World-famous Tacheles art center closed in Berlin


The world famous center of contemporary art and alternative culture "Tacheles" (Taheles) was closed in the European capital. The struggle for its safety, which lasted for many years, was not crowned with success - on September 4, the building was still sealed.

"Tacheles" housed in the premises of a former department store, erected in the Jewish quarter at the beginning of the 20th century, was one of the most interesting sights of Berlin.

This center housed both exhibition halls and art workshops. Theaters, film screenings, paintings and concerts were held here. Craftsmen from all over the world came here to live and create.

The Berlin authorities sold the house in 1998 to Fundus-Gruppe, which intends to build office, residential premises on this site. As a result, the company crashed, and the former department store was in the possession of HSH Nordbank, which put forward demands for its imminent release.

And despite the fact that the master artists for a considerable time period held protests and flash mobs, the owner of the building nevertheless evicted them.


Watch the video: Tacheles, art in the middle of Berlin (July 2024).