Lindsay Lohan nearly got into a fight with her mother


Restless Lindsay Lohan again appeared in the press, and not from the best side. This time, the reason for the appearance of her name in the columns of the secular chronicle was a violent family showdown with her mother, Dina Lohan.

Quarreling in a limousine, returning from another New York night club party, the Hollywood star called her father Michael and said in tears that her mother was under the influence of drugs and that she seemed to be kidnapped.

The scandal between the mother and daughter flared up over the 40 thousand dollars that Lohan lent to her mother to pay the loan taken to buy a house. Lindsay wanted her mother to return her money, but she, on the contrary, accused the girl of the lack of help on her part. In addition, both women could not share the limousine - each wanted to go in different directions. As a result of the clarifications, Lindsay had a cut on his leg and a diamond bracelet was broken.

On the verge of a nervous breakdown, the actress called her father and asked for help. The audio recording of this telephone conversation, which fell into the hands of one of the tabloids, quickly spread on the Internet, proving once again that the Lohan family is not all right.

As the record shows, fearing the abduction, Lindsay's father immediately called a police patrol and told his daughter to try to keep herself in control. However, the police who arrived, sitting at Lohan’s house on Long Island, did not intervene in the scandal that was booming before their eyes and only watched what was happening.

Later, neighbors on Long Island said that a tearful girl jumped out of a limousine at about 8 a.m. and disappeared into the house. Shouting in her hearts the phrase “I can't take it anymore,” Lindsay threw her purse into the air and slammed the door. Her mother, Dina, followed her daughter, and within a few hours they embraced, went out into the street. Sitting quietly in a limousine, still waiting near the house, the girl drove away in a good mood.

A spokesman for Lindsay commented on the situation with the standard phrase “family business” and declined to comment further.

A little earlier, Lohan already participated in the fight, but then her opponent was not her mother, but a certain woman, who recklessly decided to speak with a guy from the environment of the actress. It was even rumored that the victim had filed a complaint with the police, but Lindsay's representatives denied these rumors, in their opinion, referring to the exploitation of the actress’s name for the mercenary purposes of lovers to become famous at someone else’s expense.


Watch the video: Lindsay Lohan stealing homeless peoples kids as the mother fights her off (June 2024).