Japanese diet for 7 days: principles and benefits. Creating a menu for a Japanese diet for 7 days: how to choose the right products


Overweight problems worry many people, but not the Japanese. To quickly and effectively lose weight, you can use the Japanese diet for 7 days, which will get rid of several unnecessary kilograms and help develop the right eating habits.

General principles of the Japanese diet for 7 days, its essence and prescriptions

The essence of the Japanese diet for 7 days or 2 weeks is the rejection of carbohydrates and nutrition of fiber and protein foods.

Lack of energy sources - fats and carbohydrates forces the body to extract strength from internal fat stores. The main restrictions on Japanese nutrition are the rejection of fatty, floury, sugary foods and salt.

The last product can enter the body exclusively through products, that is, in its natural form - in eggs, vegetables, fish, meat. With the right exit from the diet, you can not only maintain the results achieved, but also improve them.

According to the principle of Japanese nutrition, it is allowed to eat such products:

• coffee of natural varieties;

• green tea;

• vegetables and fruits (you can not eat bananas, grapes);

• lean parts of meat and fish species;

• eggs;

• natural tomato juice;

• lemons;

• kefir with a minimum percentage of fat and cheese;

• vegetable oil.

In order not to expose your body to stress and sudden changes in your usual diet, it is advisable to start a diet correctly too. Five days in advance, you need to follow these recommendations:

• drink more water - not teas, coffee or juices, namely clean water from 1.5 to 2 liters;

• try not to salt food at all or gradually reduce the amount of salt;

• exclude meat from the diet;

• do not eat purchased finished products, smoked and pickled food, as salt will be present everywhere;

• refuse sugary and alcoholic drinks;

• try to spend a day on kefir or unloading on apples;

• eat more vegetables; make unpolished boiled rice a priority.

For a clearer understanding of the essence of the Japanese diet:

1. Weight is lost due to the developed regime of the day and a strict schedule of food intake - snacking during the diet is unacceptable.

2. A certain amount of calories is allowed to be consumed per day - no more than 1100, and in some cases 600.

3. Catabolic processes in the body are triggered due to a lack of incoming energy.

4. A significant amount of protein in the diet will not allow the body to lose muscle mass.

5. To absorb protein, the body does not need a lot of energy, which positively affects the metabolic processes in the body.

6. The decrease in body weight mainly occurs due to the reduced amount of carbohydrates in the diet, which are often converted into fat accumulations.

General principles of nutrition:

1. Strict adherence to the sequence - the goal of the Japanese diet is not only to rid the body of a few extra pounds, but also to maintain the result achieved over a long period. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the diet and do not change the sequence in the menu.

2. The diet is not allowed to look for alternatives to the proposed list of products. An exception is spinach - it can be replaced by white cabbage. Tomato juice and tomatoes can also be suitable for replacing each other.

3. Sugar should be excluded from food. Therefore, the taboo applies to honey, pastries, desserts, sweets and flour dishes.

4. Thanks to the exclusion of salt, you can get rid of excess fluid in the body - it takes up to 30% of excess weight.

5. Do not forget to drink water - a daily amount of 1.5-2 liters.

6. You can’t sit on such food for more than 14 days. The second option of a strict diet requires the development of a slightly different menu.

Diet selection for the Japanese diet for 7 days

Japanese food does not tolerate deviations from the established regime and neglect of the rules. The same applies to the diet, which must be blindly followed in each of the 7 days, without changing everything in it in its own way. Menu example:

1. Monday - the morning of the first day begins modestly with a glass of black coffee without sweeteners, milk or cream. In the afternoon it is allowed to eat two boiled eggs, a salad of boiled cabbage, as a drink you should choose tomato juice 1 cup. In the evening, cook low-fat fish up to 250 g.

2. Tuesday - on the second day a similar breakfast, but a little bit of cracker. For lunch - stewed cabbage as a side dish to boiled fish. The third meal includes 1 cup of kefir 1% and 200 g of boiled beef.

