Soup diet: the most effective weight loss soup recipes. The main advantages and disadvantages of the diet on soups, an approximate menu


Diet on soups is a universal method of combating body fat. The technique is good in that even people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases can follow it. There are a lot of recipes for fat-burning soups, you just need to choose the best one for yourself, based on the individual characteristics of the body. Diet helps to lose weight to absolutely everyone. When other methods fail, this technique will come to the rescue.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a diet on soups

Despite its effectiveness, the diet on soups has both positive and negative sides.

The main advantages of weight loss techniques

1. Fat-burning soups are low in calories, so excess weight will go away very quickly.

2. A person does not experience hunger, as the soup quickly gives a feeling of fullness.

3. The soup is very healthy, it contains more vitamins and minerals of substances that will replenish the body's supply of nutrients.

4. The diet removes from the body accumulations of toxins and toxins, cleanses the intestines.

5. The digestive process is normalized.

Disadvantages of Soup Diet

1. The diet is very strict, there are many prohibitions.

2. As the weight goes away quickly, the skin will become sagging. If you do not play sports, your stomach will sag.

3. Due to the low calorie content of fat-burning soups, a person may experience weakness and malaise.

Soup Diet: Important Rules to Know

Those who decide to lose weight with this technique need to know several important rules before starting to lose weight.

1. When cooking soup, it is forbidden to add salt and any artificial additives to it. All of them increase the energy value of the dish and reduce its usefulness.

2. Soup can be consumed not only as a main dish, but also for a snack.

3. It is necessary to train yourself to eat fractionally. Eating food is important in small portions, but 6-7 times during the day.

4. Salt helps to retain fluid in the body, it is better not to add it to any dishes at all during the diet.

5. We must not forget to observe the correct drinking regimen. A person needs at least 2 liters of pure still water per day, you can also drink green tea and herbal drinks.

6. It is recommended to drink multivitamin complexes in addition so as not to deplete the body.

7. You must be careful with physical activity, you can not overexert. The best type of training during the diet on soups is a simple exercise in the morning for 15-20 minutes.

Celery Soup: Weekly Diet

The most common diet for soups is celery. This product is known to be the worst enemy of subcutaneous fat. Celery leaves and root remove toxins and toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Ingredients for Soup:

• white cabbage (1 turn);

• onions (5 pieces);

• bell pepper (1-2 pieces);

• celery, root or leaves are possible;

• medium-sized tomatoes (4 pieces).

All vegetables are thoroughly washed and cut into small cubes, sent to cook for 10 minutes over high heat. After boiling, the soup is cooked for another 20 minutes over low heat. When it is ready, the dish needs to be given a little brew under the lid. If celery was chosen for the diet on soups, it is allowed to eat during the day in unlimited quantities.

Sample menu for the week

1. Monday. Unlimited soup, all fruits except bananas are also allowed.

2. Tuesday. Soup and vegetables.

3. Wednesday. Soup, green apples (4-5 pieces during the day).

4. Thursday. All day eat only celery soup, before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk.

5. Friday. In addition to soup, it is allowed to eat 200 grams of boiled chicken or fish meat during the day.

6. Saturday. Soup, any vegetables (except potatoes). It is better that they were tomatoes or cucumbers.

7. Sunday. During the day, 150 grams of boiled rice, soup in unlimited quantities.

Cabbage soup: 3 days weight loss technique

The unique weight loss system allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg for 3 days. A cabbage soup diet has many benefits. A person will not starve, toxins and toxins, as well as excess fluid, will be eliminated from the body. The technique is allowed to be followed 2 times a month without damage to one’s health.

To prepare cabbage soup you will need:

• 1 small head of cabbage;

• leek (2-3 pieces);

• sweet pepper (1 piece, more can be);

• 1 jar of green peas.

Vegetables are chopped, stacked in a pan. The soup is brought to a boil, then boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Green peas are added, the dish can be turned off. Cabbage soup can be consumed after it is infused for 20-30 minutes.

The following foods are prohibited during the diet:

• potatoes in any form;

• kiwi;

• grapes;

• bananas;

• flour and sweet;

• fried, smoked dishes.

Cabbage soup has only one drawback. You need to cook it without salt, so the dish turns out to be fresh. However, such a menu can withstand 3 days.

The outline of the weight loss technique is as simple as possible.

1. During the first day you need to eat soup 3-4 times, green tea and fruits are also allowed, which are not in the list of prohibited foods.

2. On the second day, you need to eat soup and vegetables, do not forget to drink water.

3. It is advisable to stand the last day only on cabbage soup.

It is important to remember that no matter which diet on soups is chosen, you always need to drink water. The lack of fluid in the body slows down the metabolism and the entire process of losing weight.

Diet Onion Soup

The method of losing weight onion soup is designed for a week. During this period, you can lose from 5 to 8 kg, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. The advantage of the technique is that the soup has a very rich taste, even without salt it is perceived as simply as possible. In addition, extra pounds will literally “melt” before our eyes.

To prepare the soup you need:

• large onions (7-8 pieces);

• half a head of cabbage;

• carrots (2 large);

• sweet pepper to taste;

• greenery.

Cabbage and sweet pepper are poured with cold water and sent to boil over high heat until boiling. At this time, onions and carrots are fried in a pan with a small amount of oil. When the soup boils, this mixture is added to it. After 10-15 minutes, greens are added. The soup boils for a few more minutes and turns off.

In addition to this dish, only fruits and vegetables in raw form (cucumbers, cabbage) are allowed to eat during the week.

Other Soup Diet Recipes

If a person does not like onions, celery and cabbage, you should not worry. The diet on soups is very diverse and there are a lot of recipes for fat-burning dishes.

Spinach puree soup


• cabbage (500 grams);

• the same amount of fresh spinach;

• zucchini (1 piece).

All ingredients are boiled without salt until fully cooked. After that, the vegetables are beaten with a blender until a uniform consistency is formed. You can also add fresh herbs and sour cream to the soup.

Broccoli puree soup


• cauliflower (250 grams);

• broccoli (500 grams);

• onion (1 piece);

• 1 large carrot.

The vegetables are cooked until cooked, then whipped with a blender. Dill greens and 50 ml cream are added to the soup.

Vegetable soup with chicken fillet


• fresh chicken fillet (300 grams);

• 200 grams of white cabbage;

• 1 turn of cauliflower;

• bell pepper;

• 1 onion and 1 carrot.

Chicken is boiled until half cooked. Then finely chopped vegetables are added to it. The ingredients are boiled until fully cooked, turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Puree soup served with cream.

A soup diet is an effective, easy way to lose weight without feeling hungry.

There are really a lot of recipes for fat-burning dishes, it remains only to choose the one that is more to your liking. To improve the result of the diet on soups, it is advisable to limit yourself to eating sweet, flour, fried and smoked foods. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Just do not forget about morning exercises - it will give a tone to the muscles, a charge of energy to a person for the whole day. Observing the simple rules of the diet on soups, the technique will delight you with an incredible result. A person will be able to lose weight and improve their overall health.


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