How to tighten the oval of the face yourself using home remedies? Effective recipes for lifting face masks at home


In the life of any woman, one day there comes a moment when you have to decide: fight for your beauty or lose ground? Most of us make the right decision and begin work on our appearance. Moreover, in the women's arsenal there are many effective tools: home masks, compresses, massages.

Indications for the use of tightening masks

After 35 years, facial skin care should completely change. Due to the loss of ability to produce its own collagen and elastin in the same quantities as before, the skin begins to sag. The oval of the face "floats", deep skin creases - wrinkles are formed.

Naturally, it’s time to think about how to tighten the skin at home. You can, of course, turn to the services of professional cosmetologists, but this is expensive, because now you have to constantly look after your face. It is much easier to learn how to work with a person yourself, especially since it may be required earlier (for example, after strong weight loss at a young age).

If we talk about the indications for lifting (braces), then lifting face masks should be done regularly if there are the following problems:

• blurred oval of the face;

• the appearance of a second chin and bryly;

• pronounced facial wrinkles from the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, eyelids, forehead, lips;

• decrease in skin tone (sagging, sagging);

• the appearance of excessively pigmented areas.

The question arises, how to tighten the oval of the face at home. The fact is that many women are sure that only cosmetologists armed with mesococtails, needles, lasers and other miracle devices can save the situation. In fact, if desired, the lifting effect can be achieved independently. Of course, you have to work hard, and after achieving the result, continue to work.

The main means of dealing with age-related or “weight loss” sagging is homemade face-lifting masks. They are completely safe, cost a penny, give an excellent result. In addition, you can use contrast wash, frozen decoctions of herbs or ordinary ice, compresses based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, linden blossom, lavender), cosmetic oils.

Most of the ingredients can be found in your own kitchen or in the refrigerator, although something at a symbolic price you need to buy at the nearest pharmacy.

Home tightening masks

Before using lifting tools with your own hands, you need to prepare your face for the procedure. No, you don’t have to do anything special. But here it is necessary to cleanse the skin from cosmetics.

It is important to understand the meaning of lifting. It is important not only to know how to tighten the oval of the face, but how to ensure the correct procedure. It is fundamentally wrong to apply a mask to the face and continue to do their own thing. The fact is that when lifting effect is provided by two indispensable conditions:

• correct (full and deep) penetration of active components deep into the dermis;

• complete immobility of the muscles of the face, neck.

Chatting with a girlfriend on the phone, smeared with sour cream or strawberries, is possible only if the mask should nourish or whiten the skin, remove dryness or greasy, etc. If we want to get a tightening effect, we need to give the muscles the opportunity to fully relax and fix them in this position.

Therefore, a lifting face mask at home is carried out exclusively in a horizontal position. You need to forget about facial expressions for 20-30 minutes: you can neither grimace, nor talk, nor even smile. If you ignore these requirements, you can not tighten, but stretch the skin even more, plus add a couple of fresh wrinkles.

It is important to choose the components for a firming face mask based on skin type. Age skin is usually dry. Oatmeal or honey recipes are suitable for her.

Sour cream

For one procedure, you need half a glass of oatmeal (increase skin elasticity due to the high content of vitamin B), a tablespoon of fat sour cream (saturates the dermis with fatty acids) and a teaspoon of olive oil (moisturizes). Oatmeal should be turned into flour, pour boiling water or hot milk. Combine with other components and apply on face.

Honey Lemon

Very good effect on aging skin. You need to mix half a teaspoon of honey, as much kaolin (white cosmetic clay) and a teaspoon of fresh lime juice. After the mask is washed off, you need to apply a cold compress to your face (this will enhance the result).

For oily skin, fruit acids and chicken egg protein are suitable. They remove excess sebum and simultaneously tighten the skin.

Protein and Fruit

For this mask, it’s good to take ripe persimmon. The fruit contains tannins (excellent lift) and carotene (degreases the surface of the skin). A tablespoon of persimmon pulp puree should be mixed with one protein (raw) and a spoonful of oatmeal flour (additionally saturate with “rejuvenating” vitamin B). After washing off the face, you need to apply morning or evening cream.

