The benefits and harms of tomato paste: facts only. So why did the hostess like tomato paste and what is more: good or harm?


Tomato paste, being not a finished dish, but just a semi-finished product, has appeared on our table relatively recently.

Nevertheless, the product has gained well-deserved popularity in the preparation of many dishes to which it gives piquancy, a special taste and bright color.

Sauces and gravy, as well as some soups, are not without tomato paste.

What kind of product is this and how did it appear?

Tomato paste can be called a concentrate of red fruits, obtained by evaporation. In the manufacturing process, ripe tomatoes, freed from the upper shell and seeds, are subjected to heat treatment.

In this case, the product is boiled to the desired degree of density, by significantly reducing the liquid and increasing the proportion of solid (dry) matter. The quality of the paste directly depends on the density of the paste.

The Italians were the first to subject tomatoes to similar processing. Back in the nineteenth century, the skilful chefs of the sunny country began to use boiled tomatoes in the preparation of pizza and spaghetti, flavored with aromatic seasonings and olive oil.

The composition of tomato paste and its calorie content

According to state standards, the paste should contain only the tomatoes and salt themselves, avoiding additives that improve the taste and increase the shelf life. If available, it will already be considered ketchup or sauce. The solids in the paste should be from twenty-five to forty percent. In tomato concentrate, only five percent of the protein is present, twenty-five are carbohydrates and almost no fat, which allows it to be called a low-calorie dietary product.

A large dose of tomato paste contains vitamins: E, A, C, B-carotene, PP and B vitamins. In addition, the tomato product is rich in iodine, zinc, sodium, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

The benefits of tomato paste

One of the main advantages of a spicy product is its appetite with a special taste and smell. But color also plays a significant role, because it is known that the visual representation of food largely affects digestion. Food is fully absorbed only if the digestive juice is produced in sufficient quantities, and this contributes to the gastronomic perception of the dish with its taste, smell and appearance.

As noted above, tomatoes, which are the basis of tomato paste, the benefits of which are confirmed by the high content of nutrients, have many vitamins in their composition.

C - is one of the most vital vitamins. With its large antioxidant properties, it has a stimulating effect on the immune defense of the human body, as well as on the healthy functioning of all organs of the body. An organism receiving a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid can more successfully cope with foci of bacteria and viruses, as well as with pathogenic microflora, which adversely affects the body as a whole. For the prevention of diseases, ranging from a banal catarrhal condition to an oncological tumor, vitamin C is simply necessary.

The beneficial effects of life vitamin C are greatly enhanced by vitamins E and A, which are also present in tomato paste, enhancing its antioxidant properties. The combination of these vitamins can preserve beauty and prolong youth. In addition, beta-carotene can be called an anti-stress vitamin. In addition, it helps the body neutralize radioactive and chemical influences from the outside.

For a complete carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin B1 is needed. It speeds up the metabolism, thereby reducing the likelihood of overweight. The work of the heart, blood vessels and digestive system is largely supported by B vitamins. Their timely intake helps to prevent the likelihood of stroke conditions and heart attacks.

Vitamin PP, which is nicotinic acid, regulates blood cholesterol (bad), thereby preventing vascular and heart diseases. And he also participates in the synthesis of hormones, especially the urogenital sphere.

But the main useful substance contained in a paste of tomatoes, can be considered lycopene. Tomato concentrate can safely be called a champion in its content. Due to the increased amount of this natural substance, the fruits have a bright characteristic color. But it should be noted: scientists believe that the highest content of lycopene is in heat-treated vegetables, while in fresh vegetables, its concentration is significantly reduced. So, fried, cooked, baked, or simply in the form of a paste, they contain 10 times more of this natural antioxidant that protects the body from the harmful effects of the external environment and early aging of cells. Therefore, eating tomato paste is much more beneficial than fresh tomatoes. The recommended dose is three large spoons per day, but you need to remember that lycopene is absorbed with fats.

By doctors, the product is recommended for prone to blood clots, venous diseases, gout and rheumatic pains.

The presence of a large amount of potassium improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

Scientists in America advise to necessarily include dishes using tomato paste in the diet, this will halve the risk of cancer. Meanwhile, it to a large extent contains serotonin, which is considered a hormone of joy, helping to cheer up, eliminate depression and successfully cope with stress.

At the same time, tomato paste promotes better digestion - it stimulates the production of gastric juice, which is why it is especially necessary in heavy dishes (for example, meat and flour).

In the spring period of vitamin deficiency, it can be used along with carrots as a vitamin remedy rich in vitamin A, which improves eye health and prevents aging. Strengthens nails, teeth and bones phosphorus, a considerable amount contained in a paste of tomatoes.

Low calorie content and a large composition of nutrients in tomato paste allows it to be considered a dietary product recommended not only to people who monitor their weight, but also to patients with a weak vascular system and heart, but also to adherents to a proper, healthy diet.

Is eating tomato paste harmful?

Tomato paste cannot be harmful to human health, only cases can be excluded when, to reduce the cost of a product, dangerous components are added to it.

Acids contained in tomato paste will harm, although small, but can cause heartburn, irritating the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Summing up, we can confidently state the fact that tomato paste has much more benefit than harm, and its use will save health and youth.

Italian national cuisine is replete with dishes and sauces from this healthy pasta, therefore, the country has significantly reduced the incidence of heart, blood vessels and oncology, while the locals, using large amounts of spaghetti, do not gain excess weight, look healthy, slim, young and cheerful.


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