Interesting details of the secret wedding of Keira Knightley


American actress Keira Knightley half a year ago married the deputy musician James Ryton. The actress claims that she really likes the role of wife. According to Kira, loneliness is extremely exhausting for her, while being with her beloved person makes her life simpler and easier.

Recall that the couple played a secret wedding in Provence, where Find has its own house and a winery.

According to Kira, her wedding was so beautiful that made the actress cry and laugh at the same time. The celebration took place without pathos, only the closest people were invited to it. The wedding itself was held in the style of conspiratorial films: guests came along different roads, settling in various hotels.

Kira's husband gave her an unusual gift - a centenary olive tree.

Knightley found this gift stunning and immediately planted it in the garden of her house. James scribbled their initials and the wedding date on the tree trunk. And the ring presented to the bride was a hereditary relic - it was inherited from the grandmother by the groom.


Watch the video: Keira Knightley's Wedding Was So Secret the Parents Didn't Even Know - Splash News. Splash News TV (June 2024).