What to cook for a child’s birthday - mother’s care! How to organize a table for a baby’s birthday without extra costs


What is the most important thing in any holiday? That's right - a feast. Sore point: what to cook for a child’s birthday. Children usually do not like to sit at the table, but prefer to play noisy and funny games.

What to cook for a child's birthday - general principles for selecting dishes

So, thinking over the menu for a child’s birthday, it is important to consider age first of all. For example, from three children to seven, it is better to give preference to simple and healthy dishes that the child can eat on his own. Small canapé sandwiches on plastic skewers with rounded edges (for safety), chicken nuggets, figuredly sliced ​​fruits. In addition, natural juices and cookies are ideal.

From the age of seven you can already cook more thorough dishes - baked portioned potatoes with various fillings, fruit salad, french fries, sweet cakes. Many people argue about drinks - everyone’s favorite cola or fanta is subjected to severe persecution. We will prepare natural drinks, no less tasty than soda.

What to cook for a child's birthday - canapes

So, for canapes we need to take these products:

1) Sandwich bread;

2) Home-made ham or ham.

3) bell pepper;

4) Cucumber:

5) Hard cheese.

The recipe is simple - just cut the products into pieces of the same size and shape, and then put them on special skewers. You should look for plastic options with not too sharp edges, in order to avoid injuries.

Chicken nuggets

We will need the following ingredients:

1) Chicken fillet - according to the number of children;

2) Breadcrumbs;

3) Whipped eggs;

4) A little flour:

5) Salt, a little black pepper.

Cut the chicken into small portions. It will be great if you can marinate it in kefir in advance - so the meat will be much more tender and juicier.

Pour a little flour into one bowl, crackers into another. And in a deep bowl, beat a couple of eggs with a pinch of salt. We roll each piece in the following sequence - flour, egg, crackers, once again an egg and crackers.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the nuggets on baking paper and bake for about 15 minutes. We reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bring the appetizing pieces to readiness.

French fries

Do your kids like french fries? We suggest not banning this dish for them (after all, the forbidden fruit is sweet, as you know), but preparing a safe alternative without a huge amount of oil. We take such products according to the number of guests:

1) Potatoes of yellow varieties for frying;

2) Egg white;

3) Spices.

Peel the potatoes and leave in cold water for about an hour. Cut into strips. We put a large pot of water on the fire, add salt. We put potatoes in boiling water and cook for about five minutes. It is important not to cook the root crop, but to bring it to half-preparedness. Drain the water and transfer the potatoes to a colander.

Whisk the protein until a small foam in a deep bowl. Add a little black pepper and sweet paprika, salt. We put the potatoes into a mass and mix well so that each piece is evenly covered with protein mass.

On a large baking sheet we spread a sheet of baking paper. We spread the potatoes freely. The oven is preheated to 190 degrees. Place the pan for 10 minutes, raise the temperature to 200 degrees for another 15 minutes. Ready potatoes should turn golden brown.

Now prepare a healthy sauce. Take sour cream of medium fat content. Crush a little garlic there, chop a large amount of dill and parsley. Salt and a little pepper. If we are talking about children under five years old, then we do not use spices.

Portion pizza with chicken and pineapple

For this pizza you will not need to bother with the dough - we will take the ready puff. What is convenient - pizza will be portioned. For the filling, we take such products:

1) Boiled chicken fillet;

2) Canned pineapples;

3) Hard cheese;

4) Tomato sauce.

So, roll the dough a little and cut into portioned squares or circles. Finely chop the breast, cut the pineapple into thin slices. We grease the pizza base with tomato sauce, put the filling and fill it with cheese on top. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Whipped Cream Fruit Salad

What to cook for a child’s birthday in summer? The easiest and most useful option is a fruit salad. For its preparation, you can take apples, bananas, peaches, plums, kiwi, apricots, strawberries and other seasonal fruits and berries. Sprinkle bananas, apples and kiwi in advance with lemon juice so that they do not darken. We cut all the fruits into small cubes. Fruits are placed in portioned bowls or small salad bowls, and before serving, we add ready-made whipped cream from a balloon on top.

