Alder - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Alder - general description

Alder - a low tree or bush with an ovoid crown from the birch family. It can reach a height of 5 to 15 meters. Young branches with liquid pubescence, sticky. The trunk is covered with gray smooth bark. The leaves are ovoid-round in shape, densely pubescent on both sides, soft-haired. The flowers collected in catkins are same-sex. Female flowers are oval, short, in groups of 3-8, and male flowers are sessile, long, 3-5. Fruits (single-seed nuts) are collected in oblong cones. Alder blooms in March - April. Soplodia ripen in the fall.

Alder - types and places of growth

In total there are 47 species of alder; 12 of them grow in Russia. Most common in Western Siberia, the European part and the Caucasus. Most often we have black (sticky) and gray alder. She prefers drained soils along the shores of lakes and in river valleys.

Alder - healing properties

Collodion, bark and leaves of alder have astringent properties, are used to treat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and to gargle. Leaves are considered an excellent diaphoretic for colds. Also, they are used fresh or in the form of a decoction for washing, compresses in the treatment of abscesses and wounds.

Alder effectively helps with hemorrhoids, allergies, stomatitis and bleeding gums, dysentery, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach pains, rheumatism, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, itchy rashes, scrofula, dermatitis and burns.

Alder has proven itself in the treatment of conjunctivitis, sexually transmitted diseases, bleeding, sore throat and fever, infant diathesis and eczema.

There is evidence of the successful use of dye alder bark and sticky alder leaves in the treatment of cancer. It is also widely used for diarrhea, colitis and enterocolitis, dysentery, as a wound healing agent.

Alder - dosage forms

For therapeutic purposes, use cones (fertility), bark and alder leaves. Saplodia is harvested in autumn and winter, and bark and leaves in spring. Fallen fruit can not be collected. Raw materials are dried in the open air. A decoction of cones and bark is used as a styptic, infusion and tincture of fruit - an astringent. Also, from a decoction of leaves of cones and alder bark, baths are made, both local and general.

Alder - recipes

A decoction of alder cones for chronic enteritis, gastroenteritis: 50 gr. pour raw materials with a liter of water, boil, stand and strain. Reception: on a stack. half an hour before meals 3 p. / day.

A decoction of collecting herbs for the same diagnoses: they take equally the roots of stinging nettles, rhizomes of the cinquefoil and alder cones. 50 gr the mixture is poured with a liter of water, insisted for half a day, after which it is boiled for 10 minutes and filtered. Reception: hot on a stack. 4 p. / Day before meals.

Decoction of alder cones for chronic colitis: 4 gr. pour raw materials with a glass of water brought to a boil, insist a little and strain. Reception: a quarter stack. 3-4 p. / Day.

Tincture of alder cones in chronic colitis: Pour 1 part of the raw material with five parts of 40% alcohol. Reception: 30 cap 3 r. / Day.

Gastric collection in case of enteritis and gastritis: mix the dry rhizomes of the snake highlander with alder fruit in the ratio 1: 2. Table. pour a spoonful of this mixture. water, brought to a boil and insist for half an hour, strain. Reception: a quarter cup 4 r. / Day.

Collection for spastic colitis: take the table. lies. black alder fruit, pharmacy chamomile flowers, common caraway seeds, common marshmallow roots, common fennel fruits, perforated St. John's wort, fruits and leaves of cassia acutifoliate, immortelle sandy flowers, large plantain leaves - 2 tables. tablespoons of this mixture pour 2 stack. water brought to a boil and keep in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Reception: ½ or 1/3 stack. 4 p. / Day before meals.

Alder - contraindications

Alder is strictly forbidden to use for pregnant women, in the lactation period and for allergy sufferers.


Katya 05/02/2016
I like this tree, these sticky leaves, bumps. I once drank a decoction of alder, I was given a drink in the village, came there to visit and caught a cold. I drank a decoction in the evening, and in the morning - there were no signs of a cold left.

Aldina 05/02/2016
I know for sure that the decoction of alder helps against various skin diseases. And the rash passes, and sores, some wounds. And with a cold they drink alder, everything comes out faster. Yes, many people know about this tree as a good, healing remedy.

Valentina 05/02/2016
Well, if alder also helps with cancer, then there is nothing to be said. Indeed, a very valuable tree. I remember that my brother drank a decoction of alder cones, I don’t know from what, in my opinion, from colitis. It seems that is precisely what helped him, for many years he has been pricking and not remembering.

Olya 05/02/2016
N-yes ... Strange, alder helps with allergies, and allergies should not be taken. Anyway. The list of those sores that the alder successfully copes with is huge. Honestly, if you are not pregnant, then you can safely drink it - it will help from something.

Tanya 05/02/2016
About alder, its medicinal properties, my grandmother spoke to me. Especially about the fact that it is possible and necessary to rinse the gums with her decoction if they bleed. And I always suffered with this, and rinsed, and everything went through with me. But, she didn’t do it regularly, but when she “presses”


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