Five-minute blueberries - a simple preparation for the winter. Various options for making five-minute jam from blueberries


Blueberries are an amazing berry.

Combines great benefit and affordability.

It grows in nature, but can be grown in your garden or in the country. H

that is what many gardeners do.

After all, fresh blueberries are a source of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

It fills a person with strength, improves digestion, and helps fight the harmful effects of the environment.

Plus wonderful soft, sweet, sour taste.

However, the berry season is not too long, but you want blueberries both in winter, and in early spring, and late autumn.

Therefore, the berries are harvested for future use.

Five-minute jam from blueberries will help to maintain maximum taste and, most importantly, benefits. It is called so because it prepares quickly.

The basic principles of preparing a five-minute of blueberries

Blueberries for five-minute jam are fresh, ripe, recently harvested.

First of all, the berry needs to be prepared. This is a simple matter - from blueberries you need to remove the leaves and accidentally trash, rinse.

There are several options below. In some, blueberries are filled with sugar and slowly heated. Sugar melts, after boiling jam is boiled for several minutes. In other cases, syrup is first prepared from water and sugar. Blueberries are already placed in it and also cooked briefly.

There are options when the five-minute cool and boil again. In any case, the cooking time does not exceed five minutes.

Ready jam can be poured hot over the jars and closed with metal lids. You can cool in jars and only then cover with capron lids. Depends on where it will be stored - under iron covers you can leave without a refrigerator and for a longer period.

Five-minute blueberry can be prepared by adding other berries - most often it is forest strawberries, strawberries, black currants.

A simple recipe for making five-minute blueberries

This is a basic recipe that tells you how to quickly, simply and easily make a five-minute jam from blueberries. The result is wonderful - it tastes good, the consistency is thick, but not too much. It can be consumed with tea or used as a filling for baking. Having mastered the basic recipe, you can already try to make your own additions and changes.


  • Take blueberries and sugar equally by weight, nothing else is needed

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the blueberries well, weigh, pour into a cooking container.

  2. There, weigh an equal portion of sugar.

  3. Stir and put on a small fire.

  4. Stir occasionally, observe that the sugar melts, in no case sticking.

  5. When all the sugar has dissolved, you can add a little fire, if the jam is not boiling.

  6. As soon as the first good “bullets” appear, time is spotted.

  7. Cook for no more than five minutes with an active, but not excessive boil.

  8. Stir. After time, remove the jam from the fire and pour into prepared jars.

Five Minute Blueberry Lemon Flavor

Often blueberries get to the hostess in a too sweet form. This happens when the berry is much too ripe. The jam from it is too sweet. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the amount of sugar and add lemon juice. And if the mixture is also enriched with zest of lemon, a dessert comes out with a pleasant additional shade of taste and aroma.


  • Very ripe blueberries - about a kilogram

  • Sugar is taken a little less - about 800 grams, but sweet tooth can take a whole kilogram

  • Large lemon or two small

  • 100 ml of water

Cooking method

  1. Combine water and sugar in a container for jam and put on a small fire to make syrup. Heat, stirring, until boiling.

  2. Grate zest with lemon, the more the better.

  3. After that squeeze the juice, also the maximum amount.

  4. Rinse the blueberries well, drain them and load them into boiling syrup.

  5. Stir, add lemon zest and cook for no more than five minutes.

  6. Pour lemon juice into the jam, mix thoroughly and remove the container from the heat.

  7. You can pour it into jars or, having cooled, serve.

Five Minute Blueberry Jelly

To get blueberry jelly, you need to boil the berries for about forty minutes. Of course, many vitamins are lost with this method. However, there is a recipe for making blueberry jelly-five minutes. Here you can not do without assistants - gelling additives. It can be agar-agar, gelatin, pectin, gelfix. Use them according to the recommendations on the packaging.


  • About a kilogram of ripe blueberries

  • A pound of granulated sugar

  • Package 1: 2

Cooking method

  1. Sort blueberries, rinse, hold in a colander to glass the water.

  2. Mix jellyfix with sugar.

  3. Combine sugar and blueberries, put on fire.

  4. When heated, the sugar in the mixture will melt, and blueberries secrete juice. It is necessary to ensure that the sugar is saturated with juice and does not burn.

  5. When the jam begins to boil while stirring, time will be noted.

  6. Four minutes later remove from heat. Allow to stand for a quarter of an hour or a little less.

  7. A blender walks well over blueberry jam. He will chop the mashed berries. Optionally, you can puree the whole mixture or leave part of the berries whole.

