The meaning of the name Nicole, character traits and the fate of its owner. What does the name Nicole mean: origin and history


The main line of fate depends on the person’s name. The main personality traits of a person depend on him.

What does the name Nicole mean? What is the origin and history of the name Nicole?

The meaning of the name Nicole

Nicole is the “winner”. The name has Scandinavian roots and several interpretations. According to the first of them, the name means "winner". According to the second - in translation from French, the name means "winner of the peoples."

Whatever type of interpretation of the name Nicole was chosen - it characterizes a woman as belligerent, stubborn, strong. The planet that patronizes Nicole is Saturn. Planet of destruction and global change.

The color that suits the girl more than others is green, blue, red. And all their combinations. The stone that can become a talisman for a girl is green marble, turquoise. The zodiac sign that protects her is Aries and Scorpio. He defines the girl’s personality as resistant to stressful situations.

The origin and history of the name of Nicole

The Scandinavian origin of the name speaks of its ancient roots. The meaning of the name Nicole "winner of the peoples" means that the girls named by him were preparing for the life of a warrior. The name Nicole is widespread in Europe. It gained its popularity in the Middle Ages.

The name is abbreviated in the following forms - Nikusya, Nikushka. In Spain, the name is used in the form - Nicholas, In Romania - Nikulin, in Germany - Nicoletta. The name Nicole is not mentioned in the Christian tradition, so she does not celebrate her name day. Baptizing her under a different name chosen by her parents.

The character and fate of Nicole

Nicole causes people around quite strange emotions. People close to her are well aware of all the roughnesses of her character, those who first meet a girl are surprised at how one can be so direct. At the same time, it can even be overly serious.

Positive Nicole character traits:

• Curiosity;

• frankness;

• Sociability;

• credulity;

• Kindness.

Being a little girl, Nicole is distinguished by curiosity, mobility. She always creates a lot of trouble for her loved ones. It is difficult for her to sit for a long time in one place, she must constantly be busy with something, do something. Parents are better off taking all her free time with various hobbies and activities. In sports, she will be weak, but music and dancing will bring her true pleasure.

Since the girl is very dreamy - she often gets into a mess. What does the name Nicole mean? "Winner"? And indeed, the girl will repeatedly be forced to defeat herself in order to get the desired result. She will have to work hard to get what she wants. This may apply to both work and personal relationships. Nicole does not give anything in life the first time.

Due to disappointments in people, betrayal and resentment, the girl becomes callous, dull and rude. She may not communicate for a long time with those with whom she was friends yesterday, may refuse to have a relationship with a man because of her inner loneliness. Nicole is often depressed. She may even like this condition, which is why she chooses only positive and cheerful people as friends.

She always wants to learn something new, she constantly strives for self-improvement. But at the same time, he will not miss a moment to be sad, to remember the past, to cry. At work, she is very restrained and does not show emotions, but when she comes home and remains alone with herself, Nicole can recall the whole burden of the past day sobbing.

Due to his sociability, Nicole has a wonderful presence in marketing, journalism, politics. But she needs to constantly feel that she is the main one, that she is important, that she is valued according to her deserts. Therefore, Nicole often changes jobs. She has conflicts with subordinates and colleagues, after which she immediately changes her job.

Nicole's character and fate determine her weak traits. She is weak in business, because she herself will not be able to develop it, and simply will not want to share her money with someone else. Nicole often longs to help those who live worse than she does, those orphans, single mothers, sick people. She participates in charity, trying to be socially useful. This attracts new friends to her.

Nicole has few friends. Only people checked by time and situations remain among her friends. She has a lot of plans for the future, but at the same time, she does not fully know how to implement them. The problem of the girl can be distraction and emotionality. If she does not find the possibility to realize herself, she becomes angry and cruel. Therefore, Nicole should constantly look for options for the development of creativity, for classes to your liking.

Love nicole

For Nicole, the experience of the relationship that her parents had was important. If a girl was brought up only by her mother, she becomes distrustful of men. At the same time, he begins to look for a real ideal man. When she realizes that it simply does not exist, she begins to get upset and lose interest in relationships.

The wisdom to Nicole comes only with experience. It is worth noting that at an older age she becomes selfish and wants men to devote a lot of time to her. She wants to find someone who will live for her.

Nicole’s marriage is usually late and his partner insists on him. That is why girls with this name often give birth to first-born after thirty years. Personal life for Nicole is always more important than financial well-being. She can refuse to work, from friends, even from family for the sake of building strong relationships with a partner.

Giving herself completely to the man, she hopes to receive the same act in response. But not having received the proper care and love, Nicole ceases to believe in the future of relations. She is very categorical and selfish. This repels men with frivolous intentions. Nicole usually has one marriage, which she seeks to make happy.