3. Wednesday - breakfast on the third day is repeated, as on the first, for lunch vegetables - fried zucchini, for dinner an unusual salad is prepared from eggs, beef and cabbage with vinegar dressing.

4. Thursday - Tuesday's breakfast is repeated, for lunch there is a large plate of finely grated carrots and a small piece of cheese, as well as a raw egg. Dinner will be light - 2 medium-sized apples or 1 large.

5. Friday - on the fifth day we change the breakfast plan - we cook grated carrots with a little oil and lemon juice. For lunch, get a glass of natural tomato drink and cook fish. For dinner, apples again.

6. Saturday - a standard breakfast with coffee, boiled chicken breast at lunch, you can eat from 300 g to half a kilogram, make a cabbage salad. We eat it for dinner with two hard-boiled eggs.

7. Sunday - the final day begins with green tea without any additives and sugar, at lunch you need to eat 1 apple and a piece of boiled veal, and dinner should be duplicated by any of the 5 previous ones, except for Wednesday's meal.

Thanks to the regular and active use of water between the main meals, the body will be able to more easily adapt to a new type of diet and generally feel better, especially at first.

Important features of the Japanese diet for 7 days: the organization of the nutrition process

Why choose the diet of the Land of the Rising Sun:

• loss of excess weight;

• normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

• the formation of proper eating habits;

• it is relatively easy to sit on;

• lack of hunger;

• persistence of the effect.

Important points without which the diet will not be so effective:

1. You need to drink water according to the rules - 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after it.

2. Cooking can be done by cooking, baking without oil, steamed. The last option is a priority.

3. It is necessary to determine the same time in each day for eating.

4. If coffee is not nice to you or there are contraindications for its use, then the drink can be replaced with green tea.

5. If there were sports in life without a diet, then you should not refuse them, but you should not increase the load either. It is also not necessary to sharply begin intensive studies simultaneously with the diet. This is very difficult for an unprepared body, fraught with deterioration of well-being - the appearance of dizziness, darkening in the eyes. The best option is morning exercises, hiking, outdoor activities.

6. A limited diet will deprive the body of all the elements necessary for its normal functioning, therefore it is important to stock up on the vitamin complex and take it during the diet.

The principle of nutrition is based on the use of key products during the diet:

1. Coffee helps to metabolize. The use of a drink in small doses has a good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It performs the function of an antioxidant in the human body, giving no chance for the existence of free radicals in the cells of the body.

2. Cabbage - a low-calorie vegetable, in 100 grams of which contains up to 30 kcal. The body spends a huge amount of energy on the digestion of such fiber. An abundant amount of fiber in the body improves digestion, neutralizes part of the fats that enter the body, saturates it with vitamins A, C, group B and microelements.

3. Carrots - a source of carotene or vitamin A, rich in vegetable manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, B vitamins. Carrots can reduce stress levels, improve the central nervous system. The use of vegetables favorably affects the condition of hair, nails, vision, skin.

4. Meat - beef and poultry (chicken) - leaders in protein content with a minimum amount of fat. Animal protein saturates the human body with essential amino acids for its functioning.

5. Fish - a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the external beauty of hair, skin, and improvement of brain activity.

The disadvantage of any diet is the lack of guarantee that excess weight will not return again.

Here it is worth paying tribute to the willpower of losing weight people, which either manifests itself or not after the completion of the diet.

Some do not know the rules for getting out of it, some are just lazy. But in any case, their previous efforts for some time may be in vain. To avoid this, you need to exit it like this:

1. The next 2-3 days you should not eat in the evenings and do not introduce sweets into the diet.

2. All foods with high calorie content should be eaten in the morning.

3. You can gradually switch to proper nutrition or leave a similar, but less strict menu.

4. For 1.5-2 weeks after the diet, try not to exceed the calorie norm of 1800 units.

5. The first month you do not need to eat spicy, floury and sweet food. You can add salt to dishes, but it is better to choose iodized or sea salt for this.

If you follow simple and affordable recommendations, each losing weight will be able to lose weight quickly and with pleasure.
