Prayers for children and godchildren


Baptism is one of the main sacred mysteries occurring in the life of every Orthodox. An important role in this act is played by godparents - those who take the baby from the hands of the priest after dipping into the font. Recipients have many responsibilities, including praying for their godchildren. Read more about the prayers of the godfathers in the article.

Responsibilities godparents

Godparents are considered the second parents of the child. They also have many responsibilities for the spiritual education of the baby. According to Christian treatises and instructions, the baptized Orthodox and deeply religious people should become the godparents. Both relatives and close friends of the family can act as receivers, but by no means are blood parents or husband and wife.

It is forbidden to invite non-Orthodox Christians as godparents, only in exceptional cases by prior consent of the clergyman. Also, a child can have only one godmother: a mother or a father.

The responsibilities of the recipients include:

  • parenting a child in orthodox traditions;
  • prayer for godchildren;
  • help with Christianity;
  • spiritual guidance;
  • joint church attendance with a child;
  • buying a cross;
  • aiding in determining the way of life;
  • teaching the godson basic prayers.

Godparents can not be changed afterwards, so you need to approach the choice wisely and being completely confident in these people. The recipients themselves must also understand the full extent of their responsibility and be as serious as possible with regard to the upbringing and life of the godchildren.

Before baptism, they should:

  • to take the sacrament;
  • to confess;
  • observe the weekly post;
  • clear the mind of third-party thoughts;
  • ensure the purity and fidelity of their own intentions;
  • put on consecrated crosses;
  • soothe the soul from the experiences and negativity.

God’s prayers for their godchildren

The prayers of the godfather and mother for their wards differ from each other, but there is a common prayer. "Symbol of faith". It is read at baptism in the first part of the sacrament. It is recommended to memorize the text of the prayer, but it is also allowed to read it from the sheet.

It contains 12 sub-clauses-statements, each of which contains specific confirmations:

  • the first is in the Lord the Most High;
  • from the second to the seventh one speaks of God the Son Jesus Christ;
  • the eighth term is about the third person of God, the Holy Ghost;
  • the ninth speaks of the church;
  • the tenth describes the mystery of baptism;
  • the eleventh sets forth the resurrection of the dead;
  • the twelfth tells of eternal life.

This prayer is the most perfect embodiment of Christian dogmas.

Text "Symbol of Faith"

The “Symbol of Faith” prayer is the basis of the Orthodox faith.

It should be read in a calm, even voice and without hesitation:

"I believe in the only God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, all that is visible and invisible. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from the Light, true God from the true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, He created everything.For the sake of us people and for our salvation who came down from heaven and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and who became man.He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, who suffered and was buried. And resurrected on the third day, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sitting on the right side of the Father. And coming again with glory, to judge the living and the dead, His kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, who gives life, from the Father who proceeds, with the Father and the Son, conniving and glorified, speaking through the prophets. In one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Waiting for the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen".

For a better understanding and perception of each phrase, you can download the text of the “Symbol of Faith” prayer by the members in Russian.

The Godmother for the godchildren

Every godmother should be fully aware of and accept the responsibilities that are assigned to her along with the baptism of the child. If the ceremony is held for a girl, then the priest must accept her personally after the font from the hands of the priest.

However, the second mother is obliged to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not wear clothes of bright colors on the sacrament;
  2. Give preference to a skirt or dress below the knee, choose the top with sleeves and without deep cuts;
  3. Put on a headscarf;
  4. Do not wear heels;
  5. Do not forget about the cross;
  6. Communion and confess a few days before the sacrament;
  7. Observe the post on this day;
  8. Read the prayer "Symbol of Faith" in the process of baptism;
  9. Keep the girl in her arms, calm down and follow her as necessary as a biological mother.

However, all this concerns baptism directly. Many will be interested, but are there any special prayers with the help of which one should address the Lord with a petition for the godchild after the ritual itself? You can use any prayer for children, specifying that the child is a godson. The most common are:

  • The prayer of the godmother for the godchildren of Father John:

"Lord Jesus, for the sake of your blood shed for our sins, I pray thee for the blessing and protection of the goddaughter (goddaughter) of my (child's name). Soul of pure and light, from the sin of the firstborn, delivered, save for him (her) and give life a long happy one. the right (the child’s name) you will be granted by thee and be saved. In order to observe (observe) your statutes and revelations. Amen";

  • Petition to the Most Holy Theotokos:

"Blessed Mother of God, Holy Lady of Heaven! I pray you and I cry with motherly love and request. Take care of my (my) goddess (goddaughter) (name given by her parents) in goddess (name given by her parents). Hide from troubles and sorrows , indicate the right and righteous path, protect it from evil and foes, so as not to know the child of sorrows. As a different mother I ask you, spiritually I pledge myself, I will drink and reverence the Lord with love. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeating prayers is recommended once a month in a church or temple. If a child has problems, illnesses, or does not want to turn to the Lord, you should read them more often.

Godfather for godchildren

An important role in the baptism of the boy is played by the godfather. It is he who takes the child out of the font, wraps it in a towel and holds it in his hands throughout the sacrament, and also reads the prayer of the godfather at baptism - "Symbol of Faith". The perceiver becomes not only the spiritual support of the boy, but also his close friend, a reliable protector.

Accordingly, the prayers of the godfather are offered to the defenders and intercessors of heaven.

  • The prayer of the godfather for the godson to the Lord:

"Lord Our God Almighty! Gracious Father, I beg and pray you for mercy. Yes, put on your grace (the name of the godson), save and save your innocent soul. I trust in your will and mercy. Amen";

  • The prayer for the godchildren, composed by Rev. Ambrose of Optina:

“Lord, the One, Understand my children (my child) (the name given at baptism) and guide them on the path of righteousness. Point the right path with your finger and do not allow to turn away from it. Deliver children from temptations and mistakes, don’t they said they would follow your teachings, serve the churches and not forget about your sacrifices and the grace of God, may your angels keep them, may your saints help and preserve their mother.".

These prayers are read in the church in the morning or in the evening before going to bed at the icons. They should also be repeated at least a couple of times a month, while “Our Father” should be read, thinking of the godchildren.


Watch the video: God's Story: Prayer (July 2024).