Features of the phase "Attack" according to Dukan. Useful recipes for the first stage of the Dukan diet - daily “Attack” phase menu


The attack is the initial phase of the four possible in the Dukan diet.

The first stage is most effective in terms of losing weight, although it takes less time compared to the other phases.

Dukan Diet "Attack" phase: what is it and its duration

The initial stage of the Ducan diet called Attack is the protein phase.

This stage has the following features:

• the diet consists mainly of protein foods;

• inclusion in the menu of oatmeal serving to cleanse the body;

• there are no restrictions on the amount of food consumed - the proteins in the body break down for a long time, so hunger does not haunt a person;

• must attend at least walks around the city or cross country for at least 20 minutes a day.

An attack is a phase in which the maximum amount of excess weight is lost.. This is due to the active use of proteins, due to which overweight not only ceases to accumulate, but also begins to decrease. The lack of carbohydrates in food leads to the fact that the body begins to draw energy from its own fat reserves. And it actively and effectively reduces weight.

You need to know about the attack phase of the Ducan diet, what is this condition for the body in which it can be at different intervals.

The duration of the initial stage will depend on the desired results.:

• if the target is dropped to 5 kg, then the duration of the phase will be 2 days;

• to get rid of 5-8 kg will need a course of 3 days;

• when you need to get rid of 8-10 kg - you need to tune in to a diet with a start in 4-5 days;

• to get rid of 10 kg or more, the maximum number is 7 days.

The initial stage of losing weight under any circumstances and circumstances should not exceed 1 week in duration. Otherwise, stress for the body in this diet will be significant, and it will begin to accumulate fats, and not get rid of them.

The basic rules of the Dukan diet "Attack", a detailed description and assumptions in the menu

When choosing a Ducan diet for weight loss, you need to start the first phase according to the following rules:

1. If salads are prepared for meals, it is allowed to season them with soy sauce, vinegar or vegetable oil.

2. To make the dishes varied in Dukan's diet, allowed spices, such as cumin, sesame, dill, parsley, onion, and garlic, will help.

3. Be sure to remember about the drinking regimen - you need to drink a lot of fresh clean liquid every day, at least 2 liters.

4. Limit to the maximum should be the consumption of mustard and salt, which are the reason for the delay of excess fluid in the body.

5. Refuse for the duration of the whole diet, not only the attack phase is needed from any type of alcoholic beverages.

6. Every day, fiber must be ingested.

7. Combine with the first and other phases you need walking, sports or active pastime in the air.

8. Due to the contraindications present, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician before starting to lose weight using the Ducan method.

Lists of allowed and forbidden foods in Dukan’s diet “Attack” - detailed description

The attack in the Ducan diet is the first constant phase for losing weight. For her, a nutritionist has developed a list of 72 allowed foods that you can combine at your discretion to create a menu for a certain number of days. The list includes:

• beef and veal;

• horsemeat;

• poultry meat;

• rabbit meat;

• ham;

• offal;

• all types of fish, including in the form of canned food in personal juice and smoked meat up to a maximum of 10% fat;

• crab sticks;

• any seafood;

• skim dairy products;

• mushrooms;

• any broths on lean meat without cereals, potatoes and other vegetables, as well as fat.

On the proposed products there are no restrictions on the amount of their consumption and the time taken in days. From drinks it is allowed to drink tea, water, coffee, herbal infusions and decoctions.

In addition to protein foods, the following must also be present in the diet:

• bran;

• allowed to replace sugar in various ways;

• lemon;

• seasonings and herbs, garlic.

It is necessary to refuse the diet time from any fatty, fried, smoked, high-calorie dishes. You need to exclude sweets and flour dishes, juices (not home-made), cereals, desserts, fruits from the menu.

Creating a daily “Attack” phase menu: weekly ration

Making a menu of the attack phase for each day, based on the list of products offered, is simple and independent. But it will be easier to rely on a ready-made balanced menu for 7 days.

