skin.

3. No need to spend time going to the beautician in order to put yourself in order before the event.

4. Skin tightening, getting rid of small wrinkles with regular use.

5. Natural ingredients.

The unique properties of oatmeal have long been known, but they are often forgotten and used only as cereal for breakfast. If you care about your health, be sure to include in your regime such masks from oatmeal for the face. The versatility of this affordable product also lies in the fact that it is suitable for any type of skin - prone to irritation, sensitive skin, oily, problematic, dry or combination.


Watch the video: DIY Anti-Inflammatory Oatmeal Face Mask (June 2024).