January 17: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 17

St. Antonio's Day

Italians dedicate this holiday to St. Anthony. The celebration of this day extends throughout Italy, but the southern and central part of the country becomes the center of celebration. Among people, Anthony became famous thanks to his ascetic life away from civilization in the desert. He is considered the founder of monasticism, then it became an innovation of the spiritual movement. St. Anthony was born in the third century in Upper Egypt. Anthony's parents were rich people, but when the guy turned 20 years old, they died. After this, Anthony without regret distributed all the good to the poor people, and with all his head went into religion. At that stage of time in Christianity it was “fashionable” to engage in asceticism, abstinence, a lot of time was devoted to prayers and fasting. Christians did this at home without going outside. St. Anthony was the discoverer who attempted to live in the desert and experienced all the cruel conditions of living there. He went on foot to Nitra, it is 100 km from Alexandria. This area was considered the harshest area of ​​the western desert. The hermit successfully overcame various temptations, fought hard with temptations, which were replaced by monstrous visions and a terrible hum. He showed incredible steadfastness and, thanks to faith in God and prayers, successfully completed this test. A little later, Anthony chose the tomb and settled in it. The tomb was not far from the village where he lived all his life. In this tomb he lived behind closed doors. Many locals brought him food, I try to support the saint. A little time passed, and Anthony was very thin and his strength began to leave him, at that time good people came to him, and carried him to church in his arms. They left him there, the saint rose in spirit and body, and again decided to go into the desert, and then decided that he should hide from human society forever and remain completely alone until his death. Anthony crossed the Nile, and settled in the old fortress, where he lived for twenty years. Once he went out of their refuge, the peasants thought that the saint would look sick or even crazy, but when they saw him, they realized that Anthony was healthy and happy. People were amazed how he was able to maintain peace of mind and faith after all the trials that fell to his lot.

January 17 on the folk calendar

Zosima the bee

On this day, the peasants drove the trait out of the village, it was believed that it was precisely today that he had never done harm to people. Having put on sheepskin coats inside out, the peasants went out into the street in the evening, picked up the poker, and put a frying pan in their belts. Ahead of the crowd were men, holding a burning branch in the chickens. This procession walked around the yards and screamed ritual words to expel evil spirits. The peasants believed in order to get happiness and health, the youth had to jump over the fire that evening.
This day the people associate with the name of Zosima Solovetsky, this is an Orthodox saint who founded the famous monastery. Zosima was called the patron saint of beekeepers and flight attendants, because of this they read prayers when they wanted a good harvest of honey. On this day, the people have a special sign, if a large amount of snow fell, it will definitely be a year rich in honey. On this day, in order to appease Zosima, the peasants, when they set the table, put honey or pastries from honey.
According to tradition, the girls could tell fortunes on this day, for this it was necessary to go outside and look at the stars. If Ursa Major was on the right side of the fortuneteller, it was believed that all fortune telling would be fulfilled. If this happened, then the oldest girl should have come forward with a pie, and the rest of the girls would dance around her and read a special plot. If the fortunetellers suddenly saw that the Milky Way was ahead, they were upset and left, which meant that for another year the girls would not marry.

Historical events of January 17

January 17, 395 collapse of the Roman Empire

The greatest civilization of antiquity, the Roman Empire, broke up in one day - January 17, 395 into two parts, Western and Eastern, which served as the beginning of its complete decline. As you know, Rome gave mankind "Roman law", architectural innovations, an arch and a dome, water-powered wheeled mills, etc. Outstanding Roman kings and emperors, scholars and writers left a deep mark in the history of not only the Roman state, but also in the history of the entire human society. A small Latino tribe founded a small state that did not significantly extend beyond the borders of modern Rome and, during a short historical period, a small Latin state formation, turned into a huge and powerful empire. This empire conquered dozens of ancient peoples and states. Only at the mention of the word Rome did many nations tremble in fear and often surrendered to the Romans without resistance. During the reign of Emperor Constantine I, a new religion spreads in the territory of the Roman Empire - Christianity. Constantine literally by force affirmed the new religion and spread it throughout the European continent. However, the heyday of the great empire was interrupted by the Hun tribes invading the territory of Europe. Under the blows of their large and organized cavalry, the Roman Empire fell and split into two states, the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern (Byzantium). Very soon, the Byzantine Empire turned into a strong and powerful state. The western part of the former Roman Empire did not exist for a long time as a single country and soon broke up into many smaller states. The Byzantine emperor Justinian tried to restore the Great Roman Empire in its former borders, but he could not keep such a huge territory. Many rulers and states declared themselves the successors of the great Roman Empire, but none of them was able to repeat the grandiose grandeur and the mighty power that Great Ancient Rome possessed.

