Custard with condensed milk is a classic. The best custard recipes with condensed milk and desserts with it for the whole family


Custard is so versatile that it can be used not only for cakes and pastries, but also as an independent dessert.

Custard with condensed milk and desserts with it - the basic principles of preparation

Due to its delicate and light texture, custard with condensed milk goes well with any dough: shortbread, biscuit, custard or puff.

The cream itself can act as an independent dessert, if you add fruits or berries to it. It can be frozen. In this case, the cream will taste like ice cream.

The cooking process does not take much time. It is enough to have on hand cow's milk and condensed milk, sugar, flour and eggs. The main thing is that all products are fresh and of good quality.

Condensed milk can be used regular or boiled.

If you add juice and citrus zest to the cream, you get a refreshing dessert.

Recipe 1. Custard with condensed milk


60 g of wheat flour;

45 g of granulated sugar;

200 g of condensed milk;

half a pack of butter;

a glass of homemade milk.

Cooking method

1. Mix milk with flour in a saucepan, pour sugar and shake everything thoroughly with a fork. We send the dishes with the workpiece to a small fire and cook, stirring with a wooden spatula, until thickened. Remove from heat. To avoid lumps, beat the mixture with a mixer. Cool.

2. Add butter and condensed milk to a slightly warm cream. The oil should not melt when added to the cream. Beat with a mixer at minimum speed.

Recipe 2. Caramel custard with condensed milk


fat cream - 200 g;

stack milk;

can of condensed milk;

30 g of sugar;

75 g of premium flour;


Cooking method

1. Pour sugar into warm milk and stir until it dissolves. We begin to whisk with a whisk, gradually introducing flour so that lumps do not form.

2. Send the mixture to the stove and cook on the slowest fire until it thickens. Set the creamy mass aside, cool slightly and add condensed milk. Mix until smooth.

3. Whip the cream into a dense mass. Gradually add the cooled custard to the whipped cream and mix gently.

Recipe 3. Custard with condensed milk and starch


350 ml of condensed milk;

raw egg yolks - two pcs .;

60 g of potato starch;

300 ml of milk 3.2%.

Cooking method

1. Pour milk into the stewpan, add raw yolks and starch. Shake with a mixer at low speeds until smooth. Add condensed milk to the resulting mixture, mix and send to a small fire.

2. Stir, cook until the mass begins to bubble. We shift it into a deep dish and cool it, stirring it from time to time so that a crust does not form on top.

Recipe 4. Custard with boiled condensed milk


100 g of granulated sugar;

two glasses of milk;

butter - 300 g;

250 g of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Mix cold milk with sugar and flour. Shake with a fork until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is obtained. Pour into a stewpan and send to low heat. We cook five minutes from the moment of boiling. So that the cream does not burn, we constantly mix during the preparation process.

2. Remove the stewpan to the side and cool the contents. The cream will turn out quite thick. Add soft butter to it and beat until smooth. Without ceasing to beat, we introduce boiled condensed milk into a cream on a spoon. The cream is ready.

Recipe 5. Apples Baked with Custard


four apples;


50 g of raisins;

two egg whites;

500 g custard with condensed milk;

? stack jam;

100 g of granulated sugar;

50 ml of white wine.

Cooking method

1. Cook custard with condensed milk according to any of the above recipes.

2. Wash raisins and soak in boiling water for half an hour. Then we drain the infusion, and dry the raisins on a napkin and add to the custard.

3. Wash the apples and cut the upper and lower parts. Cut the core, trying not to damage the walls. Sprinkle with vanilla sugar. We combine the wine with jam, mix. We put apples in a form, pour wine with jam and put in the oven. Bake until half of the original volume is evaporated.

4. Beat egg whites with sugar and lemon juice in a stable foam. Fill apples with custard. Put a little whipped protein on top and bake another ten minutes. We shift the apples to the dish, pour the sauce, sprinkle with powder and decorate with mint leaves.

Recipe 6. Dessert with custard and condensed milk



wheat flour - 180 g;

condensed milk - ? banks;

vanilla sugar;

sour cream not lower than 20% - 200 ml;

sugar -? cups.


150 g of hazelnuts and sugar.

Custard with condensed milk - 500 ml.

Sour cream

icing sugar - 150 g;

fat sour cream - 0.5 l.

cooking method

1. Start by making the dough. Add soda to sour cream and mix. So we extinguish it. Add condensed milk and sugar. Stir until sugar crystals dissolve completely. Pour flour and knead the dough. Pour it into a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake for 20 minutes at 180 C.

2. Cook sugar syrup. Cool the finished cake, cut into squares and soak in syrup.

3. Put the pan on a small fire. Pour sugar in small portions and melt it. Spread chopped hazelnuts, mix and spread on baking paper. Cool completely. Then grind the grill into small pieces using a rolling pin.

4. Cook custard with condensed milk according to one of the recipes above. Beat sour cream with a mixer with icing sugar. Combine and sour cream and mix.

5. Spread slices of biscuit in molds, sprinkle with roasting and pour cream. If you wish, you can add berries. Decorate with chopped roasted top.

Recipe 7. Delicate custard with condensed milk and fruit


400 g canned peaches;

vanilla sugar;

two pears;

15 g of flour;


15 g of starch;

200 ml cream 20%;

120 g of granulated sugar;

200 ml of milk;

can of condensed milk;


two yolks.

Cooking method

1. We connect the yolks with the egg. Pour sugar and blender until fluffy foam, add sifted flour and starch. Whip again.

2. Pour milk and cream into the stewpan, add vanilla sugar and send to a slow fire. Cook with constant stirring until boiling. Remove from heat and introduce the egg mixture.

3. Warm the cream in a water bath, continuously mixing until it thickens. Remove from heat, pour the condensed milk in small portions and slightly beat.

4. Remove the peaches from the syrup and cut into thin slices. Pear and banana clean. Remove the middle of the pear and cut the fruit into cubes.

5. In a wide glass we spread layers of custard and pieces of fruit. The top layer should be fruit. Cool for half an hour and serve, garnishing with mint leaves.

Recipe 8. Custard dessert with condensed milk and bananas


chicken egg;


30 g coconut flakes;

vanilla sugar;

two stacks. regular sugar;

5 g of cocoa;

50 g of wheat flour;

stack milk;

300 ml of condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Drive the egg into a deep bowl, add the vanilla and regular sugar and beat. Add a couple of tablespoons of flour and mix. Pour milk in a thin stream, while stirring intensively so that clots do not form.

2. A plate with the workpiece is sent to the microwave for four minutes. Take out and mix every minute. If there is no microwave, prepare the cream until thickened in a water bath. In a ready, slightly chilled cream, pour in a couple of tablespoons of condensed milk and stir. Pour about one third of the piece into a separate plate. We add coconut flakes to a large part of the cream, pour cocoa into the smaller part. Mix and cool.

3. Peel the bananas from the peel and cut it into small pieces. We lay them out in glasses.

4. Spread a layer of white custard. In the middle we put a couple of spoons of chocolate cream. Spread a layer of bananas and fill with white cream.

5. Dessert decorate with banana slices and serve cold or warm.

Custard with condensed milk and desserts with it - tips and tricks

Cook the cream in a pan with a thick bottom, as it warms up evenly.

Stir the cream constantly during cooking. It is better to use a wooden spatula for this.

The density of the cream depends on the amount of milk, the less it is, the thicker the cream will turn out.

It is better to cook custard in a water bath, so it is guaranteed not to curl up and not turn into a bad dough.

To make the cream tender, cool it slightly and rub through a sieve.


Watch the video: Walnut Custard in UrduHindi by Azra Salim (July 2024).