The happiest period in a woman's life begins at 50


Scientists called the fiftieth anniversary the happiest and best period for a woman. Just at this time, most women begin to really enjoy well-being, relationships and sex.

Researchers interviewed 1,500 respondents whose ages ranged from 20-65 years. It turned out that almost half of adult women (49%) felt much happier overcoming the fifty-year milestone. 25% of women did not hide the fact that they began to enjoy sex more (every fifth woman had sex about once every seven days, and this is similar to that for 20-year-old girls).

Women over 50 paid more attention to physical education than women younger. In 2012, 42% of women began to do fitness, 23% - planned to do it next year. For comparison: the corresponding indicator for 20-year-old women was only 15%.

50% of the survey participants who were married reported that after fifty years they noticed clear improvements in their relationship with their partner. The following fact is noteworthy: half of the women in this age category continued to acquire attractive and sexy lingerie.

Despite this, 93% of those surveyed said they felt a little embarrassed, as their behavior violates the principles transmitted by their mothers. 64% of women called their adult children friends, and a special understanding was noted with their daughters. 85% would prefer the media to popularize a more active and successful image of a fifty-year-old woman.