1. Monday:

• breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese 200 g, a slice of grilled chicken, coffee with milk without sugar;

• lunch: dish - Vietnamese beef and low-fat yogurt 0%;

• dinner: pastuka in Dukanov style

2. Tuesday:

• breakfast: rolls with crab sticks, crab or shrimp;

• lunch: oat bran pancakes with smoked salmon appetizer;

• dinner: Mimosa salad;

3. Wednesday:

• breakfast: non-standard omelet with herbs and toppings (recipe in the next section), a warm drink;

• lunch: a choice of boiled fish and a glass of kefir;

• dinner: googol-mogul, chicken nuggets, oat bran;

4. Thursday:

• breakfast: low-fat yogurt, oat bran, tea;

• lunch: veal chop, portion of cottage cheese or yogurt;

• dinner: tiger prawns in garlic sauce or pieces of chicken under it;

5. Friday:

• breakfast: dukanovsky cheesecakes;

• lunch: chicken fillet (can be grilled) with a cake of their oat bran;

• dinner: fish baked without oil with lemon;

6. Saturday:

• breakfast: 2 soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs;

• lunch: Dukanovsky soup;

• dinner: liver pancakes;

7. Sunday:

• breakfast: steam fish with herbs and a little cottage cheese;

• lunch: scrambled eggs from several eggs, cream cheese with low fat content, a warm drink to your taste;

• dinner: turkey meatballs.

As a snack (lunch or afternoon snack), you can choose the following dishes:

• yogurt 0%;

• cottage cheese with sweetener;

• tea or coffee with pastries according to the recommendations of Ducane;

• kefir;

• Dukanov syrniki;

• pancakes according to Ducane;

• vanilla porridge with oat bran and tea.

For the second dinner you can cook:

• curd dessert;

• a glass of kefir;

• cottage cheese mousse;

• acidophilus;

• yogurt 0%;

• any other dairy product;

• crab sticks.

It is not necessary to finish the “attack” stage gradually. After the expiration of its period, 28 vegetables are sharply introduced into the diet, and a new stage begins, called "alternation."

Variety of dishes in the Dukan diet "Attack": a detailed description of the cooking process

To diversify the menu of the first phase of the diet for losing weight Dukan can be various interesting dishes. Recipes for new dishes for the proposed menu:

1. Omelet with filling. The omelet can be replaced by a dish with a filler, which can be replaced by an ordinary and boring housewife. It is enough to prepare an omelet from eggs, skim milk, spices according to the standard scheme, but add to it also a choice:

• rabbit meat;

• beef;

• fish;

• chicken's meat;

• cheese;

• meat plows.

Be sure to season the dish with a potion, you can wrap the omelet in a roll and serve in a cut form to the table.

2. Ducan recipe soup. Liquid in the diet menu must also be present. Ducan recommends preparing soup in this way: separately cook meat, separately stew. Grind the meat with the egg, add them to the yushka and season with herbs.

3. Cheesecakes according to Ducan. Need fat-free cottage cheese - 1 pack, 2 eggs, oat bran - 2 tbsp. l., sweetener - 1 coffee l., vanillin. All ingredients must be mixed and fried with a minimum of oil. To do this, it is better to choose a non-stick pan. Another option is steaming. You can supplement the syrniki with a strawberry protein shake.

4. Dukanovskaya pastoral. You will need turkey, chicken (sirloin) or beef tenderloin to choose from. Fresh meat should be put in a salt solution (1 tbsp. L. Per 1 glass of water) and refrigerated overnight. Then prepare a coating of 2 tsp. paprika, olive oil and other favorite spices. The meat must be removed from the solution, dried, spread with spices and cooked using roasting with garlic.

5. Crab rolls - homemade dish of crab sticks and filler. The filling may be a mixture of soft cheese (it is better to take processed), fish and herbs. Instead of seaweed as in usual rolls, the unwound crab stick will become the outer layer. It remains only to cut the rolls into rolls.


Watch the video: The Features Phase Too (June 2024).