Nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month: basic principles of nutrition. Menus and recipes for a nursing mother after childbirth, restrictions


The birth of a child is a joyful event, which, however, is fraught with many problems. After childbirth, the mother’s life changes irreversibly, she must take care of the baby, and this care also includes increased attention to her own health and nutrition principles.

Features of nutrition in the first month after childbirth

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month after the birth of the baby should be balanced and subject to certain rules. This is determined, first of all, by the tenderness of the baby's body - any allergens in milk can cause pain in him, some products provoke colic, others insomnia. In addition, the mother needs to monitor her own health, if she will eat unbalanced food, eat too much or too little, this can lead to problems. Excess weight is the most harmless of them.

Need to:

Eat on time. The body gets used to it if food enters it by the clock, gastric juice begins to be produced, and all systems are ready. In this case, after feeding, you should also strengthen your strength with something light.

Eat often. It is best if the food will be ingested every two to three hours. There is not necessarily something solid at all. A small amount of fruit salad or a bowl of cottage cheese will be sufficient. Large portions with frequent meals are not only useless, but also harmful. Eat should be moderate, without overeating, maintaining a constant feeling of satiety.

Eat varied and balanced. The diet should contain all the beneficial substances that the body may need (if natural means do not achieve this, you can take special vitamin complexes for nursing). In addition, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be maintained - their ratio is 30/20/50.

Consume enough fluids. Milk production requires a constant flow of fluid - this should be remembered and carefully monitored whether you want to drink. It is better if it is pure water. You can always keep a bottle of water on hand.

A useful way to restore the body will also be a change in diet towards better digestibility. In the first month, the feeding of a nursing mother should consist of steamed and boiled, baked in the oven and grinded in a blender. The main thing is to go with imagination and find dishes that will not be boring and bland even in such a treatment.

Dietary restrictions the first month after birth

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month also has certain limitations. There is a list of products that should be discarded for the good of the child. It:

Alcohol. In a baby, it can cause intoxication, and it is impossible to drink so that the toxins do not spread throughout the body.

Tonic drinks. Tea and coffee, especially strong ones, can cause insomnia and allergies in the baby, therefore they should be abandoned for a while.

Fatty, fried, smoked, spicy foods. It can change the taste of milk and cause heartburn in the baby.

Chocolate, strawberries, peanuts, seafood and cow's milk. Act as allergens and can provoke an attack in a child: from skin problems to Quincke's edema.

Products containing preservatives. It can also harm the baby.

Products with the ability to cause increased gas formation: white cabbage, beans, certain varieties of apples. May cause colic in a baby.

At the same time, the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month can change and supplement: if at the very beginning it is preferable to eat fresh steamed food, which certainly will not harm the baby, you can introduce new products in the future.

This is done carefully:

• you need to introduce one product at a time, so that you can determine what exactly hurt the baby, if it comes to that;

• you need to enter a very small amount of the product and, if there is no negative reaction, gradually bring its consumption to the usual values;

• You should try a new product before lunch, so that even if the child develops unpleasant symptoms, they can be tracked and stopped in a timely manner.

If everything is done correctly, gradually a nursing mother will be able to eat fully, tasty and with pleasure. With the right approach, she will also be able to lose extra pounds.

How to lose weight during feeding in the first month after childbirth?

Many nursing mothers ask a common question for most women who have given birth: how to lose weight quickly after childbirth, but not harm either yourself or the baby?

The answer is simple, slowly, smoothly and following the basic rules:

Diet is contraindicated. Any diet for a lactating woman is harmful, starting from the harmless "arrange yourself one fasting day" and ending with the terrible "eat only unsalted carrots." Any restrictions lead to an imbalance that will only harm the body.

Active physical activity is contraindicated. This applies to those who did not seriously engage in sports before childbirth. To start giving an unprepared body sports loads in the first month in order to lose weight is a bad idea. After childbirth, the body must recover, because the movements must be smooth and designed specifically for those giving birth.

However, without overeating, eating right and balanced, as well as walking with a child every day, you can lose weight smoothly and imperceptibly. After all, the restriction of sweet, flour, fatty and fried, which usually contribute to the postponement of extra pounds of fat, are included in the standard diet of nursing mothers.

Examples of menus and recipes in the first month after birth

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month of pregnancy in science obeys the basic principles:

For breakfast complex carbohydrates are good: cereals in milk and water are suitable, always cooked, not boiled with boiling water.

For lunch it’s easy to eat well and tasty: fruits and vegetables are suitable, you can eat a small bowl of cottage cheese or drink a glass of yogurt, biting it with diet bread.

For lunch There is a good combination of proteins and carbohydrates: meat and vegetables are best suited. You can eat soup with meat or chicken broth, baked low-fat fish or meat with vegetable stews, steam cutlets with mashed potatoes.

At midday it’s also good to eat something light: sweet yogurt, allowed fruits or vegetables, cereals, sour-milk products, a handful of nuts.

For dinner it’s good to eat more protein also with carbohydrates: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, steam cutlets, stews or fish, a variety of vegetable stews, soups and mashed potatoes.

For the second dinner you can drink a glass of jelly or something fermented, eat a banana or banana puree.

You can include original but simple recipes in the menu:

Curd casserole with rice

Boil a glass of rice to make a not too thin rice porridge. Mix it with a pack of cottage cheese in 200 grams, add dried fruits and nuts to taste. Drive 2 eggs into the mixture. Stir until smooth, bake in the oven for half an hour.

Pumpkin and Potato Soup

Peel 3 medium potatoes, cut into cubes. Peel 250 grams of pumpkin, chop in the same way. Pour in water so that it covers vegetables, cook until vegetables are ready. Grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass (you can drain the broth if you want a thick soup). Add salt, herbs, slightly chopped ginger. You can eat with crackers and sour cream.

Baked apples

Peel the apples, free from the core, cut into quarters. Put on a baking sheet, bake for half an hour. You can eat by adding honey or sweet syrup.

The main criterion by which you can determine whether a nursing mother is eating properly in the first month of pregnancy is health.

If the weight decreases, there is enough milk, the child does not suffer from colic and insomnia, which means that the products are selected correctly and everything is going well.


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