Homemade tomato paste sauces - better than ketchups, tastier! Tomato paste sauce - a universal dressing for any dishes


Tomato sauce is universal, there are many dishes that are prepared or served with it. Fried, boiled, steamed meat, fish, barbecue or barbecue, side dishes of pasta or rice, flavored with a portion of sauce, are tasty and would not look so appetizing, if not dressed with tomato sauce.

Dishes such as meatballs, cabbage rolls, meatballs in tomato sauce are juicier and somewhat denser.

Tomato sauce with garlic goes well. Just a couple of spoons of tomato, a little flour, a little butter, and a couple of cloves of garlic and ordinary pasta will disappear from the plates, like an overseas delicacy.

Tomato paste sauces - general principles of preparation

• Recipes of tomato paste sauce are extremely simple, but to make it really tasty, you should adhere to the proportions recommended by the recipe. You can experiment with pungency by adding spices and spices at your discretion.

• The sauce is cooked on a stove in deep saucepan or pan. The dishes should be thick-walled or with a special non-stick coating so that the sauce does not burn in it.

• For a delicious sauce, you need high-quality tomato paste. When buying first things first, pay attention to its composition. Tomatoes, water and salt are the main components, spices may be present, but it is better not to take such a paste for the sauce, you can spoil the intended taste. It is also worth giving up the purchase if the carcinogen E-129 is present in the composition.

• After opening the jar, be sure to remove the sample, the paste should not have a rancid taste. An over-salted product can be used, but the sauce in this case will need to be added with caution.

• Tomato is usually diluted with water. It should be noted that the paste can settle on the bottom, so when boiling the sauce it is recommended to mix it well regularly.

Tomato paste sauce: spicy dressing recipe for any dish


• 7 carnation umbrellas;

• four tablespoons of tomato puree;

• 200 ml of drinking water;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• ten peas of pepper;

• a spoon of Extra salt;

• ground paprika powder - 1/3 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Having poured water into the stewpan, we plant tomato in it. Add all the spices and spices, add salt and slightly sweeten.

2. Place the stewpan on an intense fire, and, barely brought to a boil, set the heat slightly less than average. Boil, not allowing to boil intensively, about 25 minutes.

3. The finished sauce is filtered through a sieve and poured into a gravy boat or storage container. We keep in the refrigerator up to five days.

Tomato paste sauce: recipe with paprika and dried garlic to grease the base of pizza


• bottled drinking water - 120 ml;

• a quarter of a spoon of ground paprika;

• 150 gr. tomato puree;

• sugar - 25 gr.;

• salt;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of dried chopped garlic;

• half a spoonful of dry ground basil.

Cooking method:

1. Put the thick tomato in a small bowl, add sugar and add it. Pour basil, ground paprika and garlic here - mix.

2. Dilute with water and place on moderate heat. Noticing the beginning of the boil, slightly reduce the heat and cook the tomato sauce for about ten minutes.

3. After removing from heat, let cool well, after which we use sauce instead of ketchup to moisten the base of pizza.

"Barbecue" - tomato paste sauce: a recipe for meat and fish dishes (with smoke)


• mustard seeds - two teaspoons;

• tomato paste - a 250-gram glass;

• 50 gr. brown sugar;

• a spoon of liquid smoke;

• red paprika powder - 2 teaspoons;

• chopped dried onions - 1 tsp;

• a quarter of a spoon of black, coarse pepper;

• refined oil;

• a small lemon;

• a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce.

Cooking method:

1. In a thick-walled pan or stewpan, spread the tomato.

2. Dip lemon in boiling water for two minutes. We wipe and remove zest from the citrus with a fine grater, cut the fruit and squeeze all the juice out of it. After filtering, measure out two large spoons of juice and add it to the tomato. Add a teaspoon of zest, cover the remaining components. We add a spoon or two of vegetable oil and, having thoroughly mixed, place on the fire.

3. Regularly stirring, boil the sauce at moderate heat for about seven minutes, cool and pour into the sauce boat.

4. Store in a tightly closed container for up to a week.

Tomato paste sauce: the recipe "Classic", to fish dishes


• fish broth - 350 ml;

• a spoon of flour;

• large carrot;

• head of a bitter onion;

• a glass of tomato paste;

• a small bay leaf;

• ground hot and black pepper;

• sugar and evaporated salt;

• butter, high percentage oil - 30 gr.;

• parsley root.

Cooking method:

1. Rub carrots with parsley root on a medium grater. Finely chop the onion.

2. Transfer the chopped roots into the pan, and add a little oil. Having established an average heating, we are constantly stirring.

