Propolis for immunity: helps children and adults. The use of propolis tincture to increase immunity, recipes


Many sources from which you can learn about simple natural remedies to increase the body's defenses abound with information about propolis. It is used to treat a number of diseases. What is this product, what are its properties and methods of application?

Propolis for immunity: composition and useful properties

A substance resembling plasticine in consistency - propolis is used by bees to seal cracks in the hive, as well as to remove harmful objects. In fact, propolis is a mixture of plant juices, sticky substances of coniferous and deciduous tree leaves, pollen and saliva of the “workers” themselves.

Natural antibiotic, which can be safely called propolis, has antibacterial, disinfectant, cleansing, softening properties.

Propolis, since ancient times used for immunity, contains organic acids in its composition that do not allow harmful bacteria to actively develop. In addition, propolis is rich in essential oils, resins, waxes, tannins.

The whole spectrum of useful substances of bee glue allows you to use it as an antimicrobial, analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agent that effectively increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

So, the main properties of propolis:

1. antifungal

2. antimicrobial

3. pain medication

4. anti-inflammatory

5. regenerative

6. antiviral

The use of the drug is a classic tincture of propolis for immunity

It is known that frequent diseases are the result of a decrease in the protective functions of the body, arising for various reasons. This includes genetic ailments, the effects of infection, the use of certain medications, as well as unhealthy diets and lifestyles.

Be that as it may, with immunodeficiency it is necessary to take appropriate measures. Naturally, after consultation with a specialist.

Propolis tincture to enhance immunity is a unique natural preparation that effectively affects both children and adults. It can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently using proven products.

To start, freeze the propolis ball and grate it on a very fine grater. Then fill the crushed product with plain water. Anything that pops up should be deleted. Then drain the water and dry the washed propolis.

Tincture is prepared with the use of alcohol, water or infusions on alcohol of medicinal herbs. Below are simple traditional recipes for preparing propolis tinctures to enhance immunity.

1. Grate 10 g of sticky substance. Preheat alcohol 70% (in a water bath), throw chopped propolis into it, mix and immediately remove from heat. Strain the composition using several layers of gauze. Drain everything into clean dishes and, corking, store in a cupboard. This recipe suggests using 10 g of propolis and 500 g of alcohol.

2. You can prepare a highly concentrated composition, which should be diluted before use. So, pour the chopped medicinal product into a glass dish, fill everything with alcohol (vodka). Put the drug in a dark place for 2 weeks. Do not forget to shake periodically. In conclusion - strain. In this recipe, the proportion is 50 to 50.

3. In addition to alcohol-containing tinctures (in case of intolerance to alcohol) use aqueous solutions. The only drawback of such a tool is its short shelf life. The finished solution must be used no later than a week from the date of preparation.

Prepare a drug like this: boil water in a clean enameled bowl, cool. Add chopped propolis in a 2: 1 ratio. Warm the composition in a water bath (until the particles of bee glue are completely dissolved) for about an hour. Then let it brew for 6 hours, strain and pour into a glass container (preferably dark).

4. Strengthen the effectiveness of propolis to enhance immunity using the so-called propolis honey. The recipe for a therapeutic mixture is simple: grind and melt a therapeutic product in a water bath. Add, stirring, honey. Warm the composition for about 20 minutes until the propolis dissolves. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator and consume it in tea or milk.

Propolis honey can be prepared in another way. After you strain the propolis tincture, separate the viscous mass that remains at the bottom of the dishes. Let it stand for several days in a dark place until the alcohol is released. Then drain the alcohol, and mix the gruel with honey and put in heat for a couple of days. Store the finished product in the cold and use as directed.

Propolis for children for immunity - the basic principles of admission

Due to its unique properties, propolis is an almost indispensable product for strengthening the children's immune system. In the case of babies, as a rule, use an aqueous solution of the product.

Before using propolis, a traditional allergic reaction test must be performed. To do this, you need to drop a couple of drops of the product onto the child’s skin and leave for a while. In the absence of a negative reaction of the body, which is manifested by redness, rash and other "troubles", you can safely use propolis for children for immunity.

If the child is already 3 years old, an alcohol infusion is recommended, which is calculated as follows: 1 drop of the composition for the baby's year of life. The therapeutic mixture is best diluted with a small amount of water and then given to the child.

The tool can not be used uncontrollably. To strengthen immunity, it is enough to give tincture for 2 weeks once a day. With a strong decrease in defenses, you need to take a break (2 weeks), and then continue the course of treatment, increasing the tincture up to 2 times a day.

A unique propolis-based product can be added directly to milk and given to the child before bedtime. According to experts and mothers themselves, this approach to treatment gives the greatest result.

In addition to internal use, the composition is used externally, lubricating the feet of the baby. This method of therapy is effective especially in seasonal epidemics of colds. If the baby is already sick, then the lubrication procedure is often performed.

How to take propolis for immunity to an adult?

There are a lot of ways to use bee glue to strengthen the body's defenses. The following are the simplest:

1. Hot milk with propolis is a real panacea for colds. In a hot glass of milk, add grated propolis (literally a pinch), mix and drink in small sips right before bedtime.

2. A couple of drops of the finished propolis tincture for alcohol can also be added to milk.

3. Add propolis tincture to alcohol in tea or milk for maximum resistance to infections. An aqueous solution of the product is no less effective. It is added to the hot liquid (15 drops) and drunk 2-3 times a day.

4. Tincture is also used for inhalation. In this case, it is preferable to use an aqueous solution. Inhalation treatment is recommended for those who have "caught" the disease, that is, in a condition where the nose is sore or sore throat. In this case, boil water, pour in a spoonful of tincture, allow the composition to cool slightly and, covering itself with a towel over the container, breathe healing moisture.

Propolis to increase immunity - possible consequences

Like any other, even the most useful product, propolis should be taken wisely. Tincture of bee glue on alcohol is not recommended in such cases:

• individual intolerance

• allergic reaction

• pregnancy and lactation

• children's age up to 3 years

Uncontrolled reception of propolis tincture can cause unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, increased pressure, palpitations, headache, excessive vigor, or, conversely, drowsiness.

Propolis or tincture based on a bee product is a unique natural remedy that can strengthen the body, protect it from viral and other infections. Propolis is indispensable in the autumn-winter period. It acts equally well on an adult and a child. The main thing is to use it wisely, adhering to simple rules for preparation and use.


Watch the video: Bee Propolis: Amazing & Proven Benefits of This Lesser Know Bee Product-Bee Glue- Remedies & Recipes (July 2024).