Puff pastry pies with berry fillings

Surely many children over the age of seven tried pies in one well-known fast food chain. Such a dish, of course, is very tasty, but there is little benefit from it. Each pie is fried in a huge amount of oil. We will prepare a healthier alternative - puff pastry pies with berries in the oven. All ingredients are calculated by number of guests.

1) Puff pastry;

2) Berries - cherries, raspberries, strawberries or currants.

3) Sugar - in proportion with berries 1 to 1

4) Starch per 100 grams of berries, one tablespoon.

5) Egg for greasing the dough.

So, for starters, we will prepare the filling. Pour the berries with sugar in a saucepan and leave until the moment they let the juice go. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Pour hot juice with a separate container and mix with the required amount of starch. Use a whisk to remove lumps. Pour the starch into the berry mixture and boil for a couple of minutes. The filling should be thick.

Roll out the puff pastry, cut it into rectangles of the desired size. We put berry filling on one half. Carefully pinch the edges. Please note - even a small click will cause the filling to leak out! Lubricate each pie with a beaten egg and send to the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Jelly "Beach" - an original dessert

For this original dessert, we need to purchase the following products:

1) Jelly of blue color;

2) Cookies "Jubilee";

3) Small figures of marmalade bears or any other heroes.

4) Paper umbrellas.

5) Portion small bowls.

First you need to cook jelly according to the instructions on the package. Pour it into our bowls at half capacity. We send to freeze. Grind cookies in a blender.

We take out the finished jelly and begin to fall asleep "beach". To do this, cover the cookies with half the mold so that the seashore is obtained. We put a marmalade figurine on the “sand” and stick an umbrella. Dessert is ready!

Cheese Cookies

Such cookies are usually eaten quickly due to their piquancy, because sweets quickly become boring. We need to take:

1) Hard cheese - about 200 grams;

2) Half a pack of butter;

3) Flour - about a glass;

4) Sesame and some spices - sweet wigs, caraway seeds.

Grate the cheese. Mix it with oil. Add flour so much that you get a pretty cool dough. Add salt if the cheese is not salty enough. We send the dough into the refrigerator for half an hour.

We start cooking cookies. If you have molds - great, use them. If not, rolled dough can be cut with glasses or cups. Another option is to cut the dough into triangles. Using a drinking tube, cut holes - you get cookies in the form of pieces of cheese. By the way, to give a yellow tint, you can add a little turmeric to the dough.

Our cookies are carved. Grease them with a beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds and spices. Bake in a well-heated pan for about 20 minutes. It is best to cover the pan with paper.

Sweet drinks for the festive table

We figured out what to cook for a child’s Birthday. What kind of drinks do you prefer? Homemade lemonade is perfect, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Strawberry drink

For 500 grams of strawberries, you need to take 100 grams of sugar, half a lemon and 2 liters of water. Grind strawberries with a pusher and fill with sugar. Lemon juice is surviving and added to clean chilled water. Add the strawberry mass there, mix and let it brew. Filter the finished lemonade and serve on the table in a beautiful jug.

Homemade fantasy

Such a drink is especially relevant in winter, in the season of citrus.

1) 3 oranges;

2) 1 lemon;

3) 3 liters of water;

4) A glass of sugar.

Pour citrus fruits with boiling water and leave for half an hour. So they will give more juice. Grind them in a blender, fill the mass with water. Filter the infused lemonade and add sugar. The exact amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the fruit itself. It is best to try the drink during the preparation process.

Serving a table for a child’s birthday

What to cook for a child’s birthday is not an easy question. It is no easier task to serve a beautiful table. Of course, we will not use family silver or porcelain for this. Just buy baby disposable tableware and a tablecloth. You do not have to worry that the children will break something or get dirty.

For older children, you can make a buffet table. The idea is simple - in one part of the room, ready-made dishes are put on the table, as well as drinks and dishes. Everyone will be able to take a treat to taste. Portion pizza, Beach jelly, nuggets, fruits, canapes are perfect for a buffet table.

Now you know what you can cook for your child’s birthday. The most important thing is to cook with the mood, only then all the dishes will be delicious. Enjoy your meal!


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