November 18: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The birthday of Moroz was invented long before us, but when exactly this happened, no one knows. It was previously believed that November 18 is a transitional day between autumn and winter. It is surprising that the Great Ustyug was officially recognized as the fatherland of Santa Claus, which is why they carefully prepare for the onset of the “winter wizard” holiday. On this day, a special mailbox opens, in which everyone can put a fabulous birthday card or a letter with congratulations and best wishes.

Latvian Independence Day is a traditional annual holiday, created in honor of the signing of the act of independence of the state. The long-awaited event took place on November 18 in 1918. The Soviet Union was one of the first to support the initiative of Latvia, but soon the country lost its sovereign status, being under the influence of the USSR, but in 1991 returned it again. The symbol of independence of the state was the Freedom Monument, erected in the capital on the voluntary donations of people.

Vukovar is a small town in Croatia. Every year on this day, the country recalls the events that took place in Vukovar in 1991. When Croatia proclaimed itself an independent state (1991), the Yugoslav army, consisting mainly of Serbs, began a siege of the city. The Croats held on for about three months, but Vukovar was doomed. November 18, 1991, the city, completely destroyed, fell, losing thousands of its inhabitants. For seven years, the Serbs kept Vukovar under control, but after peace negotiations the city was returned to Croatia. Restoration work in Vukovar continues to this day.


The city of Miass is located a hundred kilometers southwest of Chelyabinsk, on the eastern South Ural slope. The city was founded in 1773 thanks to a smelter built in these places in the 1750s. However, Miass was officially named only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, the small Ural village annually celebrates the city’s day, which is accompanied by performances by local authorities, concerts, youth entertainment and evening fireworks.

Jonah's Day

On this day, the church commemorates St. Jonah, who bore the rank of archbishop of Pskov and Novgorod igumen. Jonah lost his parents very early and was brought up by a lonely woman named Natalya. The woman raised the boy in strictness, in accordance with the laws of God, and, having matured, the young man began to help orphans, organizing shelters for them. In addition, Jonah became famous for its miracles. On giving, he was able to prayer to stop the whole epidemic, which claimed the lives of half a million people.

On Jonah's day, young people prayed to God to send them a good spouse. Unmarried girls held a special ceremony, which, in their opinion, helped to attract grooms and successfully get married. In the evening they made various trinkets, and at dawn they scattered them around the house, thus attracting a quick marriage. Coins served as an alternative to small gizmos. It was believed that the last harvest should be harvested by the day of Jonah, on the eve of the harvested radish. The traditional dish used on this day is sauerkraut with black radish.

November 18, 1775 - division of the Russian Empire into 50 provinces

A province is a unit of administrative-territorial division in a state. The first provinces (initially there were eight) were created by decree of Peter I, later several more territorial units appeared. In 1775, Catherine the Second issues a decree according to which the Empire is divided into 50 provinces. Each was led by the Governor General. Catherine came to such an important decision, relying on some difficulties arising with the authorities - they simply could not cope with the management of vast territories.

November 18, 1868 - Mendeleev founds the Russian Physicochemical Society

RFHO is a scientific organization that existed until the middle of the 20th century. The creation of the organization of the scientist was prompted by numerous chemical and physical circles, uniting small groups of scientists. Mendeleev thought about why all scientists specializing in physics and chemistry should not unite. Thus, in his opinion, science will begin to develop more intensively, because every scientist is a link in a single chain, and breaking it is simply unacceptable.

November 18, 1917 - election of Metropolitan Tikhon as the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Patriarch Tikhon (Vasily Bellavin in the world) was born in the church in the family of a hereditary priest. Vasily lost his parents early, and his three siblings did not live to old age. He graduated from the Theological Academy in 1888 and was immediately identified as a teacher of theology at a theological seminary. Three years later, Vasily took tonsure with the name Tikhon and received the rank of hieromonk. In 1898, he was appointed to the post of bishop, and after the February Revolution, to the post of patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

November 18, 1870 - pigeon mail connected Tours and Paris

Pigeons have the unique ability to travel long distances, navigate in space and find their way home, even after many years. People have long noticed these abilities and began to use them for their own purposes. The first peoples who began to transmit letters through pigeons were Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Soon useful birds began to train the whole world. For the first time, Europe officially accepted the pigeon mail in 1870 during the siege of Paris by the Germans. Mail was being prepared in Tours. The Paris administration opened a whole pigeon post office, where they decoded the received messages.

Other events on November 18:

November 18, 1477 - The publication in England of the first printed book having a date.

November 18, 1812 - the battle of Red, Russian troops defeated the French army of Marshal Ney.

November 18, 1905 - The signing of the Japanese-Korean treaty, according to which Korea lost the right to pursue its own foreign policy.

November 18, 1961 - launching the American Ranger-2 station in order to test the new device in low Earth orbit.

November 18, 1965 - America launched an artificial Earth satellite to study solar activity and radiation.

Karl Maria von Weber (1786-1826) - founder of a romantic opera, composer. Weber was born into a family of musicians. Parents from childhood instilled in him a love of music, he studied with the best specialists. As a teenager, Carl wrote about twenty piano pieces and songs, as well as several singspiels. Soon he received the position of bandmaster at the opera house.

Eldar Ryazanov (1927 year of birth) - Soviet screenwriter and film director. Eldar graduated with honors from VGIK in 1950. For about five years he was engaged in documentaries, and then got a job on Mosfilm, where he showed himself perfectly in the comedy genre.

Louis Daguerre (1787-1851) - artist and one of the discoverers of photography. From childhood he fell in love with painting, and his parents sent him to a public drawing school, where Dager received his basic education. His scenery was simply magnificent, the artist easily recreated on canvas canvas panoramas of the most beautiful places that he had ever seen. A few years later, the artist plunges headlong into the idea of ​​creating photographs and in 1937 finds a way to capture the image on film.

Konstantin Beskov (1920-2006) - famous football player and coach. Little Costa was only five years old when his uncle took him to football. As it turned out later, the game on the boy made a lasting impression. The desire to devote his life to football was reinforced by the present soccer ball given by his mother. From that moment began his "career" with the yard guys. Soon, an amateur team proclaimed Beskov captain. And a few years later, Konstantin was invited to the Metallurg team of professionals. Beskov’s vibrant and productive games allowed him to become one of the best footballers of trade union teams.

Representatives of such rare names as Galaction, Gabriel, Timothy and Pamphil will be able to celebrate "Angel Day" on this day.


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