Want to lose weight? Sleep more!


The Canadian Canadian Medical Association Journal published a study that found: adequate and high-quality sleep is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to lose weight, and should be recommended by doctors along with a rational diet and exercise.

Limiting calorie intake, as well as increasing physical activity are always recommended for weight loss. However, there is considerable evidence that inadequate sleep contributes to obesity. Scientists explain this very simply: lack of sleep creates an incentive for more food intake and increases the activity of hormones that regulate appetite.

As part of the study, an experiment was conducted with two groups of volunteers suffering from obesity. Participants from one group slept five and a half hours a day, and from another — three hours more. During the experiment, which lasted two weeks, the weight of participants from the second group decreased by 60% more than that of representatives of the first group.

"The solution to the problem of weight loss can’t be simply reduced to the recommendations of" eat less, move more, sleep more, "write Dr. Jean-Philippe Chapu of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute in Ottawa, Ontario and Angelo Tremblay of the University of Quebec, Ontario. .

“Nevertheless, the accumulated evidence suggests that total sleep time and quality should not be ignored when prescribing a weight loss program to obese patients. Sleep should be considered an important part of the Healthy Lifestyle package, which traditionally includes only rational nutrition. and physical activity. "

By the way, Canadian researchers from the Canadian Obesity Network have already included enough sleep in the new set of tools for managing obesity to help doctors.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (May 2024).