3. Pour the flour and, stirring, fry the vegetables for another two minutes.

4. Put tomato, bay leaf in a pan and mix thoroughly and dilute with broth. Boil over medium heat with a slight boil for five minutes.

5. Put a metal sieve on a convenient bowl, pour the hot sauce into it. Grind the remaining vegetables in the strainer and combine with the strained mass.

6. Add butter, spices. After mixing, remove the sample and adjust the taste of the sauce with salt and sugar.

Tomato paste sauce: Georgian cuisine recipe with suneli hops


• oregano, ground basil - on an incomplete spoon;

• homemade butter, cream - 25 gr.;

• large onion;

• 45 gr. tomato paste;

• garlic;

• drinking water - an incomplete glass;

• black pepper, salt and sugar;

• half a spoon of hops-suneli.

Cooking method:

1. In a small cauldron or thick-walled stewpan with medium heating, melt and heat the butter well.

2. Thinly chop the onion into quarters of the rings, finely chop two garlic cloves and dip everything into the warmed fat. Fry, stirring occasionally, until golden. We spread the tomato to the onion and, without interrupting stirring, warm up for another three minutes.

3. Next, pour boiled water and boil slightly. After boiling, it is enough to grind the sauce with medium heating for seven minutes.

Tomato paste sauce: recipe with basil, for serving with meat dishes and kebab


• high-quality tomato paste - 70 gr.;

• 30 grams of starch;

• 150 ml of water;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• Red pepper;

• a teaspoon of ground basil;

• garlic;

• parsley - 5 branches.

Cooking method:

1. In a saucepan we combine the tomato with granulated sugar, basil and ground red pepper. Add a little salt and crush two garlic cloves with a press. Add about 2/3 of the water and mix thoroughly.

2. We place the mixture on medium-low heating and, bringing to a boil, boil, not allowing to boil vigorously, for five minutes. Insoluble crystals of salt or sugar should not remain in the sauce.

3. While the sauce is being cooked, we dilute the starch in the remaining water. Shake the mixture well, break all the lumps.

4. Without removing the sauce from the heat and stirring vigorously, pour the starch mixture into a thin stream. At medium temperature, heat to a boil and boil until lightly thickened, remove from the stove and cool well.

5. Finely chop the well-washed, dried parsley and mix it with the cooled sauce.

Tomato paste sauce: minced meat recipe (for pasta)


• fresh pork and ground beef - 300 gr.;

• two medium onions;

• 250 gr. tomato paste;

• fresh garlic;

• refined oil, highly refined.

Cooking method:

1. Onion half-rings or their halves, finely chop the onion, Three garlic cloves with a small heavy knife.

2. We heat one and a half tablespoons of oil in a pan, and dip the garlic in it. Fry for two minutes, stirring occasionally, and put onion, cook another five minutes.

3. Put the minced meat in the pan. We give him a little grab, and then knead with a fork. Season with pepper, and carefully, a little bit of salt. We continue to fry the meat until golden brown.

4. Add tomato paste to the minced meat, stir and fry for another three minutes.

5. Pour half a glass of drinking water into the pan and bring the sauce to low heat under a lid. Stew no more than five minutes.

Technological tricks for making tomato paste sauces, useful tips and tricks

• When cooling, the sauce usually becomes thicker, so try not to boil it too much. Remove from the stove, not reaching the desired density.

• Be sure to take a sample at the end. If the sauce is acidic, add a little sugar and completely dissolve the crystals by stirring.

• Starch of any kind can be used for thickening, although more often flour is used. Dilute the loose components in a small amount of cool water and pour the mixture into a hot sauce in a thin stream. Stir the hot mass vigorously to prevent clumping.

• If you want to diversify the tomato paste sauce with herbs, add it only after it has completely cooled.

• In any of these recipes, you can add pulp of bell pepper instead of a part of tomato. Sauces with this addition feel a little sharper, and the taste takes on volume and lightness. Pepper is cut into strips, poured with boiling water and kept until a thin dense skin begins to peel off easily. The duration of the process is determined by eye, because in peppers of different varieties and ripeness, this value varies greatly.

• Instead of refined oil, which is recommended in the formulations, you can experiment with natural sunflower oil that has not undergone intensive purification. The sauces prepared on it are even richer in taste, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the frying processes, in oil of such varieties vegetables are easier to burn and saturated with a rancid taste.

• Sauces are considered to be especially chic, in which small slices of sauteed onions are clearly visible. For this effect, about a third of the onions are cut larger than recommended in the recipe, and the rest is grated.


Watch the video: 10 Simple Sauce Recipes for Everything (July 2024).