January 17, 1377 The Vatican is declared the residence of the Pope

The Pope is the supreme spiritual ruler of the Catholic movement, the Christian church. He can also be called the chief Cardinal, since he is elected by the Cardinals conclave from among them. The Pope remains at his post for the rest of his life. After the death of the Pontiff, the new pope can only be elected on the 18th day after his death. Since the election of the first Pope, in this supreme spiritual post, there have been 263 persons. Each new Pope is entered in the special golden register of the Vatican City. Until 1377, the official residence of the Pontiffs was the Lateran Castle in Avignon in France, but this did not suit the Catholic Church. After all, the French kings, using the peculiar "captivity" of the Popes, tried in every way to influence the head of the Catholic Church and influence religious policy in general. The clergy did not want to depend on any monarch, and on January 17, 1377, a strong-willed decision was made to transfer the residence of the Pope to Italy, on the territory of the present Vatican. The Vatican was declared Papal State independent of anyone, and its territory was sovereign. Nowadays, the Vatican is called the "state in the state", because its small territory is essentially one of the areas of Rome. The Vatican has all the attributes of an independent power: flag, coat of arms, anthem, government, academy of sciences, newspaper, radio and television. The permanent population of the Vatican are Catholic priests and novices at the churches and temples of the Vatican. The main spiritual building of the Vatican is the grandiose complex of St. Peter's Basilica, which during church liturgies can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. In its current form and political status, the Vatican city was formed in 1929, with the direct participation of the Mussolini government.

January 17, 1995 Japan earthquake

One of the worst and most devastating earthquakes in Japanese history. As you know, Japan is at the junction of powerful and unstable tectonic plates, this determines the location of the country as the most seismically unstable in the world. The earthquake that occurred on January 17, 1995, was so destructive that the residents of the city of Kobe, which suffered the main blow of the elements, thought that the "end of the world" had come. The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.3 on the Richter scale. In the first seconds of the strike, about seven thousand people died. Underground blows destroyed more than two hundred thousand buildings, hundreds of kilometers of roads and autobahns. The port of Kobe was wiped off the face of the earth, port structures were mixed with the ground and flooded by tidal waves. As a result of damage to electrical networks, local fires occurred in the city. Underground vibrations, but of lesser strength, continued for several more days, so many Kobe residents were generally afraid to return to the city. The damage from the elements was catastrophic for the Japanese economy. According to preliminary estimates, specialists will need more than $ 100 billion to rebuild the ruined city. The special state commission during the survey of the natural disaster zone established a number of gross errors made in the design and construction of urban buildings. In addition, significant shortcomings were identified in the organization and implementation of rescue operations. The scale of the disaster was so widespread that a social explosion was brewing in society. It is noteworthy that the functionaries of the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza, rendered tremendous help to the victims of the earthquake.

January 17, 1772 palace coup in the kingdom of Denmark

On January 17, 1772, in the capital of the Danish-Norwegian kingdom, the favorite and lover of the Danish Queen Caroline-Matilda was executed. A talented reformer and statesman, the envious Danish nobles did not like. But in 1768, the German physician Struenze, through intrigues and tricks, was attached to the court of the Danish king Christian VII. Struenze already at the first meeting with the monarch, notices that the king is sick with a severe mental disorder and the doctor decides to take advantage of this circumstance in order to build a career in a foreign country for him. Struenze is trying in every way to please the king. So during the smallpox epidemic in Copenhagen, he successfully instills the king’s young son and thereby gains absolute trust and sympathy from the king’s wife, Queen Carolina-Matilda. Soon the queen wants Struenza to be appointed state secretary of the queen and a reader of the king. Unhappy in marriage with a mentally ill king, Carolina brings Dr. Struenze closer to her love bed. Becoming the Queen’s lover, Struenze becomes the de facto ruler of the state and in no more than two years he developed and implemented more than a thousand reforms and transformations. Struenze abolished torture in prisons, introduced the equality of all classes before the investigation and the court. He abolished censorship and, on pain of the death penalty, banned the sale of posts. He lowered taxes for the poor and vice versa levied high fees for the rich. Struenze carried out his reforms rather harshly, disregarding the interests of the nobility and the clergy. Introducing austerity in the state, the Queen's state secretary fired thousands of officials. Significantly the Danes were angry not Struenze’s desire to recognize Danish language and culture, all documents and decrees were published and accepted only in German. Not surprisingly, such a tough and uncompromising policy by the Queen’s Secretary of State led to a conspiracy against him. On the night of January 17, the temporary worker was arrested and sentenced to death, accusing him of abuse of power and an encroachment on the king’s honor. Soon Struenze was executed, and the marriage of the queen and king dissolved. All reforms of the state secretary were curtailed, and Gouldberg became the head of the cabinet.

