Grapes jelly for the winter - a delicious fragrant gift of summer. Variations and secrets of making grape jelly for the winter


Grape jelly is a tasty morsel of summer, stored for future use, which is, in its simplest form, grape juice boiled up to density with sugar, rolled up in sterilized jars.

Grapes jelly for the winter: basic principles

For its preparation, table grapes are used and usually jelly is prepared from any one variety without mixing them together, but grapes can be brightly combined with other fruits (peaches, apples, pears, cherries ...) and berries (raspberries, currants ... )

So, grape jelly for the winter, is as much scope for culinary imagination, as well as jams, jams, jams, and more.

The preparation of any jelly from grapes for the winter begins with the fact that the berries are picked from the brushes, sorted out, removing damaged ones, washed in running water and dried, leaving in a colander that is shaken several times.

Classical jelly grape


· 3 kg of grapes (Isabella grade recommended);

· 1.5 kg of sugar;

300 ml of water.


· Boil water in a saucepan, put grapes in it, reduce heat to medium and warm grapes, waiting until it becomes softer, the skin begins to crack;

· Set aside the pan, wait until the grapes have cooled, mash it with a crush and, shifting to a multi-layer cheesecloth (this is more convenient to do in small portions), carefully squeeze the juice out of it;

· Pour grape juice into the pan and return the dishes to the stove;

· Starting to warm the juice, slowly pour sugar, stirring to dissolve well;

· Watch how the juice is boiled in jelly until its volume is reduced by about half and be sure to remove from the brew foam;

· Put the prepared burning hot jelly into jars.

Freshly squeezed grape jelly


· 2 kg of grapes;

1 kg of sugar.


· Squeeze juice from grapes with a juicer;

· Pour the juice into a saucepan and, putting it on medium heat, pour in sugar gradually, stirring vigorously for better dissolution;

· Add heat, bring the juice to a boil, then - reduce and, removing the film formed from above, boil until thickened, until the jelly becomes half as much;

· Put the workpiece in prepared jars.

Grape Cinnamon Jelly Puree


· 3 kg of grapes of a dark grade;

· 1.5 kg of sugar;

Cinnamon to taste;

· Citric acid to taste;

200-300 ml of water.


· Pour one third of the sugar into a pot of water and, stirring continuously, bring the syrup to a boil;

· Add grapes to the dishes, mix everything and reduce the heat, leaving the berries to languish in syrup for 15-20 minutes;

Set the pan aside, let its contents cool and wipe the berries twice through a frequent sieve;

Put the mashed potatoes in a pan with syrup, return the dishes to the fire and begin to boil, slowly, with constant stirring, adding sugar;

· When the sugar has dissolved, add cinnamon to taste and, every now and then removing the froths, boil the sweet mass in anticipation of the moment when its volume decreases by half;

· Shortly before cooking, add a little citric acid in jelly from grapes for the winter, after which, distribute the still hot sweet workpiece into jars.

Grape jelly with oranges


· 2 kg of grapes;

1 kg of oranges;

1 kg of sugar;

1 sachet of pectin;

100 ml of water.


· Peel oranges from skins, zest and seeds, put in a pan, pour in water, add grapes and put the dishes on medium heat, covered with a lid;

· After 30-40 minutes, remove from the stove and let cool;

· Drain the liquid from the fruit into a separate bowl;

· Wipe the fruit through a sieve and squeeze the resulting mass through a multilayer gauze;

· Add the squeezed part of the juice to the one that just drained and pour everything back into the pan;

· Put it on the stove, start heating and pour sugar, stirring it so that it dissolves well;

· Add pectin, stir and bring the liquid to a boil;

· Reduce the heat and wait for the thickening of the jelly quickly and halving its volume;

Distribute jelly into jars.

If you want to try a more exotic version of grape jelly for the winter, replace from one quarter to one third of regular sugar with cane sugar, with which jelly will acquire unusually piquant, caramel notes.

Grape Jelly with Raspberries and White Wine


· 2 kg of red grapes;

1 kg raspberries;

· 200 ml of white sweet wine;

· 2 sticks of cinnamon;

1 kg of sugar;

150 ml of water.


