November 5: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Armenian Intelligence Forces Day is annually celebrated since November 5, 1992. This is due to the fact that this year the formation of the intelligence unit of the Armed Forces in Armenia was completed. On such a significant day for the country, all veterans and scouts of reconnaissance wax are honored.

Annually, the Russian Federation celebrates the anniversary of the establishment of military intelligence. By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of L. Trotsky in Petrograd in 1918, the Registration Directorate was formed to strengthen the reconnaissance forces of the army. From that date, there is a GRU of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Holiday intelligence day was established in 2000 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 12.

Puno is a small (by local standards), but unusually attractive city, and Puno's day is nothing but the day the town was founded. The holiday is both national and historical in nature. Every year in early November, an unforgettable military parade is held on the main square, followed by a dance and music costume festival, held in honor of the Inca’s birth. Participants in the festive event are exposed in all kinds of brightly colored outfits and costumes, which makes the procession even more intense, colorful and pompous. According to legend, the ancestors of the Incas, Manco Kapak, with his wife and sister founded the city on this site and taught other people how to farm.

Apam Napata is celebrated on the day when the Sun is in the thirteenth degree of Scorpio, that is, November 5th. Apam-Napat is the personification of the fine line with the primordial divine principle. It is believed that He patronizes creative individuals, mystics, and also controls all natural cycles and male sexual energy. Some nations conduct special rituals and rituals that day, lighting exactly 13 lights during the meal and eating only mushroom and bean dishes.

If to speak more correctly, then we are talking about the night, and not about the day. For about 400 years, England has traditionally celebrated the day (night) of Guy Fawkes, which is also called the Night of Bonfires and Fireworks. The events that became the occasion for honoring the annual celebration took place on this very day of 1605, when the "powder" conspiracy, organized by Catholic nobles dissatisfied with the policies of King James the First, was averted. But the government learned about the conspiracy in time and nipped it, neutralizing one of the instigators - Guy Fawkes. It was this man who was instructed to blow up the powder warehouse.

Jacob's Day

James the Younger is one of the seventy apostles. He was called the brother of the Lord (Jesus Christ), because, according to historians, Jacob had family ties with the Messiah, but did not believe in Him during his lifetime. But after the resurrection and ascension of Christ, the brother believed and converted to faith, becoming the first bishop of Jerusalem. And a few years later, Jacob suffered a martyrdom from the Jews, who stoned the bishop.

According to legend, on Yakov Day, people in Russia arranged games for eating honey. It was believed that the more honey you eat, the more fruitful the next year will be. They tried to stock up firewood on Jacob. If you do this on time, until November 5, then the house will always be warm and cozy. There was also a custom to “feed” the land with yesterday’s pie, left over from the feast of the Kazan Icon (November 4). It was broken into small pieces and scattered throughout its land. People believed that such a ritual would help increase land productivity.

In addition, Jacob was promised about the coming winter: if heavy snow falls, then the winter will be mild and the summer will be fruitful. The people even said: "Snow will inflate - bread will arrive." If there is no snow or it is very shallow, they expected winter after November 22. There were completely illogical signs for Jacob of the day: for example, the older generation said that if a teenager prepares debts for study, he cannot find a good wife for a century.

November 5, 1854 - there was one of the key battles in the Crimean War - Inkerman

The battle took place near Inkerman between the Anglo-French and Russian troops. The Russians tried to disrupt the planned assault on Sevastopol and force the opponents to lift the siege. The Russian army, consisting of about 20 thousand people under the command of Soimonov, captured the British position, the number of which was 2 times less. During the battle, the British troops lost more than half of the soldiers, but the French rushed to their aid, turning the course of the battle 180 degrees. - The Russian army was defeated and forced to retreat with huge losses. However, she achieved her main goal: the assault on Sevastopol did not take place.

November 5, 1925 - opening of the first planetarium in Moscow

The first planetarium in the history of the USSR became the 13th in a row throughout the world. Ten of them towered in Germany. On the opening day of the first Moscow planetarium, an important lecture was held in it with a demonstration of the artificial open spaces of space. At the beginning of the planetarium, several lectures were held on the subject “The Structure of the Universe and the Earth”. In the same year, lecturers and inventors created an artificial device of the rising sun, which worked until the institution was closed in 1994.

November 5, 1967 - the birth of the Ostankino television tower

The construction of the famous TV tower began in 1960 under the supervision of architects Burdin and Batalov and designer Nikitin, and on November 5, 1967, the State Commission signed the act of commissioning the tower. This day is considered the birthday of the Ostankino TV tower, although the construction has not yet been completed until the end. According to official figures, it lasted until 1968. The creators predicted their "brainchild" three centuries of life.

November 5, 1957 - opening in Plovdiv of a monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators - "Alyosha"

The monument was erected in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv to an unknown warrior-liberator. For unknown reasons, the Bulgarians call him "Alyosha". Maybe this is due to the fact that during the construction of the monument, often in the country played a song called "Stands under the mountain Alyosha." The monument can be seen from anywhere in the city, as it has a 17-meter height. In the 90s, they tried to demolish it, but after a long litigation, the Supreme Court ruled that the monument to Alyosha is primarily a story that should not be demolished.

- Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939) - Russian painter, graphic artist and symbolist. Petrov-Vodkin was one of the largest artists of the twentieth century. In addition, he was also a writer with a capital letter, the author of amazing memoirs, which the Soviet ideology of the Stalinist era could not accept. And only in the 60s, his talent was noticed and appreciated.

- Joe Dassin (1938-1980) - American outstanding singer, musician. Over the entire study period, Dassin repeatedly changed places of residence and educational institutions, and finally received a bachelor's degree in Grenoble. Since 1958, Joe begins to write music and words for films, but he is not seriously interested in this business yet. Real popularity came to Dassin after his wife in the studio recorded a disc with amateur songs Joe.

- Brian Adams (1959) - guitarist, rock musician and songwriter. Since childhood, traveled a lot and traveled a huge number of countries. At fifteen, Adams became interested in the guitar and quickly mastered it, and a few years later he opened his own recording studio. The debut album was released in 1980, but success did not come to Brian right away. This happened five years later thanks to his original song "Heaven", which took the first lines of the British-American charts.

- Vivien leigh (1913-1967) - actress who received two Oscars. Young Vivien from three years old participated in theatrical performances, following in the footsteps of her mother working in the theater. From childhood, she instilled in her daughter a love of literature, art and theater. In 1935, her first "adult" debut took place, but the actress received a resounding success in 1938 after the publication of the film with her participation "Gone with the Wind." For the main role, Vivien received the first Oscar.

- Kira Muratova (1934) - famous screenwriter. The first steps in the role of director Kira made at the Odessa film studio. Muratova’s first work was a film called "At the Cool Yar," shot in 1962. After 2 years, she and her husband are making a full-length picture, Our Honest Bread. The attention of the audience was also attracted by such tapes as "Asthenic Syndrome" and "Change of Fate."

- Svyatoslav Roerich (1904-1993) - Russian artist, philosopher and culturologist, who took an active part in the cultural and social life of Russia, the USA and his second homeland - India.

Representatives of such names as Athanasius, Alexander, Emelyan, Vladimir, Ignatius, Ivan, Maxim, Peter, Nikolai and Jacob will celebrate Angel Day on November 5th.

Realism is the most striking quality of people born on November 5. They are always open, straightforward, they do not like craftiness, falsehood and lies. They are fighters for the preservation of their own individuality and often make themselves the worst enemies. Such personalities are constantly drawn to knowledge and try, keeping up, to keep up with the times.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).