Caution, dangerous women!


It is possible that your relationship seems perfect to you. You finally found "Mr. Perfection", soar on the seventh cloud of happiness and have written your name and surname on a piece of paper a thousand times already. You can hardly believe in your happiness, that you are the only woman in his life ... But hey! The only one? Unfortunately not, as you will have to share your boyfriend with at least three women.


"Mom is the best!" - if this phrase is the cry of your beloved, then difficulties in the way of building relationships can not be avoided. This rival should be handled very carefully. She bore your chosen one nine months under her heart, perfectly cooks all his favorite dishes and wants only the best for her son. Of course, her constant, unexpected visits and the habit of interfering in all domestic and love affairs can only get on her nerves. His mother should not be your best friend, but you must find a common language with her. If you still can’t get along, never (never, never!) Force him to choose between you and his mother, since in such a game you can only lose.

His best friend

Oh yeah! A best friend can be a real toughie. She shares with your loved one memories, experiences, ups and downs - all that you have experienced together or would like to experience. Especially at the beginning of a relationship, it is always difficult to withstand such competition. After each quarrel, you will imagine that he is going to cry in her vest and she puts you in his eyes a hysterical extravaganza. But seriously, if she had tender feelings for him and wanted to be with him, would she really wait so long for another woman to appear in his life?

You need to decide for yourself that she is his best friend and nothing more. The presence of such a girlfriend can have certain positive aspects. Psychologists say that men through the platonic friendship develop emotional intelligence. In addition, a best friend can help your boyfriend take a look at your relationship with him.

His ex girlfriend

Every man has a past, and your chosen one is no exception. It’s bad if this “past” has infinitely long legs, chic hair and so on. In any case, do not panic! In the end, it’s not for nothing that she the former. And even if you have your flaws, there are many reasons why he is now with you, and not with her. Two ways of development of events can be distinguished:

  • He doesn’t talk much about her, and if he does, he is neutral and dry. In this case, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
  • He still occasionally meets her, they get along very well and your jealousy soars to heaven.

In this case, the best way out is not to surrender to unlimited jealousy and not to arrange grandiose scenes. Be cunning! Try to provide your beloved with the greatest comfort and love, show that you are exactly what he needs.


Watch the video: Caution, Hazardous Wife - EP1. Strong Woman Haruka Ayase Eng Sub (July 2024).