· Berries of grapes and raspberries, white wine, water and cinnamon sticks - all put in one pan;

· Covering it with a lid, turn on a small fire and leave it on the stove for 50-60 minutes;

Set aside, remove cinnamon and let the mixture cool;

· If you want to get transparent jelly - put a colander in a deep dish and, having tipped over the contents of the pan, wait for all the liquid to drain;

· If transparency is not important - after the liquid drains, select raspberries, wipe through the sieve in mashed potatoes and combine it with juice and wine, newly sent to the stove;

· Add sugar to the saucepan in small portions, stirring until it is completely dissolved;

· Continue to cook the jelly until thickened about twice, carefully removing the resulting foam;

· Distribute jelly from grapes that have not had time to cool down for the winter, in jars;

Grape Jelly with Apricots, White Wine and Walnuts

· 1 kg of white grapes;

1 kg of apricots;

200 ml of sweet white wine;

1 kg of sugar;

100 ml of water;

· 300 g of peeled walnuts.


· Putting the pan on the stove, pour water, white wine into it, put halves of pitted apricots and grapes;

· Cover and leave to simmer, cook for 40-50 minutes;

· Next, remove from heat, cool to a suitable temperature and rub fruit twice through a sieve, add mashed to the liquid;

· Put walnuts and sugar in approximately equal proportions on a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating;

· Turn on a small fire and with a spatula stir the nuts in the sugar, warming to the state when the caramelized sugar sticks around the nuts, after which the pan can be set aside and returned to the jelly;

· Put a saucepan with mashed potatoes and juice on the stove and add sugar, stirring it thoroughly until it dissolves, then boil everything until it is thickened and halved;

· Distributing jellies of grapes for the winter to the banks, add to each of them a portion of nuts in caramel.

Grape jelly with apples and pears


0.5 kg of pears;

· 0.5 kg of apples;

· 2 kg of grapes;

· 2 kg of sugar;

0.5 tsp soda;

1 tsp citric acid;

· 2 sachets of pectin.


· Peel pears with apples, peel and middle with seeds and cut into slices;

· Pour fruit with 0.5 l of cold water, with soda dissolved in it, and leave it for 3-4 hours. Due to this, the slices will not boil out during the cooking process and will be more interesting to feel in texture in the conceived blank;

· Squeeze juice on a grape juicer;

· Pour juice into a saucepan, put on a small fire, start heating, add half a measure of sugar;

When sugar dissolves - add pectin, mix well and wait for boiling;

· Boil the mixture for several minutes, wait until it boils again (but do not boil!), Add citric acid, dissolve, stirring, and remove the pan from the stove;

· Drain the soda solution from the fruit slices and rinse them well with cold water;

· Pour 200-250 ml of water into another pan, pour in the remaining sugar, dissolve it and, bringing the syrup to a boil, put the fruits in a bowl;

· Boil them over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, gently stirring;

· Pour the contents of a saucepan with grape juice to the fruit, mix and bring everything to a boil again;

Finally, put the hot jelly in jars.

Grapes jelly for the winter: secrets and tricks

Despite the variety of grape jelly recipes that exist in the world for the winter, some of the tricks of home cooking apply to all of them, providing a dizzying and tasty result of the housewife's troubles.

1. Jellies from grapes for the winter, as well as jams, jams, jams, etc., are recommended to be cooked in thick-walled dishes that evenly distribute heat over the entire surface, at the bottom of which it is unlikely to burn food.

2. Grapes should be ripe, permissible - a little immature, but never - overripe, one in which a characteristic smack of fermentation is felt.

3. Grape juice will be cleaner, more transparent if you let it stand and then filter through several layers of gauze, carefully pouring it out of the container so as not to disturb the sediment.

4. Gelling substances in grapes are enough, but not in excess, so sometimes pectin, gelatin or agar-agar are added to the jelly.

5. The amount of sugar, as well as the quantity and assortment (and generally need) of various additives, varies from personal tastes and grape varieties. The high sugar content in grapes suggests that granulated sugar needs to be placed less and perhaps jellyfish should be reduced to citrus juice or citric acid. The bright taste and aroma of some varieties do not need to be decorated with spices and other fruits, while other varieties, on the contrary, are neutral in taste and are good as the basis for culinary experiments on harvesting grape skeleton for the winter.

6. To check the readiness of jelly, you need to drop a drop of it in a bowl of water - if it sinks to the bottom it does not dissolve, then it's ready.

Delicious grape jelly can be served with tea, pancakes, cheesecake, toast, porridge, used for making sweet drinks and desserts, original main dishes.


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