Diet bike: an effective way to get in shape. How to use a bike for weight loss, benefits, rules of employment


A weight loss bike is a great way to lose a few extra pounds and improve your health.

In addition, such a dynamic sports walk in the fresh air perfectly cheers up. You can use a bike for weight loss at any age for people with any complexion.

However, it’s not enough just to ride in a circle every day for 30-40 minutes, if there are some training rules that you need to follow to achieve the best result.

Weight Loss Bike: Key Benefits of Weight Loss Techniques

Riding a bicycle on the street is much nicer than doing exercise equipment at home. This method of weight loss has a lot of positive aspects.

Diet Bike: Benefits

1. Strengthens the immune system, normalizes the work of the heart, respiratory system.

2. Increases the stamina of the body, develops proper posture.

3. One right bike ride burns 750 Kcal per hour - for those who want to lose weight, this is an excellent result.

4. Riding a bicycle makes almost all muscle groups work - gluteal, femoral, calf, abs, spinal.

5. If you conduct classes regularly, the result will not be long in coming. After the first week of training, weight loss will be noticeable. For a month you can get rid of 6-7 kg.

6. Fat begins to break down 20 minutes after the start of classes - this is more effective than training in a fitness club.

7. The bicycle favorably affects the general state of health.

8. Such transport takes up very little space; it can be stored in the house.

Disadvantages of Using a Weight Loss Bike

Before starting training, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of this method.

The main claims of those who lost weight with bike rides

1. If you take the wrong posture during the trip, your back will hurt. Excess weight will not go away so quickly, the calf muscles begin to build up.

2. Seasonality. Cycling is more suitable for spring and summer, in winter it is almost impossible to conduct such a training.

3. After the first training, a person will feel tired, so taking out vehicles on the street the next morning simply will not have the strength and desire.

How to choose the right bike to maximize your performance

Of course, a special bike for weight loss does not exist. For classes, the usual model for city walks is perfect. If there is no transport, and it is necessary to purchase it in order to keep fit, you need to know a few nuances that are paid attention in the first place.

When a person mounts a bicycle, the frame should be located approximately 10 cm below the waist. It is very important. This design will allow you to evenly distribute the load during training. The same attention is paid to the wheels, the number of speeds.

If the vehicle is purchased in order to lose weight, it must be equipped with a bike computer. The following information is displayed on the device screen:

• pulse (frequency);

• expended energy (in kcal);

• stopwatch;

• mileage traveled;

• speed.

An electronic device can also be purchased separately. It is mounted on the steering wheel, at any time a person will be able to look at the screen and roughly calculate the result achieved. The process of losing weight with a bike computer is greatly simplified.

Diet Bike: The Right Approach to Exercise

Before using a bike for weight loss, you need to take care of your safety. The following equipment will be required:

• comfortable breathable sneakers to prevent sweating;

• bicycle gloves so that your hands do not sweat and do not slide off the steering wheel;

• lined shorts that prevent rubbing of the legs and inguinal area;

• knee pads, elbow pieces and helmet.

Beginners should use the slimming bike very carefully. You can not immediately excessively load yourself, otherwise the next day everything will hurt. The first 2-3 weeks are best to ride at an average speed in the park. Then the task becomes more complicated - a road section with slides is selected.

Important! If you have overcome a strong feeling of tiredness, you must definitely stop and walk for 10-15 minutes.

Proper nutrition

If a person does not switch to proper nutrition, not a single simulator will help him lose weight, even a bike ride will not give the expected effect.

The basic rules of building a diet when using a bike for weight loss

1. Fast foods, oily and excessively high-calorie foods should be discarded.

2. Chocolate is allowed, but not more than 30 grams per day.

3. For breakfast, the emphasis is on protein foods. For example, a homemade protein shake is great. It will give a feeling of fullness and give a surge of strength for training.

4. If you want a snack, for this it is better to take fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. You need to eat dinner 3 hours before bedtime so that the food can be processed.

6. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times, but in small portions. This approach will allow you to not feel hunger, while overweight will not accumulate.

Rules and Useful Tips for Using a Weight Loss Bike

If a person clearly decided what result he wants to achieve, you need to prepare for serious work. A bike for weight loss gives an excellent result, but only if you follow some simple rules.

1. Start by charging at home. It is recommended to prepare the muscles a bit beforehand. It is enough to do a couple of simple exercises to stretch - these are squats, push-ups, bends to the side, abs.

2. You need to do it every other day. The optimal duration of one walk is the first weeks of 40 minutes, then 10 minutes is gradually added. This approach will prepare the body, the muscles will not hurt much from overvoltage. If you can ride 2 times a day (in the morning and 1 hour before bedtime) - this is excellent.

3. Pulse - when using a bike for weight loss, you constantly need to monitor it. The optimal frequency is 150 beats per minute. In the event that a person feels unwell and the pulse begins to go off scale, you need to stop and relax a bit on the bench. When everything is fine with the frequency, it is recommended to increase the ride speed so that calories are burned faster.

4. The optimal training is to drive for 10 minutes on a flat road, then go along the same track for 15 minutes with acceleration, then return to the original pace. When the body rests a bit, you need to find the terrain with hillocks and the rest of the time to go there to provide a large load on the muscles.

5. For all muscles to work evenly, the landing on the transport must be athletic. The steering wheel should be level with the seat. As for the pedals, the legs are positioned so that during the ride they alternately fully straightened.

It is strictly forbidden to eat 1 hour before a bike ride, otherwise a person will experience unpleasant pain in the abdomen.

Can I drink during training? Need to! The human body will lose a lot of fluid, in order to avoid ailments, this stock must be replenished. For 2 hours of using the bike for weight loss, the optimal amount of water is 600-700 ml. The main thing is not to drink all at once, but in small sips every 20 minutes.

Contraindications of using a bike for weight loss

Despite the large number of advantages, not everyone can afford to use transport for weight loss.

Riding a bike is not recommended:

• in the presence of diseases of the spine, joints, feet, knees;

• in the presence of diseases of the lungs, heart;

• with varicose veins;

• if the vestibular apparatus is not working properly;

• during pregnancy and lactation.

A bike for weight loss is more effective than many exercise machines. In addition, if you choose the right transport and properly store your "friend", it will last a long time. During training, you must not forget to breathe correctly (with your nose, mouth), it is also important to follow the important rules presented above. If you comply with all the requirements, excess weight will "melt before our eyes." Regular training on a bicycle will help you find your desired figure, strengthen your health and allow you to constantly keep yourself in good shape.


Watch the video: Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly (July 2024).