Why the full moon dreams: what the dream books of Miller, Nostradamus, Wangi and others say. Interpretation of dreams about the moon and the month in the sky


Walking under the moon - most people immediately have romantic associations associated with love adventures and passionate feelings.

But not everyone knows what the appearance of the moon in a dream means.

So, why the full moon is dreaming: this material will be devoted to this interesting topic.

What is the dream of the full moon

For a more accurate interpretation of such a dream, one should pay attention to some features of sleep, its plot, but most importantly, in what form did this Earth satellite appear before you: it was a full moon or a young, cutting month. To begin with, consider the most common dream of such a plan, namely the full moon.

1. The moon in a dream is a harbinger of meeting a charming stranger for a single woman. It is likely that this meeting will be crucial, and the woman will find for herself a reliable life partner. In addition, the full moon in a dream is a very good sign for people doing business, because it can portend success and development in business.

2. If you dreamed of a full moon having an unusual shade or glow - this is a sign that you should pay more attention to your soulmate. Otherwise, your relationship may crash at the first serious quarrel.

3. The dream in which you had a full moon is a symbol that fully reflects your integrity and unique consonance of your inner world. In other words, you live in complete harmony with your physical and spiritual selves.

4. Also, the appearance of a full moon in your dream testifies to you as a person who absolutely trusts his intuition;

5. If you have a very bright moon, not obscured by anything, this is a harbinger of positive news that will lead your life to favorable changes and excellent prospects for the future;

6. To see the dark moon in a dream is a bad dream, indicating that a black streak will soon come in your life, expect a number of negative news and events, so you should be especially vigilant in this period.

What if I dream of a young month

In addition to the full moon, quite often a young month appears in a dream. Be careful, they have completely different interpretations.

1) To dream of a young month surrounded by bright stars is a symbol of your attempts to stop loving your former partner. If there are a lot of stars in the sky, you will soon be able to do it, if not enough, it will take a long time before you forget about this person;

2) if the month in a dream is turned to the right side - this is a sign of joy and love, to the left - to strong, mutual feelings;

3) if you have a young month in the sky during the day - expect new assignments from the authorities;

4) to see a young month surrounded by a very bright glow - this is a sign that you will very soon go to a distant country;

5) to see that someone is sitting for a month - to a difficult conversation with a second half;

6) to see a month with a broken edge is a sign of groundless jealousy;

7) if you saw two or more months in the sky - expect a meeting with people whom you have not seen for a long time, perhaps with classmates;

8) to see a young, cutting month, which all the time strives to hide behind the clouds - you know, your loved ones are waiting for your arrival. If the clouds float without dimming the month - to the welcome guests who are always welcome in your home;

9) to observe the young month through a telescope - to a rash act, if you look at it with binoculars - this is a symbol of your attempts to surprise your partner.

What is the dream of the full moon in Miller’s dream book

• See the full moon in a dream - to success in business and in personal life;

• if an unusual, huge moon appeared to you, this is a bad sign promising a love affair with bad consequences, problems in the family and in business;

• seeing a lunar eclipse in a dream is a bad sign foreshadowing an epidemic of a contagious disease that will affect your family and friends;

• to see the young moon in a dream - a sign of prosperity and meeting a reliable person with whom you will have a strong alliance in the future;

• if a young girl in her dream asks the moon to tell her about her fate - this is a good sign that promises her a future marriage with a worthy groom;

• observe two moons in a dream - a sign of loss of love due to their own commercialism.

What is the dream of the full moon on Wang’s dream book

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga believes that the appearance of a full moon in a dream does not bode well for the planet in general, and for the dreamer in particular, nothing good. Difficult times promise for all the inhabitants of the planet, since the Dark Forces will begin to show great activity, thereby preventing people from living normally. Also, the dream book of Vangelius suggests the following interpretations:

• dreaming about the reflection of the moon in the water is a sign that all your expectations and hopes will be in vain, as they will ultimately not come true. Your unlimited trust in a person will be deceived, because he is inclined to let you down at any moment;

• to see moonlight in a dream is a good sign that promises you in the near future an interesting journey to distant lands. At the same time, the trip itself will be somewhat unexpected and will bring you a lot of pleasure;

• if you dreamed about how the moon literally split into two parts - this is a global dream, which signals that a new religion will soon emerge, which can split society very much;

• if you see yourself flying in a dream - this is a good sign that promises you great prospects. There is a high probability that you will succeed in some serious achievement, for example, you will make an important scientific discovery or write an excellent book.

What does the moon dream about in the dream book of Nostradamus

Michel Nostradamus believes that the moon symbolizes a sign of secret power, secrecy, surprises. He describes dreams with this image as a sign of some global accomplishments in the world.

• Seeing the full moon in a dream is a global sign symbolizing the imminent coming of a large number of witches and sorcerers to Earth. For the dreamer himself, such a dream could portend a meeting with a sorcerer, which could have a serious impact on his fate;

• if the moon with a bright red color or a crimson color appeared to you, this is a warning sign for the entire planet, promising wars and environmental disasters;

• the appearance of dark spots on the moon in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that the power in your country will soon change;

• seeing moonlight in a dream is a sign that in real life you will have to face a serious problem, getting rid of which will be very difficult;

• to see a moonlight reflection in a dream in a water or a mirror - expect serious and unexpected twists of fate;

• if in your dream the moon has split into two parts - this is a sign that you are mentally exhausted and you lack peace of mind. Also, such a dream symbolizes doubts when choosing the right path in life.

What does the moon dream about in Freud’s dream book

The moon, according to Sigmund Freud, is a symbol of your sexual partner, respectively, all dreams with this heavenly luminary will, in one way or another, relate to this person.

• If the moon appeared to you full and too bright - this is a sign that you do not really like how your other half behaves in bed. It is likely that some of the bedding games suit you, but this does not mean that you should combine your fate with an unloved person, since this union will not bring happiness to anyone;

• see the moon hiding behind the clouds - to minor quarrels with the second half, but serious consequences will not follow;

• see the waning moon in a dream - your feelings will soon cool off, the growing one will reappear.

What is the moon dreaming about in the dream book of Heinrich Rommel

• The full moon in a dream - to luck in business, happiness in personal life, a sign of pleasant surprise. In some cases, such a dream foreshadows danger, loss, serious changes in life;

• a young month is a sign of an imminent wedding, a successful trip, prosperity;

• see a flawed moon - to unjustified expectations;

• Seeing a moon with clouds in a dream is a sign of an imminent marriage; for a family person, such a dream promises an early birth of a child;

• red, crimson moon - to the illness or problems of someone from relatives or work colleagues;

• lunar eclipse - a sign of epidemics and material waste;

• if a young girl saw two moons in a dream - this is a sign that she will lose her lover because of her commercialism.


Watch the video: Full Moon Dreams (June 2024).