January 17, 1773 James Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle

The first traveler to cross the Arctic Circle was James Cook. This significant event happened on January 17, 1773. Cook was a brave traveler, he went around the whole Pacific Ocean, and it seemed that he knew him like the back of his hand. He visited Australia and New Zealand, visited many parts of Micronesia and Polynesia, many of the lands he discovered later became English colonies. The famous seafarer made three expeditions in order to find the southern mainland. On his first trip, Cook passed the Antarctic Circle, but could not reach Antarctica, due to severe icing. Subsequently, he made two more attempts to reach the southern land, but his ship could not break through the mighty ice of the Antarctic. As a result of unsuccessful expeditions, Cook came to the false conclusion that the Southern mainland did not exist. As a result of his expeditions, an outstanding traveler discovered a number of islands in the south of the great ocean. Detailed reports, notes, and maps of James Cook have helped future scholars and travelers find the famous Southern Land. Cook went down in history as one of the most prominent scholars of geography, whose name is inscribed in gold letters in the chronograph of mankind.

Born on January 17

Jim carrey (1962 ...), American actor

The famous comedian was born on 01/17/1962 in the city of Newmarket (Canada). The family had three children, Jim was the youngest. The family lived in poverty and the children began to earn extra money early to help parents. From childhood, Jimmy showed acting abilities. At the age of fifteen, he began performing at the amateur club Yuk-Yuk, and after some time, Jim left for Los Angeles, where he made sure that he would take part in a humorous show. From time to time, Jim starred in minor episodic roles in low-budget films. As a comedian, Jimmy was noticed in his first full-length film, "Ace Ventura, shot in 1994. The actor wrote the script for the film. The film was a resounding success and Jim became a famous and recognizable actor. But more successful films followed:" Mask "," Dumb, Dumber "," Cable Guy "," Liar, Liar ". These paintings brought the actor to a whole new level of recognition and popularity. Jim Carrey was nominated many times for high and prestigious awards. For the films" Dumb, Dumber "," Ace Ventura "," Cable Guy "," Liar, Liar "actor was n Awarded the most prestigious film awards in the United States.

Simon Altov (1945 ...), writer satirist

Semen Altov was born in Sverdlovsk in 1945. After school, he entered the technical school of chemical-technological production. After college he graduated from a technical institute in Leningrad. However, Altov soon realized that chemistry was not his milestone, he began to be drawn to literary creation. For the first time he tried himself as a satirist writer, writing aphorisms for the Literary Newspaper. A little later Altov began to write monologues for such authors as G. Khazanov, K. Novikova, E. Shifrin, V. Vinokur and others. Semen Teodorovich is talented in various genres, he is subject to monologues, parables, stories and even fables. For almost 30 years, Semyon Teodorovich has been reading his works on pop Olympus. His famous manner of reading, finished printed texts, and even with a serious expression on his face, causes the audience sincere joy and love for the author. Altov's calling card is his voice, recognizable everywhere and by everyone.In 1994, the writer was awarded the honorary prize of the Golden Ostap comedy festival. His famous aphorisms: There are no intolerable people - there are narrow doors or you will heal - the liver starts to hurt, they have become a classic of Soviet humor.

