Actor Jack Scalia arrested for transporting weapons at Los Angeles airport


Police at an international airport in Los Angeles detained the star of the popular 80s television series "Dallas" actor Jack Scalia. The reason was - the transportation of weapons. The actor deliberately tried to bring the 9-millimeter Glock aboard the aircraft, which is strictly prohibited.

At the customs inspection, a gun was found in his hand luggage, fortunately for the actor, unloaded. In addition, a new police badge was found in his pocket during the search. As a result, a celebrity of the 80s was arrested.

His arrest occurred on Thursday and the actor is still detained.

For what purposes the 61-year-old actor transported these things - it is not known. Representatives of Scalia have not yet provided more detailed information.

Actor Jack Scalia has become popular not only thanks to Dallas. In his arsenal is the popular 2-year-old television series "All My Children", for the role in which in 2002 he received an Emmy nomination as the best actor. Scalia also starred in feature films, for example, "Monster of the Depths" of 2006.


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