Physical activity at any age prolongs life


There is more evidence that physically active people live several years longer than inactive people. This evidence is so convincing that, according to the researchers, it can make the inactive stand up and start moving. So, two and a half hours of moderate physical activity per week can add almost six additional years to our lives.

It's no secret that physical activity and training are very beneficial, as they reduce the risk of certain diseases. Canadian scientists first found out how physical activity affects the life expectancy of people of different ages and race.

Men who have led an active lifestyle at the age of 20 should live two and a half years longer than those who like to lie on the couch. Interestingly, for the life expectancy of Hispanics, for reasons not yet clear, this has no effect.

But black women are in a particularly advantageous position. Scientists were able to prove that only one hour of vigorous running or swimming prolongs their life by 11 hours.

As for the elderly, white men and women increase their life expectancy by 1.2 and 1.6 years, respectively, if they lead an active lifestyle at the age of 80.

The results of the study are a little difficult to understand, since they consider the possible consequences of physical activity only from the point of view of one moment in a person’s life, and not throughout his life.

According to another study published last year, even 15 minutes of daily activity can contribute to increased life expectancy. Moreover, scientists are confident that these extra years will be a period of social, mental and physical health.


Watch the video: Exercise Increases Life Expectancy (July 2024).