  8. Put the mixture back on fire and bring to a good boil.

  9. Remove, pour into banks. If you plan not to store dessert, but to use it in the near future, you can not boil the mixture a second time.

Thicker and firmer: a five-minute blueberry triple "hardening"

The traditional five-minute period is not too thick, you can choose berries from it, and put the syrup on the fruit drink. However, many people like jam more thickly. Especially if you plan to use it on the filling for baking. How to cook thick jam without long cooking?


  • A kilogram of blueberries

  • A kilogram of sugar - more or less is possible depending on the sweetness of the berry and the desired result

Cooking method

  1. Wash blueberries, remove excess water, pour into a bowl for cooking jam.

  2. Pour sugar, mix well, squeezing slightly with a spoon.

  3. Let stand a couple of hours to stand out more juice. Stir occasionally.

  4. Put on medium heat, make sure that it does not burn.

  5. Bring to a boil and let it boil for a couple of minutes.

  6. Remove from heat, allow to cool completely. Jam should stand for at least 12 hours.

  7. Then again put on medium heat, let it boil for a couple of minutes, remove for 12 hours.

  8. After the third such "hardening" the jam will be thick, viscous. Pour into banks and remove after cooling to storage.

Blueberry five-minute "Fragrant"

Filling blueberry wild berry jam with aromas of forest, nature, and grassy herbs is an original idea! Anyone who loves herbal teas and various mixes should try. The main thing is to find suitable plants. However, there is no solid recipe here, the composition of the additives can vary. If there is no way to disrupt them, you can buy in a pharmacy!


  • About two kilograms of blueberries

  • Sugar is needed one and a half - two times less, such jam should not be too sugary

  • By a small bunch or a bunch of currant leaves, strawberries, sprigs of mint, lemon balm, thyme, oregano and other herbs, if desired.

  • Half a glass of water

Cooking method

  1. Cook the berries in the usual way - choose garbage, rinse well.

  2. Combine water and sugar in a cooking container, put on fire, let it boil a little.

  3. Herbs, dry or fresh, can be folded together and tied in gauze, you can wrap them well with a piece of bandage, the main thing is that the threads do not come off and the herbs are well fixed.

  4. In the syrup lay the berries and boil for five minutes.

  5. If the herbs are dried, dip them into the jam immediately at the beginning of the boil. If the plants are ripped fresh, they are more tender and boiling will kill the aromas. A bunch of fresh herbs should be added to the jam at the last minute, before being removed from the heat.

  6. The peculiarity of this jam is that it should cool in a large container - in which it was boiled or poured into another, but always with herbs. When completely cooled, herbs can be pulled out.

Five Minute of Blueberries and Strawberries

Combine several forest berries together, add sugar and boil a little - a wonderful jam will come out, full of vitamins, tastes and smells. For this jam, it is better not to take garden strawberries. Aromatic wild strawberries, as well as field strawberries that grow in meadows and steppes, are perfect.


  • A pound of blueberries

  • Half a kilogram of strawberries - you can choose other proportions

  • A kilogram of sugar - the amount varies depending on the sweetness of the berries and their tastes

  • Bunch of strawberry leaves

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the berries. Have strawberries tear off "tails" - sepals.

  2. Put the berries together and cover with sugar. After about an hour, the juice will appear.

  3. Put a container with berries and sugar on the fire and stir so that the sugar dissolves well.

  4. When the jam begins to boil, reduce the heat and let cook for five minutes.

  5. Before turning off, put a tightly bound bunch of leaves for a greater aroma.

  6. Allow to stand after removing from the fire for five minutes and pour into cans, remove leaves or put in one of the cans - it will be the most stocky.

  7. If the jam is very liquid, cool and boil again. Leaves add to the last boil.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking Five Minutes from Blueberries

  • Cook jam is necessary in an enamel bowl.
  • It is best to mix five minutes with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  • The amount of sugar in a five-minute period is not important, especially if it is a rolled can. Preservation depends on tightness and sterility. And sugar in jam is put to taste.
  • To give berries with sugar more juice, they can be put in a warm place.
  • Blueberries will lose less nutrients if they are cooked with a slight boil, and not with strong boiling. For this, the fire should be medium.
  • If the berries are slightly unripe, it is better to cook five minutes in several stages. A thicker consistency of jam is also achieved by this.


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