Citrus honey

No less effective mask from a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice of lemon, orange, lime or other citrus. Juice should be mixed with protein and a teaspoon of honey. After washing off the cream must be applied. This tightening face mask at home needs to be kept smaller than everyone else. Fifteen minutes is enough, otherwise fruit acids can burn the skin.

For young skin, which sagged after a sharp weight loss, you can use such recipes.

Protein Cucumber

Puree one small fresh cucumber, cutting off the skin and removing the seeds. Mix the mixture with protein and a teaspoon of olive oil. The mask will not only perfectly tighten, but also whiten the face, smooth out emerging wrinkles and give a fresh, healthy look.

Dill oatmeal

Finely chopped dill greens or grind with a mortar. Mix a teaspoon of dill puree with the same amount of linseed (fresh, not rancid) oil and oatmeal.

Starch and Gelatin Masks

Starchy gelatin tightening face masks stand apart in home face care. The thing is that they have a high ability to simulate an oval, and therefore are particularly effective.

Very popular homemade "gelatin lift." It is gelatin that contains in its composition substances that are very close to the "native" elastic skin and collagen for human skin. Therefore, with regular application, gelatin masks literally erase wrinkles, return turgor, and make the face more fresh.


The classic version of the mask for lifting the oval fits any type of skin and includes a teaspoon of gelatin powder, a little water (as recommended by the manufacturer), a teaspoon of wheat flour, a tablespoon of kefir. Soak gelatin in water, wait for swelling, dissolve on fire. Then add the remaining components, hold on the face for half an hour, rinse. It remains to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.


A wonderful mask that instantly tightens your face consists of a teaspoon of gelatin powder, a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), the same amount of rye flour. Gelatin according to the instructions must be filled with water. Mix the swollen grains with honey, glycerin and flour, warm in a water bath until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Drizzle a slightly cooled mixture on a woven napkin and apply on face.

Starchy Carrot

Starch also belongs to the very popular means for the preparation of tightening masks. Many people compare the result of using this wonderful home remedy with Botox. You will need a tablespoon of ordinary potato starch, 600 ml of water, fresh carrots and a tablespoon of cream. From this number of components, a volume is obtained that is enough for 2-3 days.

Carrots need to be finely grated and measure out five tablespoons of mashed potatoes. Dissolve starch in half a glass of water, then pour in the remaining water and thicken the solution over low heat. When it cools, add carrot puree and cream. Apply to face, rinse and enjoy an amazing result.

Warm and cold compresses

Not only masks need to be included in the permanent care of a wilting person who has lost elasticity. Beauticians know how to tighten the skin of the face at home, and therefore are advised to include contrasting rubbing with frozen ice cubes or at least contrasting washing in the care. You can simply alternate the temperature of the water (one palm warm, the other cold) 5-7 times.

Pharmacy chamomile, calendula, linden blossom, mint, sage works great on aging skin. Dried raw materials must be brewed, cooled, filtered, poured into ice molds and frozen. Use frozen healing ice in the morning, so that the skin gets a tone and tightens. The pores are narrowed, and the complexion improves significantly, it becomes even.

A great way to tighten herbal compresses. How to tighten the oval of the face in this way? Brew herbs, strain. Warm the broth, soak it with a napkin made of natural fabric (a bike is suitable, folded several times cotton, flannel) and put on the face for about five minutes. When the fabric cools down, soak it again with warm broth and repeat the procedure another 4-5 times.

Decoctions for warm compresses can be prepared from rose hips, plantain, birch bark, parsley or dill. An excellent cold compress will turn out if you mix half a glass of cold water and three tablespoons of aloe juice. The fabric impregnated with the composition must be applied to the face, covered with plastic wrap on top and held for at least ten minutes. Instead of aloe, you can use fresh juice from an apple or cucumber.

Use masks and compresses to obtain a pronounced tightening effect should be at least three times a week. If you are not lazy, then home care can be no worse than professional.


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