Red-haired women have an increased risk of fatal melanoma


Red-haired women are much more susceptible to developing their deadly form of skin cancer than owners of hair of other color shades. This conclusion was made by scientists from the state of Massachusetts in the USA, in turn, referring to the results of their long work, for which, as the main subject of observation, several mice with the corresponding color of hair, as well as white and black mice, were taken.

The examination showed that the pigment responsible for giving the hair a red tint not only makes the skin of the person most vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, as previously thought, but also significantly contributes to the development of melanomas in the body - malignant tumors, which are a dangerous form of skin cancer. In addition, experts noted that the appearance of this element in a woman with red hair does not have to occur through exposure to the skin with ultraviolet rays.

This conclusion of the experts was prompted by the fact that of all the mice examined, melanomas were most often found in those who had red hair, while for black and white animals this type of tumor was very rare.

According to experts, only special medications can reduce the risk of melanoma in women. In particular, these are antioxidants that help prevent the appearance of a corresponding tumor in the human body, and a means for the formation of eumelanin in it, which also protects against skin cancer. Among other things, scientists have strongly recommended that women with red hair have as little time as possible under the sun and, if possible, undergo dermatological tests.


Watch the video: Dermatologist Explains Skin Cancer and Melanoma Risks - Dr. Bailey Skin Care 2018 (July 2024).