Mohammed Ali (1942 ...), an outstanding American boxer

Cassius Clay (Mohammed Ali took the Arabic name after the adoption of Islam), was born in January 1942 in the United States. According to Mohammed, he came to boxing out of a desire for revenge. As a child, hooligans stole a bicycle from Mohammed, and this incident caused a storm of indignation and resentment in the boy’s soul. Ali turned out to be a born athlete and in a short time began to move up the sports career ladder. His fights are still considered the ideal standard and a kind of benchmark for boxing skills. Mohammed Ali is rightly considered the founder of modern professional boxing. He came to big boxing in the 1960th year and immediately became the Olympic champion. From the moment of victory at the Olympic Games, the athlete triumphantly began to climb the Olympus of sports glory. Ali had thirty-one bouts and for ten years, the boxer did not know a single defeat. In all his life, he gave 61 fights and lost only 5 of them, and those in early youth. Ali is the multiple absolute world boxing champion in the heavy category. In 1999, the International Boxing Federation declared Mohammed Ali, "Athlete of the Century." In 1981, Ali was forced to leave the sport due to Parkinson’s disease.

Al capone (1899-1947), American gangster

The famous gangster was born in Naples (Italy). Soon his family, in search of a better life, emigrated to the United States. Young Alfonso very early became a laborer at all kinds of construction sites and factories. Naturally, such a life did not have a positive perspective for the young Italian. By the age of 15, Alfonso enters into one of the street gangs that was engaged in theft and robbery in his native area. At 16, he drops out of school and tries to engage in peaceful professions. He worked in a bowling club, in a pharmacy, in a pastry shop. However, a peaceful and quiet life was not to the liking of an active and unrestrained nature. He was attracted and literally mesmerized by nightlife full of entertainment and adventure. But in order to lead such a crazy life, Capone had to be able to fend for himself, he began to train actively and soon mastered the edged weapons and firearms perfectly. His fearless character and excellent command of weapons finds application in the famous "gang of five trunks." In the gang, Al Capone very quickly won special recognition and respect. He was quick to reprisal, and committed it with particular cruelty and ostentatious pathos. In the early 1920s, Capone moved to Chicago and soon became the sole owner of the city, he simply destroyed all his competitors. In 1931, Capone and his accomplices pierced one of their affairs and ended up in the dock. However, the court was not able to prove 80% of his crimes, all that was brought up against him concerned tax evasion. Capone is given five years in prison. From prison he came out as a deeply sick and helpless man, as he was as a result of untreated syphilis, which he suffered from a youth. He died in New York as a result of complications caused by damage to the body with syphilis.

Delilah (1933-1987), French singer and actress

Yolanda Cristina Giglotti was born on January 17, 1933 in Egypt. Yolanda receives primary education at the monastery gymnasium. At 16, she works as a secretary in a company engaged in the import and export of goods. In 1954, Yolanda took part in the beauty contest "Miss Egypt" and won it. Since that time, the young beauty is invited to star in small roles, in subtle paintings. In 1955, she leaves Egypt and goes to conquer Paris. In France, Dalida performs in restaurants and cabarets. But soon she accidentally falls into a concert competition in Olympia. She is noticed by producer Lucien Maurice, who will later become her husband. The finest hour of the young singer begins, her songs are regularly broadcast on the radio. The French fall in love with her wonderful voice, filled with subtle charm. Over the year, the singer becomes incredibly popular not only in France, but also in Europe. In 1960, Delilah and Lucien Maurice got married. However, during her next tour, the singer met the artist Jean Sobeski, whom she fell in love with crazy. Lucien Maurice did not forgive his wife for treason and immediately divorced Delilah. However, the singer did not stay with the new lover for a long time and very soon changed him to the Italian singer Luigi Tenko. But suddenly Luigio’s career ends, he becomes useless to anyone. Being in a deep depression, the singer commits suicide. Unable to withstand such a blow, Delilah herself tries to pass away, but she is saved by fortuitous luck. Despite all the shocks, the singer’s popularity is growing, she writes joint songs with Alain Delon. Gives grand enchanting concerts at the Palais des Sports in Paris. Such a triumph was comparable to the popularity of Edith Piaf. Soon she celebrates the twenty-five years of her creative work and starred in the famous film "Sixth Day." However, incredible fame burdens the singer, because at home alone with herself, she is completely alone. Delilah again falls into a severe depression, which she, apparently, suffered all her life. Being in a serious psychological state, she takes a lethal dose of sleeping pills and dies from intoxication.

Name Day January 17

Athanasius, Denis, Alexander, Efim, Nikolai


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).