How to use garlic to strengthen immunity? Immune honey, lemon and garlic at any time of the year: recipes for adults and children


The human body is created in such a way that it is able to cope with any "dirt" inside and a foreign invasion from the outside. All mechanisms provided for such self-cleaning are collectively called immunity. Infections, toxins, parasites should not linger in the body for a long time. They receive a worthy answer and get expelled, or are destroyed by their own forces inside the body.

Such an ideal picture is a rarity these days. The living environment created by man himself does not enhance immunity, but suppresses it. Therefore, strengthening the body's defenses is not necessary from time to time, but every day. Nature has created for this wonderful complex preparations, affordable and natural. We will figure out how honey, lemon and garlic are useful for immunity, and whether it is possible to combine them with ginger.

The effect of garlic on immunity

Garlic acts as an immunostimulant: increases the production of white blood cells, destroys pathogenic bacteria, viruses. At the same time, the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is not inhibited. Garlic contains aromatic essential oil, which contains allicin, a natural antibiotic. This substance, in combination with almost 400 other active ingredients, provides the benefits of garlic for immunity.

Allicin is responsible for the persistent, strong smell of the vegetable, which disappears during heat treatment. Spicy aroma disappears along with allicin. Therefore, if the garlic in the prepared form does not have a specific smell, then its value for immunity has greatly decreased.

Good to know! Under the influence of enzymes and temperature, allicin turns into a substance Ahoen, which has other medicinal properties: reduces cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots.

The best way to consume garlic to strengthen immunity is to take it inside fresh, two wedges a day with food. To enhance the therapeutic effect, homemade medicines from several components are used.

Immune garlic lemon

Adding lemon to garlic, we get several useful consequences:

• lemon has a lot of vitamin C, and in its presence many reactions go faster, vitamins of other groups, trace elements are absorbed better;

• softens, canned taste and smell of garlic;

• The antioxidant properties of lemon increase the healing effect.

For a gradual, systematic strengthening of the body's defenses, the following recipe is well suited.

Garlic infusion with lemon

To prepare it, you will need 4 pieces of garlic heads and medium-sized lemons. So the ingredients will be approximately equal. Peel the garlic and use the whole lemons. After passing everything through a meat grinder or grinding it in another way, put the resulting mass into a glass jar and add pure water to a volume of 3 liters.

Insist the product at room temperature for 3 days, after it, place it in the refrigerator. Take 5 tbsp. l before eating. Treatment is carried out for 5-6 weeks, not more than once a year. Lemon with garlic for immunity is especially useful in the spring, when a lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiency leads to frequent colds and infectious diseases.

Simple effective mixture

Quickly recovering or getting stronger after a previous illness helps to take a mixture of lemon and garlic:

• 1 lemon;

• 5 cloves of garlic.

Grind together and you can immediately take 1 tsp. twice a day. The tool strongly affects the gastric mucosa, therefore, it is used only after eating. The taste and smell of the medicine is very strong, but, with its help, the course of the disease can really be reversed in a few days. Take until symptoms disappear.

To reduce the harmful effects on the stomach, honey is added to the composition. It serves not only to mitigate, but becomes a full-fledged immunostimulating component.

Honey, lemon and garlic for immunity

All beekeeping products are used to enhance immunity. In the manufacture of home medicines, honey is most convenient. Its complex composition strengthens all body systems, provides the necessary nutrition for tissues at the cellular level. Vitamins, 20 amino acids, trace elements, flavonoids, which honey is rich in, are very easily absorbed by the body. Blood composition quickly improves, hormonal balance is restored, brain function is enhanced and mood is improved.

Important! Honey is not just a healthy sweet, it has a strong biologically active composition. It is not recommended to take honey in an amount of more than 2 tbsp. l per day.

Basic recipe:

In recipes with honey, lemon and garlic, a certain proportion is observed, which allows you to prepare the right amount of medicine for the day or prepare it for the whole family for future use: for 1 lemon - 1 large head of garlic. Honey is added at will, but not more than 100 g. The desired consistency depends on its quantity. The more honey, the more willingly the children take the medicine.

Such a mixture can be stored in the refrigerator and used for long-term prophylaxis. Such a tool acquires the best taste in a week. For adults and children, 1 tsp is enough. a day, but after two months, you should definitely take a break (at least a week), and then continue the tasty treatment.

Immune lemon with ginger and garlic: the strongest recipe

One of the leaders in strengthening immunity among foods is ginger root. Hot seasoning not only helps fight pathogens, but also makes the body itself actively engage in this work.

Accelerating the metabolism, literally "warming up" the body from the inside, ginger promotes the accelerated elimination of toxins and metabolic products. The effect of ginger is largely comparable to garlic, so why combine them in one recipe?

1. The immunostimulating effect of the products is provided by different substances, therefore, in the same composition they repeatedly reinforce each other.

2. The taste of ginger softens and masks the garlic odor somewhat. A general increase in metabolism accelerates the withdrawal of "odorous" compounds through the lungs and skin.

3. The combination of lemon, ginger and garlic for immunity creates a real "explosive" effect. This is urgently needed when detecting the first signs of a viral infection, a sharp or prolonged hypothermia, a sluggish recovery process after a serious illness.

The four-component composition, where the components complement and activate each other, can be prepared regardless of the season. All ingredients are easily accessible, their quality does not depend much on the season. In winter, it is advisable to have the finished medicine in the refrigerator for emergency cases.

Recipe for garlic-ginger "bomb":

• 1 lemon chopped with zest;

• finely chopped ginger root, weighing about 100 g;

• 5-6 mashed cloves of garlic (or one small head);

• 50 g of natural liquid honey.

All components should be mixed only in glassware. Cover tightly, leave for a day. Adults take a tablespoon in the morning and evening, children take a teaspoon. In case of acute need, it is permissible to take a daily dose (2 l.) At a time.

Flavorless Garlic Recipes

There are many recipes for home remedies without a characteristic garlic flavor. But when applied to the immune system, they are ineffective. Indeed, “odorous” substances have a large part of the therapeutic effect. Getting rid of them, we will get a useful medicine, but for other purposes.

To get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth completely, is difficult. Brushing teeth, “seizing” odorous herbs and spices only weakens it for a while. The reason is that, quickly penetrating into the blood, sulfate gases (responsible for the smell) are removed from the body through the lungs and the surface of the skin. This shows how effective the action of garlic throughout the body, but causes inconvenience.

After making sure that the oral cavity and tongue are clean, and the smell remains, you can only mask it. Pharmaceutical sprays or fragrant spices (cardamom, cloves, mint) can be carried with you and used throughout the day.

Natural remedies, when used correctly, are very beneficial.

Immune honey, lemon, ginger and garlic are good helpers.

But, in any case, you should start taking with half a teaspoon and increase the dose gradually. So you can track in time the possible reactions of the body to the components. Do not exceed daily doses. Remember! With potent substances, the principle should be applied - little by little. If you have a chronic illness, consult your doctor about the safety of this treatment.


Watch the video: Immune Boosting Foods (June 2024).