Available magic of smoothness - how to narrow pores on the face. Narrowing pores on the face - home masks and other products


How often do enlarged pores cause a bad mood?

We can say with confidence that this problem worries a lot of women.

Is it really impossible to get rid of her so that the reflection in the mirror causes a smile, and not bitter disappointment and dissatisfaction with herself.

When and how do enlarged pores appear

As a rule, enlarged pores are a consequence of hormonal changes during the transition period and rearrangements in the body of a teenage girl. The skin at this time becomes more oily, the sebaceous ducts become clogged and, as a result of deformation, pull off the skin, forming an uneven surface similar to an orange peel. During life, skin condition and pore size can change. It depends on lifestyle, nutrition, genetic inheritance, time spent in direct sunlight, bad habits, diseases of the body, quality of cosmetics used, proper skin care. Porous skin, most often oily, dull, with a grayish tint. It looks tight and groomed. Black dots create a general unhealthy appearance, and inflammation, which often appears, turns into new pores, again and again, testing the nerves of their "hostesses" for strength.

How to narrow the pores on the face - accents, reasons, tips

In order to see positive changes on your face, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition. Do you welcome smoking, drinking? Do you like fatty, salty and spicy foods? If at a young age we needed to start proper skin care, which would lead to a smoothing of the skin on the face, then the older we get, the more often we have to think, how to narrow the pores on the face more effectively and efficiently?

Review your diet. Eliminate foods that make the skin actively "work" on the release of excess fat. Limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates.

Remove the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol, because these "irritants" contribute to the change in the walls of blood vessels, the destruction of collagen in the skin cells, imbalance and disorders in the subcutaneous fat, which leads to deformation of the skin.

Keep track of your sun exposure. Possible skin burns can cause changes in the sebaceous glands.

The health of all internal organs is another way to keep your skin smooth. Very often, pores occur on the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. This may indicate gastrointestinal problems. And with external procedures alone, the skin cannot be saved from the gray appearance and inflammation.

How do cosmetologists narrow pores on the face?

It is no secret that modern cosmetology and medicine offer many procedures to improve facial skin. I think that each of the women who faced the problem of facial porosity thought about which doctor or cosmetologist to entrust the solution to their problem.

And if everything is clear with plastic surgeons, then cosmetologists have something to surprise us with. Some names of procedures are worth something. Briefly, we will analyze each.

Acid peeling or biological exfoliation It is produced with the help of enzymes acting on the skin gently and gently. That is why the effect will be visible after five or six procedures performed once a week - not more often;

Microdermabrasion - a unique procedure in its effectiveness and content of microcrystals of aluminum oxide. It deeply cleanses the pores, smooths the walls of porous changes, removes the keratinized layer of cells, contributing to the rapid regeneration and smoothing of the skin surface.

The mesotherapy procedure is aimed at delivering vitamin, nucleic and amino acid compounds to the dermis. They are introduced under the skin in microscopic volumes, using a syringe with special needles. Cocktail injections are selected individually based on needs. They work, directly, with the problem.

Cryotherapy (cryomassage) is made taking into account the needs of the skin. The procedure involves local exposure to cold. Liquid nitrogen, on the basis of which this procedure is carried out, is not applied to the skin, but works, thanks to close contact with the face. The metabolic processes in tissues are enhanced, which leads to smoothing of porous surfaces.

Using a laser, Thanks to the bactericidal effect on the skin, it allows you to remove visible signs of inflammation, smooth out scars and pores. At home, this procedure is impossible.

Available analogues of beauty salon procedures

Is there a replacement for beauty salons? Is it possible to produce the best procedures at home with affordable cosmetology products? Consider the ways in which the pores on the face are narrowed at home, simple and effective.

Each of the procedures involves some preliminary steps: cleansing the skin with special creams or solutions, a steam bath for the face to open the pores (five minutes are enough for normal, oily skin and two or three for sensitive skin) or a warm compress. After a steam bath or compress, it is recommended to rest for a while. Twenty minutes is enough. The skin should calm down, redness should disappear.

Masks and compresses are applied to the skin, excluding the area around the eyes, lips, thyroid gland for 15-20 minutes. Wash off, contrasting in temperature, vitamin solutions or water.

