What dreams are earrings


Earrings - expensive jewelry, which is part of the created image. According to modern dream-books, which take into account the knowledge connected with the work of the brain, the earrings in a dream are an associative symbol.

It is through the ears that information arrives to the person. Communication, receiving news, their transfer by instance, including in the form of gossip, flirting - these are just some variants of interpretations, one way or another concerning the earrings seen in a dream.

An important element in this will be not only the appearance of the jewelry. The sleeper dreams a certain alignment, the better the dreamers will remember all the details seen in the dream, the more accurately it will be possible to decipher it.

Dreamed earrings in a dream which means

The value of sleep for men and women will be different. In addition, when dreaming earrings, you need to consider every little thing.

  • in the dream, the pregnant dreamer donated earrings report the birth of the daughter and well-being in general;
  • the dream of a man promises acquaintance;
  • a woman is likely to become a participant in someone else's secret;
  • in a pair, an adornment dreams of mutual love;
  • to see jewelry on other people - to be invited to visit;
  • a dream of losing jewelry can be a harbinger of casualties.

What dreams of gold earrings

  • If the dreamer dreams of gold earrings, then in reality there is a chance to take on certain obligations, it is quite possible that you will have to take care of a loved one.
  • To keep such earrings in your hands - to success in business, to make a profit or any benefits, to improve the financial situation in general.
  • If the gold earrings turned out to be heavy, then the dream dreamer will find it difficult to cope with the heavy load of intractable tasks.
  • But when gold earrings dream with stones, then for complete decoding it is necessary to take into account also the properties of these stones.
  • It is not too good if pearls are dreamed of as a gem - in reality such a dream can mean tears.
  • At the same time, if this gem is dreaming of representatives of the water element, then the dream will be favorable.
  • The diamond-enlarged gold earrings foreshadow the dreamer all-round success, winnings, large earnings, promotion.
  • For a girl, such a dream would mean the appearance of a rich bridegroom and a secure marriage life.
  • Several stand out from the general number of Freud's explanations. The psychologist claims that earrings with real diamonds are for someone who seeks diversity in sex, and fake stones are a warning that the dreamer will regret the imminent intimate relationship.

What dreams of silver earrings

  • For those who have seen silver earrings in a dream, the dream book promises to reveal its creative potential.
  • For married people, such a dream foreshadows a quiet family life and protection against troubles.
    Maybe silver means patronage of high-ranking officials, besides double, because earrings are a pair decoration.

If you dreamed of earrings in the ears to what it

If the earrings are already on the dreamer, then it is likely that in reality, the one who their owner will receive important information. It may be someone else's secret.

Is interesting interpretation of Pythagoras about fitting earrings in front of a mirror:

  1. the same - foreshadow the fulfillment of love desire for women for two weeks;
  2. different - will have to wait a little more, two months;
  3. if one earring is immediately lost, then the woman will have to wait about 50 days for the dream to come true;
  4. a man like a dream foreshadows the imminent disintegration of the family;
  5. students dream of successfully passing the session.

Find earrings in a dream means

  • Find a decoration in a dream - to the appearance of a new friend on the horizon. But the loss of jewelry for the ears promises not the most joyful events. The dreamer should prepare for a period of fear and doubt. Also, a dream may indicate a fear of change on the part of the dreamer.
  • In general, finding earrings in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the emergence of new opportunities. If the dreamer first found and then lost them, then there is the possibility of missing opportunities.
  • Find previously lost earrings - to strengthen relationships.

If you dreamed of a broken what is it

  • Broken earrings do not just dream. Dreaming is a sign of possible trouble in a team. Unpleasant conversation with the management is not excluded.
  • Break diamond earrings - to treason.
  • In addition, broken jewelry can mean false rumors about the dreamer or related to a loved one. During this period one should not especially trust not only what he heard, but even what he saw, since it is easy to misinterpret any event.

Any dream requires an integrated approach. The attention to detail and detail and the inner feeling will give the dreamer full information about what he saw.


Watch the video: Earrings : Dream Interpretation and Dream Meaning by (June 2024).