Quick breakfast - recipes for a tasty start to the day! The best quick breakfast recipes from pita bread, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits


Breakfast with sandwiches or scrambled eggs is delicious, but how much can you? Once this food is annoying, I want to try something new, interesting, but simple and fast.

Indeed, not every person has a desire to get up an hour earlier and give precious morning hours to the kitchen. It is for this reason that quick recipes for excellent breakfasts are collected here.

Quick breakfast - general cooking principles

Most often, breakfast dishes are prepared in a pan or without heat, but there are recipes with heating in the oven. In this case, you need to turn it on immediately so as not to waste time. There are also some interesting ideas for a microwave, which in many cases can replace the oven.

What breakfast is made of:

• eggs;

• dairy products of various types;

• vegetables and fruits;

• ready-made pastries, cakes, cereals.

You can add various seasonings and spices to these products, cocoa, sugar or honey, greens, it all depends on the recipe and the desired taste. No need to cook breakfast for the future, as most of them are not stored, and some are tasty only when hot.

Quick breakfast: recipe for pita bread with cheese

A quick breakfast recipe for lovers of pies, pancakes, pancakes, which take a lot of time. The dish is based on thin Armenian pita bread, which will reduce the cooking time to 10 minutes. Since the dimensions of pita bread can be completely different, the amount is not indicated.


• 150 grams of cheese;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• pepper;

• 2-3 tbsp. l oils;

• pita bread.

Cooking method

1. Grate cheese, mix with chopped dill, you do not need to add anything to them.

2. Cut the pita into squares. The size is about the standard pancake, but the shape is different. It is convenient to cut pita bread with kitchen scissors. Make 4 pieces.

3. Put a filling on each pita bread and roll it up like a stuffed pancake.

4. Heat a frying pan with butter, put rolled pita bread with cheese. Be sure to put the seam down. Fry on this side for a minute.

5. Turn over, fry a little on the second side and you're done! If you do not like the use of oil, then you can fry in a dry pan.

Quick breakfast: recipe a la baked apple

Baked apples are tasty, healthy, inexpensive. But usually they require a lot of time to prepare. Here's an idea for a quick recipe for a microwave. You can cook just apples, but to get a hearty breakfast, cottage cheese is added.


• 2 apples;

• 100 grams of cottage cheese;

• 2 tsp Sahara;

• 0.3 tsp cinnamon.

Cooking method

1. Grind cottage cheese with granulated sugar and cinnamon. Fat curd arbitrary. You can replace sugar with honey, add raisins or nuts. In general, the filling to your taste.

2. Each apple needs to cut a stub with seeds, but it is important not to pierce the opposite side. It should make a fruit cup.

3. Fill the holes with cooked cottage cheese. We shift fruit to any plate. If the apples are not very stable, then they can be sent to a silicone mold or other dishes with retaining sides.

4. Put the breakfast in the microwave, cook exactly 2.5 minutes.

5. Open the door and gently touch the apple. If it is tough, then warm up further. The exact cooking time depends on the size, degree of maturity, variety. Once the apple is soft, breakfast is ready!

Quick breakfast: the recipe for the most delicious sandwiches

You can just chop the cheese with the sausage put on the bread, but it is better to act differently. The option of delicious and juicy hot sandwiches that can be made in the microwave or in the oven, it all depends on the availability of free time. But active cooking will not take more than five minutes.


• loaf or bread;

• 120 grams of sausage;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• 1 tomato;

• 3-4 branches of dill;

• ketchup, mustard at will.

Cooking method

1. Cut the sausage into small cubes and crumble the cheese. You can use a coarse grater. Put everything in a bowl. If cooked sausage or it is replaced by sausages, then they can also be grated, it will turn out very quickly.

2. Cut the tomato into small cubes, add to the sausage with cheese. There, chop the dill, stir.

3. Put pieces of bread on a plate if the sandwiches are baked in the microwave. Or spread out on a baking sheet.

4. Optionally grease them with ketchup, mustard, but this is not necessary.

5. Spread the cooked mixture with cheese.

6. Bake in the oven for about ten minutes. Or warm in the microwave for about two minutes.

Quick breakfast: recipe for a curd miracle with cereal

Cottage cheese is an ideal product for simple and quick breakfasts, and here is the recipe for how to cook it tasty and interesting. Additionally, you need cornflakes, you can take in the form of balloons or stars.


• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of sour cream or yogurt (kefir, fermented baked milk);

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 3 tbsp. l flakes;

• berries and fruits as desired.

Cooking method

1. Put cottage cheese in a bowl, add any fermented milk product or milk, throw sugar with vanilla. You can add more sugar, it all depends on the taste, but it also contains flakes, especially glazed, this must be taken into account.

2. Beat the curd mixture with a blender until a lush and homogeneous mass, in appearance it should resemble an air cream.

3. Add flakes or balls, stir.

4. Divide the curd miracle into two servings. If desired, garnish with berries or fruits, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut.

Quick breakfast: recipe for fried eggs in tomato

Ordinary scrambled eggs are too simple and banal. But it can be cooked in a tomato. Quick breakfast recipe with original serve. It is advisable to use tomatoes of approximately the same size.


• 2 tomatoes;

• 2 eggs;

• salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method

1. For washed tomatoes, make a 0.5 cm cut at the attachment point with the peduncle. Gently pull out the pulp along with the seeds with a spoon to make cups.

2. Lightly sprinkle each tomato inside with spices so that it does not turn out tasteless.

3. Break one egg into the prepared cups of tomatoes.

4. Salt the fried eggs on top, you can pepper.

5. Put in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about ten minutes.

Quick breakfast: pizza recipe for pita bread

An option for lazy pizza, which is great for breakfast. As a basis, a tortilla or unleavened pita bread will be used. If there is nothing like this, then you can cut the loaf into two parts.


• 1 cake;

• 140 g of sausage;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 1 cucumber (pickled);

• 3 tbsp. l ketchup;

• 10 olives.

Cooking method

1. Cut the cake into two parts, each grease with ketchup. You can use mustard or any tomato sauce found in the refrigerator instead.

2. Cut the cucumbers and sausage, spread on top of the cakes smeared with ketchup. Add the olives, cut in half or in circles, as you like.

3. Grate coarsely cheese, sprinkle pizza on top.

4. Bake at 220 degrees in the oven. If there is no time to heat it, then heat it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes in turn, you need to melt the cheese well.

Quick breakfast: cottage cheese spread recipe

This spread can be used on bread, toast, stuffed pancakes, tomatoes, bell peppers. The recipe for all occasions. You can take any cottage cheese. If the product is dry, then increase the amount of sour cream. If the cottage cheese is weak, then you can not add at all.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 60 g sour cream;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• salt pepper;

• nuts, cucumber, garlic, etc., as desired.

Cooking method

1. Put cottage cheese with sour cream in a bowl or in a cup for a blender, salt, pepper and beat. If you don’t have to go anywhere in the morning, then you can immediately throw a clove of garlic and kill at the same time.

2. Cut fresh branches of dill, add and stir. Putty is ready!

3. You can add cucumber, chopped nuts, chopped nuts, and bell pepper to such a spread.

Quick breakfast: yesterday’s pasta recipe

Yesterday pasta left? Today you can make a wonderful breakfast from them. The easiest option is to fry in a pan with an egg. The most delicious option is to cook such a casserole. Immediately turn on the oven for 200, let it heat.


• 200 g of boiled pasta;

• 150 g of cottage cheese;

• 3 eggs;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. l breadcrumbs;

• 2 tbsp. l sour cream;

• 20 g of oil.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs with granulated sugar, add cottage cheese to them, carefully grind and pour into boiled pasta. Stir well, set aside. If desired, you can add chopped apple, washed raisins or other dried fruits.

2. Grate any shape with a piece of butter, sprinkle with crackers and lay out prepared pasta.

3. Top grease all with a thin layer of sour cream or cream.

4. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

5. Remove from the oven, cool slightly, consume hot. You can pour sour cream, condensed milk, jam.

Quick breakfast - tips and tricks

• Blender, food processor, various knives and graters will be great helpers in preparing fast dishes. With them, cleaning, slicing and grinding products will take several minutes.

• White sugar can be replaced with honey or brown sugar, these products are more useful, but only in cold breakfasts. After heating and baking, most of the vitamins simply disappear. Maybe you should not translate expensive products?

• No ketchup? You can use other tomato sauces. An ordinary paste will also work, but it needs to be slightly diluted with water, seasoned with spices, salt and herbs.


Watch the video: EASY 5 Minute Breakfast Recipes. Healthy Breakfast Ideas (July 2024).