For washing, the following vitamin cocktails prepared by yourself are suitable:

1) Pour boiling water over any useful herbs (chamomile, thyme, mint, calendula flowers, sage, etc.). From one or more. Cool, wash or wipe the face twice a day or after special procedures;

2) In purified water (1 liter) add a teaspoon of soda and lemon juice;

3) The water in which vegetables were cooked (potatoes, cabbage, spinach) is very beneficial for the face.

Acid peeling at home can be done using acids found in some fruits and berries. They dissolve dead cells on the surface of the skin, contribute to smoothing. Improve complexion. Here are some recipes for possible peeling masks.

Fruit and berry

1) 20 g - white clay, 1 ml - lemon juice, 25 ml - strawberry or strawberry juice;

2) Half a grated apple + a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + half a teaspoon of honey + a teaspoon of orange or tangerine oil;

3) Mix the juice of viburnum berries with whipped protein of one egg;

4) Two tablespoons of sour apple juice, whipped egg white, a teaspoon of starch (corn, potato);

5) Mash five large strawberries with one teaspoon of lemon or orange juice. Apply on face. If necessary, cover with a paper towel.

Fruit and vegetable. Vegetable

1) A dessert spoon of yogurt or sour kefir, a tablespoon of dried yeast, one teaspoon of olive oil, orange juice, carrot juice, lemon juice. If the skin is too oily, then you do not need to add oil to the mask.

2) Beat the protein of one egg in a steep foam, add two tablespoons of grated cucumber on a fine grater. Or whip everything in a blender. Apply to skin, top with a paper or gauze napkin so that the composition does not run down the face;

3) Mix the juice of sauerkraut (25 ml) with a tablespoon of kefir, add a teaspoon of oatmeal.

Protein-lemon, yolk-lemon

1) Beat the protein of one egg with one teaspoon of lemon juice;

2) Yolk one egg with a tablespoon of lemon juice.


1) We dilute a quarter cup of hot red wine with one tablespoon of radish juice, add a teaspoon of honey and ground oatmeal. For oily skin, it is better to use dry wine, for normal - semi-dry or dessert;

2) Add a tablespoon of red wine to the grated berries of blackcurrant or red mountain ash. Pour in half beaten egg white. If the skin is normal and not oily, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, preferably from citrus.

Each of the masks is removed from the surface of the face with massage circular movements, as if helping the composition, remove dead cells, thereby smoothing the pores.

Home microdermabrasion

An ingredient that will partially replace the smallest crystals of aluminum oxide can be considered soda. It is worth noting that the effect of its use is quite good and can solve the eternal question: how to narrow the pores on the face at home?

1) Apply soda to a damp face, rub in with light circular motions for 5-10 minutes. Wash off first with warm, then cool water;

2) Mix half a teaspoon of soda with the same amount of fine salt. Apply to damp skin, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Rinse with contrasting temperature solutions.

After applying soda peeling, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing light cream. Rest your skin.

Home Meso- and Cryotherapy

It is difficult to call such procedures homemade, but you can try to saturate the skin with useful substances that will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and help reduce pores or prevent them. Finish the procedure with contrasting lotions. We use wet cotton towels, squeezed from boiling water and extracted from the freezer. They will help tighten pores.

1) Boil carrots and turnips, grind to a puree consistency, apply for fifteen minutes. After removal, make contrasting lotions, applying alternately a very hot napkin, then from the freezer.

2) Mix a teaspoon of condensed milk and any fruit puree (peaches, watermelons, plums, etc.), apply to the skin.

3) A teaspoon of clay is mixed with three tablespoons of sorrel, fruits and leaves of mountain ash, spinach, chopped blender or meat grinder, a few drops of water are added to get a thick sour cream. You can put a mask on the neck. Enough to hold twenty-five minutes.

The procedures considered and the ingredients for them are simple and affordable. Take time for your beauty! You will feel the magic of smooth skin and the question of how to narrow the pores on the face at home will lose its relevance.


Watch the video: DIY Egg mask. Pore shrinking & Skin tightening (July 2024).